Today I’m working on a larger thought piece for The Big Picture substack, out later this afternoon.
With his latest Time magazine interview, a more “muscular” Joe Biden is emerging, and he’s aiming to reset the narrative about his leadership style. He’s tougher on the border, on Netanyahu, on Russia, and on the press.
But is this a savvy political move, or will his harsher policies on immigration, for example, hurt him further among the progressives that he needs in November?
I’ll explore this shift in the President’s strategy and what it might mean for the election. Be sure you’re subscribed to The Big Picture if you’d like to receive my piece in your inbox! It’s free to subscribe, but as with The Status Kuo, we deeply appreciate our voluntary paid supporters who make this work possible.
Progressives who care about our country will understand that this is a temporary move to make the border more manageable. Stop moving the goalposts for him. He is threading many needles here and doing a really good job.
Something has to be done about corruption in the court system and soon.