The universe and my brain conspired against me this morning, and Hudson and I found ourselves locked out of our studio early in the morning, on the wrong side of the door, keys sitting on the table instead of in my pocket where they belong. So we took a 90 minute walk instead until the office opened, and now sadly I’ve no time left to write my daily piece before my daily meetings begin in 30 minutes. Ah, well.
The younger, more highly-wound me would have been frantically trying to find another way into the room, or showing up at a friend’s unannounced, pup in tow, to try to get online and work. But the more mellow me of today enjoyed the unexpected time out. Hudson and I sat on the pier and watched pelicans and fishermen.
It’s something of a gentle reminder in this politically fraught world. There will be days where things look very bleak, where the news is just plain bad, and there seem to be no ready solutions at hand. Instead of fretting, though, we can take a deep breath, look around at the beauty and wonder that envelopes our lives, and decide, “We’ll get to it tomorrow.”
P.S. If you feel like gifting some love for my efforts on this Valentine’s Day, consider becoming a paid subscriber. I do rely completely on voluntary donations to keep at this, and I so appreciate all the support from this community.
Sometimes the Universe has to step in to slow us down. You are a wise man to listen. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Wait—no Hudson photos?!
Thank you for sharing your humanity and humility with us, Jay.
Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️🌹🎈