I’m writing a pretty major piece for The Big Picture substack today, arriving in inboxes everywhere this afternoon! Yesterday, I admittedly took the first part of the day off for the sake of my own mental health, but I logged back on later in the evening to get a sense of the damage Trump wrought on Day One.
Let’s just say my feeds were very full and were as active as that sharpie pen of his.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. You shouldn’t feel alone if it all feels like too much right now. There’s a ton of bad stuff going on—truly Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. But like my personal hero Michelle Yeoh in that film, I believe we can rise to the challenge and find a way through the chaos.
So in today’s piece in the other substack I write for regularly, I break it all down into more digestible and even actionable buckets of things that suck. Three of them to be precise! My goal is to help turn our generalized anxiety into a more organized plan of defense and counterattack, and for folks to start to feel a quiet confidence that we can handle what’s happening and what’s still to come.
To receive my write up later today, become a subscriber to The Big Picture if you’re not already. It’s free of charge—unless of course you’re feeling generous and would like to become a paid supporter of our efforts!
Remember, don’t go looking for my piece just yet. I usually get around five emails asking where it is! I’m just taking a quick break from it at the moment so I can tell my readers to look out for it.
Okay, back to work now, and I’ll pop into many of your inboxes later this afternoon.
I have a strange feeling that his so-called “Golden Age” will be more like the “Guilded Age”, hoisted on its own petard.🙄 Looking forward to hearing your take.
Thank you for all you are doing.
Heads up on another thing… Seems Facebook arbitrarily decided everyone wants to “follow” tRump & Vance. They automatically selected “follow” for everyone on FB. You have to go in and “ unfollow “ to stop it.
I’m watching to see for more of this.