With so much happening in U.S. law and politics, I’ve become accustomed to simply charging head first into the day’s news and events.
But honestly, today my head is filled with pretty stressful thoughts of a personal nature. And I’m currently visiting my sister and her husband, who have such a lovely home in the British countryside. So rather than attempt to wrest coherent thought from an incoherent jumble, I’m making some English breakfast tea, and then taking the day off from writing for the sake of my mental health.
I will be cross-posting a piece that George Takei and I worked on earlier this week about vigilante justice in America, so look for that one from us out later today.
See you back on here tomorrow—
you gotta put on your own oxygen mask first - take care of you!
We are in for an intense time in this Country as anti-Democracy forces pound on the rule of law, decency and our election process. I recommend everyone take time to refresh and re-center.
Mr. Kuo, go sit on that bench in the picture. Put your feet on the earth.