The GOP Supervisors of Maricopa County Just Owned The “Auditors” Hard. Then They Dared Them To File Their Report.
On Monday night, a hearing took place in Maricopa County, Arizona over eye-popping accusations conveyed by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann from the “Cyber Ninjas” firm and its partners, which are conducting what purports to be an audit of the Maricopa County votes in 2020. It didn’t go well for the Fann or the Ninjas.
In true 2021 style, the battle over the “deleted database” claim played out first over social media, doing widespread damage and fueling conspiracy theories and disinformation before it could be debunked. After receiving the claim from the GOP’s “auditors,” Fann published a rushed letter claiming that “the main database for all election related data" for the 2020 election "has been removed,” and demanding the board provide an explanation. Right-wing media such as Breitbart amplified the letter to its readers. The Twitter account for the GOP’s audit went nuclear with the same claim, tweeting, “Maricopa County deleted a directory full of election databases from the 2020 election cycle days before the election equipment was delivered to the audit. This is spoliation of evidence!”
Predictably, ex-president Trump also picked up on this baseless claim and blasted out a false statement, which his followers then shared everywhere. “The entire Database of Maricopa County in Arizona has been DELETED! This is illegal and the Arizona State Senate, who is leading the Forensic Audit, is up in arms.”
The claim was so preposterous that the Republican Recorder of the Maricopa County, Stephen Richter, went public with his exasperation:
“Wow. This is unhinged,” Richer tweeted. “I’m literally looking at our voter registration database on my other screen. Right now. We can’t indulge these insane lies any longer. As a party. As a state. As a country. This is as readily falsifiable as 2+2=5.”
Richer and the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, which has four Republicans and one Democrat on it, issued a scathing statement criticizing the public release of Fann’s letter and the Audit account’s tweet about spoliation before anyone from the County had even had a chance to respond. The 14-page response also walked through a series of errors that the auditors had made, including not properly reconstructing the storage arrays of the database when it had created hard copies of the drive, which left them unable to access otherwise readily accessible data.
The letter itself is notable not just for its technical takedown of the incompetence of Cyber Ninjas, but for its blistering rebuke of what the Arizona GOP is doing with the audit:
That the Senate would launch such a grave accusation via Twitter not only before waiting for an answer to your questions, but also before your so called “audit” demonstrates to the world that the Arizona Senate is not acting in good faith, has no intention of learning anything about the November 2020 General Election, but is only interested in feeding the various festering conspiracy theories that fuel the fundraising schemes of those pulling your strings. You have rented out the once good name of the Arizona State Senate to grifters and con-artists, who are fundraising hard-earned money from our fellow citizens even as your contractors parade around the Coliseum, hunting for bamboo and something they call “kinematic artifacts” while shining purple lights for effect. None of these things are done in a serious audit. The result is that the Arizona Senate is held up to ridicule in every corner of the globe and our democracy is imperiled.
By the end of the hearing, Cyber Ninjas and the Maricopa Audit backers had to retract their claim of a deleted database and admit that they had been looking the wrong way for it. After Ben Cotton, the founder of CyFIR (one of the companies involved in the audit) admitted that the county was correct and that the auditors indeed had access to all of the data, the Maricopa Board’s fury was evident. It tweeted, “Just want to underscore that AZ Senate's @ArizonaAudit account accused Maricopa County of deleting files- which would be a crime- then a day after our technical letter explained they were just looking in the wrong place- all of a sudden 'auditors' have recovered the files.”
This series of events is not unlike the claim made during a challenge to the election results in Michigan by a so-called “election expert” with respect to overcounts in districts which turned out to have been data from neighboring Minnesota. The initial false claim received far more attention and amplification than the careful forensics and final debunking, and many adherents to the Big Lie continue to cite the Michigan data (which was not from Michigan) as evidence of fraud. This is unsurprising, given that Trump himself repeated that very lie at his January 6 rally right before the insurrectionists stormed the Capitol. This is in why audits are normally prepared by official bodies answerable to experienced civil servants who don’t make premature pronouncements. Misinformation, we have learned, can quickly undermine the public’s faith in the democratic process.
There are now growing calls within the GOP to end the charade and halt the “grift disguised as an audit,” as the County described the process. On top of the questionable agenda and the improper fundraising off the audit, the County Supervisors have had it with the incompetence. “They don’t know what they’re doing,” Board Chairman Sellers said of Cyber Ninjas. “And we wouldn’t be asked to do this on-the-job training if qualified auditors had been hired to do this work.”
Drawing a hard line in the sand, the County Supervisors have now agreed they will not provide the auditors any more airtime or cooperation. “This board is done explaining anything,” Sellers said. “People’s ballots and money are not make-believe. It’s time to be done with this craziness, and get on with this county’s critical business.” Sellers promised to challenge in court any conclusions by the audit that pointed toward supposed improprieties. “Finish your report and be ready to defend it in a court of law," he snapped.
Everyone involved in this "audit", belongs in prison. This is insane.
Could they possibly make themselves look any more incompetent this is a farce, so ridiculous they should all be tried and jailed this is beyond insane