I’m working today on a thought piece for The Big Picture, which will publish later this afternoon. I have received many questions from readers about how to think about Trump’s barrage of utterly unqualified, nihilistic and personally repellant nominees. Is he just trying to troll us? Does it matter if we knock one or two back if he’s just going to nominate someone else?
Is there any way to make sense of what is happening with these appointments?
After a few weeks of watching this unfold, I finally have greater clarity, at least in my own mind, over how to view these appointments, including which ones really matter and why. To receive my write-up in your inbox later today, be sure you are subscribed also to The Big Picture, which is a great companion publication to my daily dives here at The Status Kuo. The subscription is free (choose the far right hand option), but of course we welcome voluntary paid support of our efforts!
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See many of you in a few hours—
I think they're making the worst picks possible, knowing full well that these idiots won't be confirmed. Then they will nominate someone just as bad, but with less baggage and hail them as some sort of savior. This also gives the republican senators a little cover as they can point out that they rejected the first choices.
Can’t wait to get your take, Jay. It’s bonkers out there.