Great assessment. Thanks for keeping us so well informed.

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Jay, are there any signs that the FBI is conducting its own investigations at this level?

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In this Stop the Steal Coup, The two executives who would've taken the office of presidency were present in the capitol. The Militias that attacked the capitol were shrieking for the assassinations of both of those executives. Every single other aspect of this event has been presented as its main element, its main thrust, when indeed... The main thrust was to eliminate legal contenders for the office of the presidency... on the date of January sixth, Twenty-Twenty-one. Using a gallows, an army of cultists and zombies against a wall of dignity, Trump and the Republican party failed. But do not discount the motive of the day was to eliminate Pelosi and Pence, then sacrifice on that wall-I am certain of it. Officer Eugene Goodman thwarted the subterfuge of many with his quick thinking and derring-do. Hundreds of other officers made decisions that affected the lessons of both children and adults forever, as well as their own lives. Heroism, duty and responsibility should be honored by the executives who sit on the benches and bars, and see the evidence, and listen to the braggadocio from the defendants as they taunt, and lie, and defame.

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Good work.

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Could be a very rough time for these folks. Or they could roll ... that could be very useful.

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