With its midnight “shadow docket” opinion allowing the nation’s most restrictive—and facially unconstitutional—abortion law to go into effect, the Supreme Court has now invited copycat legislation in other GOP-controlled states that could gut the right to choose for millions of women. This is a bodyblow to five decades of precedent for reproductive rights, first established in Roe v. Wade and reaffirmed in Casey v. Reproductive Services.
The danger actually goes far beyond reproductive rights. The Court’s bare-bones opinion keeping the Texas law on the books gives a nod and wink to all manner of state-level legislative chicanery on other rights as well. Here’s why: The 5-4 majority observed that the federal courts “enjoy the power to enjoin individuals tasked with enforcing laws, not the laws themselves.” Read at face value, this is nothing short of an open invitation to radical lawmakers over all manner of other rights. Because on paper Texas gave no power to the state under S.B. 8 but only to civil litigants to “enforce” an otherwise unconstitutional law, the Court was able to wash its hand of any intervention. And that is a full-blown disaster.
Chief Justice Roberts took this on in his dissent, noting that Texas had “delegated enforcement” of the abortion ban “to the populace at large.” He observed, “The desired consequence appears to be to insulate the State from responsibility for implementing and enforcing the regulatory regime.” Justice Breyer in his separate dissent was more direct in his critique, writing
a “State cannot delegate . . . a veto power [over the right to obtain an abortion] which the state itself is absolutely and totally prohibited from exercising during the first trimester of pregnancy.” Planned Parenthood of Central Mo. v. Danforth, 428 U. S. 52, 69 (1976)….[S]ince the State cannot regulate or proscribe abortion during the first stage…the State cannot delegate authority to any particular person…to prevent abortion during that same period.”
Justice Sotomayor was even more scathing, observing correctly, “It cannot be the case that a State can evade federal judicial scrutiny by outsourcing the enforcement of unconstitutional laws to its citizenry.” In her view, the Supreme Court’s punt on S.B. 8 “has rewarded the State’s effort to delay federal review of a plainly unconstitutional statute, enacted in disregard of the Court’s precedents, through procedural entanglements of the State’s own creation.”
Justice Sotomayor is correct. Under the majority’s logic, any state could now pass a blatantly unconstitutional law then avoid federal judicial review simply by allowing vigilantes rather than state prosecutors to “enforce” it—just as Texas has done by offering a minimum $10,000 bounty to any person who successfully reports others performing or assisting with abortions more than six weeks into a pregnancy. That law is facially unconstitutional under Roe and Casey—but somehow Texas citizens can still sue and bankrupt other parties under it, meaning it has dangerously effective teeth.
It’s not hard to spot the demons that will escape now from this judicial Pandora’s Box. Imagine if Texas reinstituted its prior law banning private, consensual homosexual relations—a statute that was struck down almost twenty years ago in Lawrence v. Texas. It could then offer cash bounties to anyone who successfully reported on the law’s violation, leading to a surveillance state over gay people’s lives and enforced by the most radical elements of society. Under the Supreme Court’s reasoning, the federal courts would have no power to stop this.
As a further example, imagine if Georgia imposed an illegal one-year residency requirement on new voters in order to blunt gains among minorities who recently moved to urban areas like Atlanta from out of state. This would be unconstitutional for a state prosecutor to enforce. But if Georgia cleverly left it to citizens to report voter violations and sue in civil court for cash bounty rewards, under the Supreme Court’s reasoning this law could not be enjoined by federal courts because there are technically no “state actors” involved.
Texas’s S.B. 8 is going to come up for full review by the Court at some point, and the larger question of whether a state can indeed immunize itself from judicial review by permitting vigilante mob rule must be addressed. Rather ominously, it currently appears that at least five members of the Court are willing to permit such laws to move forward, thereby inviting states to craft laws specifically designed to evade federal court oversight. The effect would be devastating, as we are now witnessing in Texas with the shut down of abortion services statewide out of fear of crushing litigation.
How soon before we see other long-cherished rights fall prey to similar tactics? Far-right groups are likely already salivating over the many opportunities this presents.
I keep hearing that the Texas draconian, handmaid's-tale anti-abortion law can't be challenged because it leaves enforcement up to vigilante justice. But this strategy is not new. Qui tam lawsuits have a history going back to Roman and Anglo,-Saxon antecedents. Qui tam, which is an abbreviation of the latin phrase qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur, meaning "[he] who sues in this matter for the king as well as for himself," was used for various issues in England up to the 19th century, including Sunday laws. It is still used in the United States for enforcement of the federal False Claims Act. Qui tam lawsuits may be brought by private individuals, but they are really for the purpose of law enforcement. The government is delegating enforcement to private individuals. Enforcement is still government enforcement. And should be challenged as such.
The obvious move here is for New York or California to pass facially unconstitutional gun restrictions enforced under the same regime. That way, at least the members of the five-judge majority can go ahead and be honest about the hypocrisy.