Good morning, and happy Saturday! The week began with a lot of laughs, courtesy of the Correspondents Dinner in D.C., hosted by Roy Wood Jr. of The Daily Show. Joe Biden maintained the annual tradition of the president roasting others, and himself, after a hiatus from the occupant of the White House during the last administration.
Speaking of which, some recalled that it was President Obama’s jokes at the dinner about Donald Trump, while he was in attendance in the audience some dozen years ago, that helped get us to the mess we are now in.
(I have to say, the Jack Smith parody account almost makes staying on Twitter worth it. Almost.)
So, back to the Correspondents Dinner. President Biden took aim at Fox and it was glorious.
Also, at Marjorie Three Names and Tucker Carlson:
Host Roy Wood got in a great jab, too.
Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) loves to kiss the orange ass of the former guy, but then his own got handed back to him with this exchange.
Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida had another weird week. He continued his international jaunt, apparently to show he has foreign policy experience besides overseeing force-feedings at Guantanamo. DeSantis went to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, and people had some thoughts.
Speaking of Florida and the panic over very-gay-things, GOP Rep. Jeff Holcomb said these charming words on the House floor. But it was Rep. Kelly Skidmore’s reaction that was priceless. Click the image below to view the video on Twitter.
The Writers Guild of America strike had some placard gems on the picket lines. Here were two of my favorites, courtesy of Dylan Park Pettiford on Twitter (@dyllyp)
And one from writer Michael Jamin:
Speaking of getting and keeping good writers, this has to win for best correction EVER.
One of the reasons the Guild is striking is to keep the networks from using AI to write scripts and generate content. The threat is real, as this AI-generated “Alien: The Musical” shows. Am I gonna be out of a composing job on Broadway soon?
Speaking of spectacles, never get on the subway after a Taylor Swift concert has ended. This video is…well, you just have to watch it. Click the image to watch it on Twitter.
I have no idea how this happened, but it’s amazing. Click image to view video.
A good cat video should be followed by a good dog one, so here was my pick this week. Retrievers, man. (Click image to view.)
With all that, this is still probably my favorite thing this week:
Or maybe this next one is. Click to play, but make sure your sound is on. Just not up too loud, especially if you’re at a cafe or the office right now…
Oh! It’s time for the obligatory Dad Joke, to close things out.
I hope I managed to bring some smiles to start your weekend! And special thanks to those who saw and responded to Hudson’s question on Facebook yesterday, which I will repeat here:
“Don’t people like what you write? You ignore me every morning, so it had better be worth it!” — Hudson the Corgi
Shameless use of my adorable pup aside, earning a living as an independent political writer isn’t easy! If you’re in a position to help, and have been meaning to show your support, consider upgrading today. Currently, only a fraction of my regular readers are paid supporters, but I’m hoping to change that over time!
Gotta say the dog video was the best
Best two (IMHO): DeSantis wearing a campaign merch embroidered yarmulke at the Wailing Wall (and fake praying) and the GQ error correction -- mixing up IED and IUD -- in their story about hero Alexander Vindman. Seriously ridiculous. So, THANKS, Jay!! Made my Saturday 😎