Hoo boy. As I write this, a convoy of 25,000 murderous, battle-hardened mercenaries from the Wagner Group have mutinied and are on their way to Moscow, which is under threat alert. It’s a strange feeling to pull together funny internet memes knowing that things may quickly spiral out of control. On the bright side, Russian forces turning on each other is a gift to the Ukrainians, who stand to benefit from the chaos in the Russian military.
Someone found this old clip exactly on point, too, because there really is a meme for everything. Click to enjoy.
With Putin in real trouble, people had some important questions. Here’s one.
There was a submersible that collapsed from a catastrophic implosion. The search for it gripped the entire nation for days. During that time, people on Twitter suddenly pretended they knew all the science behind deep sea exploration. The NYT Pitchbot nailed it.
Hey, though, if you’re going to go down into something so deep, dark and dangerous, wouldn’t you want to do it in a better vessel, especially if you’re a billionaire and could afford a better ride?
Also, this take gave me pause.
There was a kerfuffle on social media when podcaster and human conspiracy garbage compactor Joe Rogan tried to elevate a fellow conspiracy peddler, RFK, Jr.
Ah, Joe Rogan. Here’s my favorite quote ever about him.
This time, Rogan challenged renowned scientist, pediatrician and vaccinologist Dr. Peter Hotez to debate RFK, Jr. on his podcast.
Hotez wisely declined, because giving air to anti-vaxxers is like debating flat-earthers. You just wind up amplifying their nonsense, and science shouldn’t be up for debate with lunatic non-experts.
Elon Musk weighed in, of course, saying that Hotez was afraid to debate RFK, Jr. because Hotez knows Kennedy is right. 🙄
One of my favs, Sherillyn Ifill, set the record straight.
In case you didn’t know, RFK, Jr. is running for president and is trying to primary Biden.
Earlier in the week, Trump gave a confess—I mean, an interview—on Fox that went pretty badly for him.
His admissions during the interview earned him a place alongside Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men.
Before we get all praisey about Baier and how he took on Trump, let’s remember this.
I have to show you this, too, because it’s a thing of beauty:
After five years of investigations, Hunter Biden’s case resulted in a plea bargain with no jail time. The far-right is really upset about it, given how serious his crimes have grown to be on their conspiracy websites.
I mentioned Elon Musk earlier, so I need to also mention the other incredibly stupid thing he got behind this week:
Yes, it’s official! You can’t say cis on Twitter. Free speech! Folks had thoughts.
There’s a lot of pushback on “woke” ideology these days, but this woman had had enough, and I want to stand up and cheer. Click to watch.
The far-right, Proud Boys-affiliated group “Moms for Liberty” in Indiana let their Nazi pride show by quoting Hitler at the top of their newsletter.
The group later admitted they should not have quoted Hitler in their newsletter. Um, ya think?
Speaking of horrible racists…
I loved this response.
A tweet asking “What was your most liked tweet” trended this week. Here were three that went hard.
This one, ouch. So true.
And yet more truth delivered.
Speaking of sexual assailants, social media influencer Andrew Tate had a hard week when he was formally charged with rape, human trafficking and conducting a criminal organization. The sympathy was palpable.
So was the karma!
Okay, after all that awfulness, it’s time for some wholesome goodness, courtesy once again of animals. This first one was mesmerizing. Click to watch.
I think this raccoon is related to my corgi. Watch here.
It took me a few seconds to realize what was going on in this video.
And keep your eyes on the hunter on the left here.
It’s not a real animal, but the Chinese sure know how to impress with their aerial light shows. Be amazed here.
For a simpler eye trick, I still can’t figure out this demonstration. Watch it in action here.
This random tweet made me spit up a little.
And whoa, Weird Al somehow surfaced on my feed, in the best possible way. Took me a minute, though lol
I have friends who take things quite literally and would react exactly the same as this invitee did.
I saw this on the same twitter account, which has a knack for the funny.
And to send you out with a groan and a laugh, here’s a dad joke. You might need to verbalize a bit the end to get it.
Have a great weekend!
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My new favorite person on-line is the lady doing the rant "You know what woke is?" I want HER for my neighbor.
The Minneapolis is Manhattan KS.