8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Ever since Larry Craig (R) was outed in an airport bathroom back in the aughts, it's been clear to me that the louder someone screams, preaches or beats their chest about 'morality', especially 'Christian' morality, the greater the personal immorality they have to hide. It's nice to see yet another Republican proving the truth of this particular rule of thumb. I'm particularly amused by Mike Johnson's porn pact with his son. Makes you wonder, eh?

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Don’t forget Mark Foley too!

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Craig's "secret" wasn't a secret in our red state Idaho. It's just that the R's found it easy to ignore it until it became public. It was an inconvenient truth. Lol. Still that way out here.

However, the stench from NC is obvious, even here.

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There is no universe in which Harris wins North Carolina and doesn’t also win Pennsylvania and Arizona (at least). The second North Carolina turns blue, Trump is dead.

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I’m not so sure. Harris has shored up strong support with Black voters, who comprise over 35 percent of 17 key counties in North Carolina. She is have a bit of a harder time bringing Latino voters back to 2020 numbers. It’s basically why there are still question marks over whether she can prevail in the Southwest. We’ll see!

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I have about 99.9% confidence that Trump will say something so egregiously detestable in regards to the Latino community within the next several weeks that whatever inroads he's made there will disappear. He is not in control of his faculties at all.

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Such a high confidence? I do not have that kind of confidence about anything.

I realize you are only making a point. However, I'm also making the point, reminding that, no matter what, expect the unexpected from the Repugnants and NEVER believe there is a floor to how low the MAGAs will go.

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I know! That's why I'm sure he'll say something repugnant that will turn them off. Look how he managed to blow the tiny inroads into the Black community he made with one dumb remark about Kamala's Blackness. They just laughed it off, but he blew it all to bits with that remark. All this mass deportation talk is going to result in a singularly disgusting remark soon. No way he can go 46 days without saying something disgusting about the Latino community.

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And given the news from GA today about ballot counting, and remembering "hanging chads" and marching at the SCOTUS building day after day, AND the Franken v. Coleman race, yeah, I will rejoice when the election is certified for all the Blue candidates AND the Inauguration is held for Harris and Walz. I have to just keep trying to ensure the best leadership for states and the country.

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I also agree with you about no floor. No doubt about that!

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@Charles Bastille, I’m in total agreement with you.

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It is a mystery to me that any Latino voters can't see the blatant bigotry in Dumpty's Project 2025 which seeks to round up Latino immigrants, somehow put them in concentration camps and "deport" them... somewhere. The corn field?

Where do several million deportees go?

And then they can't follow the logic that maybe the new Latino Americans can't be trusted, either, and off THEY go.

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AND I can't understand why the statistics of the economic impact on cities, states and the country isn't made very clear about what would happen, the businesses that would close, the taxes lost and even DJT's belief in his tariffs won't cover the cost of this heinous idea.

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I don't know if this helps the mystery, but I'd bet my stocks in Univision ($0) that it's a combination of "lost in translation" stuff and the fact that Univision normalizes Trump the way the NY Times does. I'm not sure, also, how many Latino voters are aware of Project 2025. I don't expect the Heritage Foundation to be releasing a Spanish translation anytime soon.

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I want to understand WHY so many Latino voters support tRump??

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A lot of Venezuelan and Cuban expats jumped at Trump wailing about socialism.

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I'd like to see someone (either a legitimate journalist, or even a town hall questioner) ask Trump to provide a definition of what socialism, communism and Marxism actually are and which specific policies Harris (or Biden for that matter) actually fall under these definitions and why.

I'm sure that big brain and its association with MIT would have no problem providing a coherent explanation that would weave it together elegantly for everyone, including Latino expats.

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"I'd like to see someone (either a legitimate journalist, or even a town hall questioner) ask Trump to provide a definition of what socialism, communism and Marxism actually are..."

Trump couldn't provide a definition of a footstool.

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...especially while he cozies up to Putin and others.

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The irony is the many, including an Aunt, Venezuelans fled to get away from Maduro, same corrupt, abusive behaviors. Thankfully, she can't vote but sees Biden as Maduro and Trump as our savior. Instead she parrots the Republican rhetoric, and she cannot see that it's the same animal, with a different coat, despite her having experienced it.

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This is sad because Trump is Madoro. Some right wing Spanish speaking outlet is feeding this crap to them.

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Sad they don’t investigate what “socialism” is here!!

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Idiocracy was supposed to just be a movie.

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Social Conservative issues mostly. They are very Catholic.

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The abortion issue is big with the Latin population.

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Catholicism probably isn't the determinant. 6 in 10 Catholics are pro-choice, although that percentage is considerably less among those who attend Mass every week. One of the biggest factors is the percentage of Latinos who believe the economy does better under Republicans. That misconception is prevalent across all sectors of the voting population, not just Latinos. Of course that idea isn't true. Republican politicians who toe the party line usually favor big corporations and the wealthy. Latinos from certain countries are more susceptible to the Republican falsehood that equates the Democratic party with socialism. The answer is complex and varied because Latino voters are not part of a monolith.

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Some of the older Latinos from Mexico who had to follow the immigration laws way back when, resent the more recent boarder crossing newcomers. It surprised me to hear this while working in a large Latino community.

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Same reason some other immigrants from dictatorships and communism support tRump--he says that Harris and Walz are communists and fascists and socialists. Those are the governments they escaped from.

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What about PA?

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It's what James Carville said so many years ago. We have "Philadelphia on one end, Pittsburgh on the other, and Alabama in the middle. "

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"we might have won a senate seat there as well had the Democratic nominee Cal Cunningham not been tarnished by the scandal of an extramarital affair." I'd almost forgotten there was a time when a quaint thing like an extramarital affair could ruin a politician's campaign!

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The Rs seem to have perfected the “kill” ads. However, I’m still pissed at Cal Cunningham. And Jill Stein, for other reasons.

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Or the misspelling of potato.

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Or a blow job in the Oval Office.

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Kari Lake may do something similar to Trump in Arizona.

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Many, many Arizonans are hoping and working for this, including me.

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Thank you!

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Thanks for all the warnings. But I still need someone to pass me a gallon of brain bleach, please. 😳😳

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GA turning into a shit-show for ALL voters, as the MAGA-dominated Election Board has now ordered all counties to do hand-counting of ballots...if that holds up, GA results may well not make the Dec. 17 date for election certification, and the state's 16 EV plunged into limbo. Hope Kemp, Raffensperger, and Dem lawsuits shut this shite down pronto.

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Isn't this exactly why they did it? Will there be hanging chads? Do they have enough people to DO this after what happened? I need joy and hope back.

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Nothing surprises me about Robinson based on what they already found acceptable from him. I'm actually numb to being shocked by anything from them. I'm waiting for the skeletons to come falling out of Vance's closet. Anyone who has his knickers that tightly in a twist is hiding something.

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Great article, Jay. But if Kamala wins NC and the White House it won't be because of a "Black Nazi". It will be because Trump has no empathy, no plans to improve our lives other than to try and deport millions of people, no response to the nominations of Harris & Walz except to increase to volume and vileness of his attacks. Mark Robinson would not be the cause of his loss but a symptom of the character and moral vacuity of Donald J. Trump.

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Goodness, Jay. You bring us the dirt for sure. Who knew a politician could reveal himself so much and be so stupid? Oh, I forgot about Mike Johnson having to scrub his online presence when he became Speaker. Losers never learn.

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Orange Oompa Loompa included

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Well, at least The Convict does it out loud - he's never written anything down if he could help it. He is well trained at not leaving a traceable backtrail.

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"It is always those protesting loudest who are the first to be exposed for their own hypocrisy"


Have a male identity issue, my boy? Do I have the big shiney big wheeled 4X4 dual cab erectile disfunction therapy device for YOU!! If your desire is little boys, don't worry. With this shiney baby, no one will ever question your Josh Hawleyness!!

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The big-wheeled, jacked-up trucks and dual-exhaust everything have *never* been about appealing to the ladies. We girls (even those of us who drive our own normal pickups) all look at them and think "sorry about your p*nis, dude".

And don't dis a crew-cab. It's a good place for dogs, car seats and groceries.

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“Who destroyed Donald Trump in the end? Why, it was a Black Nazi!”

May it be so.

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“Mark Robinson could be a big enough albatross to sink the entire election for Trump.”

Oh please. Please. May it be so.

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Robinson will be arrested on so many federal charges after the election, maybe even on election night when he loses. And so many MAGA Governors, Senators, and Congressmen (maybe even women) will have the very heavy baggage of having endorsed him, including not only trump, but DeSantis, others. I don't have the time to look up if Rick Scott or Ted Cruz endorsed him but I'm sure since they are both completely disgusting that would be the case. Their PAC's probably gave him money. Maybe someone has time to look this up. Thank you!

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The Family Research Council obviously didn’t do their research when they endorsed Robinson.


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Shaking my head and laughing ironically. If they are GOP/MAGA they get endorsed w/ no vetting.

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What federal charges are you referring to?

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I’m counting on him to double down and sink the whole thing. Along with the dotard of course.

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He needs therapy something fierce.

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Brain bleach too. Clean and

sanitize all that disgusting

gunk out. Then a holy

intervention for his soul;

maybe an exorcism.😉

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Have you heard that Republicans Fascists lawmakers are trying to change the way Nebraska’s EC votes are distributed? They are trying to get rid of The Blue Dot that is Omaha and has been part of Harris’ EC strategy.

And in August I, along with friends, wrote and mailed 2000 postcards to help get out the vote in that Nebraskan district.

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Did hear about that. Let's hope they fail. With Lindsey Graham involved there's a good chance they will (fail).

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The Ricketts —whose son, Pete, was seated in the Senate without an election in a pay-to-play ploy involving Gov. Pillen, the Peeds, the Koch’s, the Ricketts, etc—are leading the way to fascism and taking away our representation. Remember the name of Pete Ricketts: They want to anoint him to the Presidential Throne, and democracy will end right there.

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Yeah, Maine does it that way too - except they generally fall Blue in the pop vote. And they have already said if Nebraska does that, they will follow suit, thus cancelling out the Nebraska BS.

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That and GA today have been tough on my sanity. Oh and the Springfield Rabbi who spoke ugly words about Haitian immigrants. BAD day. I hope he atones for his words and thoughts.

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