Hi, everyone!
Just a quick programming note. As part of my shift toward a saner schedule once the little one arrives, on days like today when I am already publishing a piece on The Big Picture (our team’s substack), I will not produce a second piece here. I am taking to heart your many kind admonitions to not try to do too much!
That said, this seems good time to plug The Big Picture. As the name suggests, it’s a great companion subscription to The Status Kuo. Here, I take deeper dives into the daily headlines and bring you what main stream outlets underreport. At The Big Picture, we zoom out and look at, well, the big picture. As part of that effort we interview some of the best minds out there on essential topics:
David Wallace-Wells on Climate Change
Dr. John Gartner on Trump’s increasingly dangerous mental decline
Ruth Ben-Ghiat on the rise of modern authoritarianism
Charlotte Clymer on what trans people would like you most to know; and recently
Thomas Zimmer on Project 2025.
Of course, my team and I also write pieces that inform, analyze and question our current politics and society. And we have a Sunday Week in Wins edition as a thank you for our paid subscribers. It’s a celebration of all the things and accomplishments we actually can and should celebrate, in contrast to the doom and gloom the media foists upon us regularly.
My piece out later this morning is called Preparing for the Verdict. It’s about how Trump and his allies are seeking already to undermine an increasingly likely guilty verdict from the Manhattan jury, and what Judge Merchan probably will do around sentencing should it happen. Sign up for The Big Picture by clicking the box below, and my piece will hit your inbox around 11am Eastern:
The Big Picture is free for all, because preserving the Republic and building an engaged and informed community is our paramount mission. But of course we love and appreciate our voluntary paid supporters who make our work possible!
— Jay
Best wishes for a quality and relaxing family time. Thank you for always informing and educating.
Really glad to hear that you took our admonishments on board. We're still getting an excellent deal with the quality and quantity of insights you provide us