Everyone should be clear-eyed that contraception is next on the chopping block. Despite the actual scientific data, these religious fundamentalists believe contraception prevents fertilized eggs from implanting in a woman's uterus, thus....infanticide! Clarence Thomas has said as much and I noticed that no one seemed to notice what he said. Everyone needs to WAKE UP. Contraception is the next agenda item for these religious wackos and they are not done with us yet. GAH!!!

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Kathryn: As an old, cynical lawyer (retired: Navy Office of General Counsel), and also a Catholic, I know Catholic Canon Law painfully well.

The justices on the Alabama Supreme Court are most likely Protestant, but the IVF Ruling was straight out of the Vatican's Canon Law.

Since they follow Canon Law so exactly -- knowingly or unwittingly -- you are RIGHT: Contraception IS on the chopping block.

Is "Griswold v. Connecticut" safe after Dobbs? As I recollect, Justice Clarence Thomas raised the question.

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Exactly. Catholic here too. Hoo-boy, we are in for more of this nonsense if the far right have their way.

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Kathryn: I am faithful to Mother Church for the Holy Eucharist, the Creed, the art of the Renaissance, the liturgical music of Johann Sebastian Bach (Lutheran, B-Minor Mass!) and Mozart (the breathtaking Requiem Mass).

But: (1) The Wife I LOVE (Nancy -- 51 years married; 53-years together) keeps me in the Church I would have LEFT because of the REVOLTING and RAMPANT child abuse; (2) My theology is NOT literal (I am in the vein of Rudolf Bultmann, Paul Tillich, Karl Barth) . . .

But NEVER, EVER, even in my younger, more literal days, could I buy the teaching on birth control or abortion, because of my LOVE OF WOMAN. I love my Mom, my Sister, my Wife, my Daughters, my Granddaughter, and all of my Woman friends . . . NEVER could I buy any "no exceptions" canon law.

So, lawyer that I am, I determined to learn the full extent of the Church law.

Well . . . I don't like what I learned. And you are right: Griswold v. Connecticut is NOT safe law under the Theocratic Judges.

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Yes, he signaled that he wanted to go after that and same sex marriage.

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Funny that he has no problem with mixed race marriages.... hmm why would that be?

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Margaret Maier: Justice Clarence Thomas MIGHT go after "Loving v. Virginia" YET.

The law applies to OTHERS, not him.

And just the title of the case . . . "Loving" . . . The Right-Wing can't have "Loving"!

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YES! I wrote an Op-Ed about that for my local paper, that contraception is next back in November.

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And shortly after that, the Rethuglicans will target voting rights for women and minorities.

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They probably want to hit both same sex marriage and voting rights.

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I was awake to this the moment Roe v Wade was overturned because that is when the speculation started about everything that was made possible by the idea that government does not belong in your bedroom, and the 14th amendment in general. I have heard making Interracial marriage illegal, as if such a thing actually exists. There is only one race, the human race. But, those who believe in race will also believe that there is such a thing as interracial marriage and then Clarence Thomas and Ketanji Brown Jackson will both be in illegal marriages. How would the court like them apples. Still, I am hoping that as the Republican party implodes the Supreme Court Republicans get more and more afraid to make their radical decisions because with a strong Democratic majority in Congress and in the White House, they can be investigated by the justice department and congress can impeach them.

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Also, more justices can be added. There are 13 districts (I think that's the term) and only 9 SCOTUS judges. It used to be that the numbers were the same. Now it's out of whack.

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It used to be that there were 13 States and only 1 POTUS. Now it's out of whack.

Obviously this means we need to immediately add 3 more Presidents!!!!

Pro Tip: If you want to sound smart, don't go making comparisons between things that have no actual relationship between one another, just because it sounds like there might be one.

BTW In the U.S. federal judicial system, the United States is divided into 94 judicial districts. Each state has at least one judicial district, as do the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

Pro Tip: If you're trying to sound smart and informed, it helps if you get your facts right... or even close to right. Google is your friend.

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Expansion would allow the president to increase racial and gender diversity on the Court, and to appoint justices with different types of professional experiences. It would let the justices hear more cases each term AND RETURN THE COURT TO THE HISTORICAL STANDARD OF HAVING ONE JUSTICE OVERSEE EACH CIRCUIT

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Justices haven't ridden the circuit since 1891 when the Circuit Courts of Appeals Act was passed.

Just in case your math is as bad as your history, research, and logical skills, that's 133 years ago.

Since the Federal Court System was established in 1789, that means the "Historical Standard" is of NOT riding the Circuit.

(1891 - 1789 = 102 years of circuit riding.

2024 - 1891 = 133 years of NOT circuit riding

133 > 102 BTW)

Just admit it, you have no actual knowledge about any of this, you're just regurgitating stuff you heard on MSNBC because you think it makes you look "smart" or "caring" or "someone who sits at the cool kids table".

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Well aren't you the little asshole.

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argumentum ad hominem ... the go to move of the hyper tolerant, intellectually and morally superior, NPR loving pseudo-intellectual.

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You'll never learn.

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Sad but true. All aspects of reproductive rights must be emphasized. For Republicans it's about control; for Democrats it's about protecting rights and freedoms. We need to stay focused.

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Thank you Jay for calling attention to Alabama’s District 10 special election! As a woman in Alabama, I was watching this race closely. The polls said they were neck and neck. Lands 25 point win proves polls are often wrong these days.

I told my father a year ago that this was be an election won on women’s rights. He laughed at me. He said politicians would never go there. Well, Lands did, and she won by a landslide. Women are paying attention. Our rights are being stripped away day by day from the likes of Tom Parker up to SCOTUS.

I am a pharmacist who suffered a miscarriage and took mifepristone to avoid surgery that would have been a much longer recovery. I rely on contraceptive pills, not just for birth control, but to allow me to live my life daily without pain. Why does these mostly old, white men get to persecute and prosecute me for my very personal healthcare decisions? IVF was even a bridge too far for even conservative Christian women in Alabama.

Katie Britt may like her place in the kitchen, but I refuse to let any man put me there. What were the GOP thinking? I am at a loss.

Thank you Marilyn Lands for fighting to keep me out the kitchen barefoot and pregnant! Thank you to the voters of District 10 who showed the GOP women continue to deserve equality the inalienable rights of men. 👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️

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She was unapologetic about making abortion front and center. It was in her handouts and mailers too. Very brave, very good call.

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Sorry for all of the typos! This is what I get when I respond on my phone. I couldn’t wait on my laptop though. This is too important!

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Hey, Lost! I am so glad to "see" you here. Perhaps this win by Marilyn Lands lets you know you're not "Lost in Alabama" after all!

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Thank you! Jay and you guys me hope. There is still so much work to do in Alabama, but Marilyn Lands shows Alabamians that all is not lost! We are moving in the right direction!❤️

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Idaho is every bit as red as Alabama. Your election has given me hope for our own state elections.

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Several pharmacists in my family, much respect.

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I also took birth control for menstruation problems, mostly significant pain. Reproductive biology is too complicated for ignorant legislators, who don't understand basic anatomy, to legislate.

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They have no right to legislate except to protect the right to choose.

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Wow, thanks for this fantastic news. I doubt I'm alone in saying I had no idea about this.

I hope Democrats put a laser focus on, not just the attempts by red legislatures to ban abortions, but on the many court cases filtering through the federal system, including the one on mifepristone that SCOTUS looked at skeptically yesterday. I am pretty sure there are others, or will be soon.

Casual voters need to understand that the presidency is also important because of all the judges that could get installed by the cult of hate if it somehow won the presidency. If that awareness had been made more clear, maybe Hillary would never have lost, and we'd be living in a different world today.

EDIT: Technically, in my mind, Hillary didn't lose, but that's another topic.

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Technically Hillary won the popular vote. So you're right! (Fist bump)

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And if any election has ever been truly stolen, it was that one. Thank you, Putin.

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Agree. Trump didn't get voted into office, he was installed via Russian interference and an antiquated electoral college.

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How quickly people forget St. Petersburg's Internet Research Agency and Bannon's Cambridge Analytica. Putin's troll farms are still busy in American social media. This is another area that Merrick Garland has been too timid in as we get closer to the election.

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All too busy.

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Trump was also installed--by default--by the 1/3 of all eligible voters who did not vote!

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That's a scary implication.

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Don't forget Jim Comey. He really didn't want Hillary and so he acted. He could have broken up the cabal in the Staten Island/Manhattan office that was liaising with Giuliani, but he didn't.

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Check out these links to two PoliticsGirl episodes with the same guest, Ahmed Baba. The first talks about the Heritage Foundation's blueprint, Project 2025, and is a couple of months old. The second is from her show last week about Trump's personal fever dream (aka "Agenda 47"):



Scary stuff that needs to be widely dissemminated - please share with your friends and family!

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Thanks. Unfortunately, I have more familiarity with Project 2025 than I'd like. I downloaded the PDF a ways back. I think the challenge here is moving past the skepticism among casual voters. I've already seen and heard sentiment that we're using scare tactics (frustrating, I know). Everyone who reads Jay is almost at a fevered state about the existential threat. We'll need to figure out how to spread the word convincingly outside of the world of substacks and other echo chambers.

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Both paint a surrealist dystopian landscape that we need to combat. I've been trying hard to get people to look into both. I learned about Project 2025 months ago and decided the time was right then to make people aware. We have to keep fighting and keep hope alive. This election stands as being one for keeping our democracy alive, and keeping our country and world safe.

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Forgive the stark reality of this clip, but IMO this is the kind of ad Democrats need to air constantly until election day:


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Wow! More like this!

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THAT'LL get some attention!😯

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Great ad ❣️ We need more like that.

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I had no idea about it until last night.

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I hope the GOP keeps underestimating the anger of this country's women over Dobbs and all the follow-on nonsense the republicans keep pushing. Just yesterday, we heard oral arguments at the Supreme Court over the continued availability of mifepristone, which has been safely used by millions of women to have their abortions at home instead of the hospital.

The threat of treating frozen embryos as persons, thus eliminating IVF entirely; the on-going attacks on contraception, the U.S. House toying with fetal personhood legislation, and the virtual elimination of abortion availability in some states have made American women of all political stripes furious.

Women are willing to vote for their rights. The GOP has been warned.

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They continue to overestimate the enthusiastic anger they instill to take into account the angry backlash they cause and I hope that's their downfall.

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Well put, Bill. Agreed.

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Yessssss!!!! I see a blue tsunami heading our way! #voteblue #bidenharris

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That would be refreshing.

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Great news and from Alabama no less. I had an abortion back in the day because young, still in college, birth control failure and had already dumped the boyfriend when I found out. No abortion pills then so I had to go to the hospital. I have two family members who have used IVF successfully. Those that would deny us these medical procedures either have no uterus or are religious nuts who use their bible as a cudgel.

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I have chills. I guess SCOTUS forgot the power of women when they overruled Roe v. Wade. We are women hear us roar!!!

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I would like to poke Sam Alioto in the eye - he is such a pompous misogynist!

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I think women voting Democratic is indeed poking Alito in the eye. He was the one that said woman were not without political power. He woke up a dragon. A very cranky dragon.

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"A very cranky dragon."


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Alito mentioned it derisively in the Dobbs decision.

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Honestly, SCOTUS should not consider voters, women or otherwise. Their role is to interpret laws, and decide the constitutionality of laws passed by elected legislators.

SCOTUS Justices are not elected specifically because they should not be swayed by public / voter sentiment.

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Should and do are two different things. Unfortunately, Barrett interprets laws through her religious lens. Alito and Thomas go with what their donors want. I'm not sure about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh though.

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Absolutely! Thus, my choice of the word "should" to not imply that SCOTUS *is* impartial.

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Well, these SCOTUS Justices have part of that down: they aren't swayed by people. No, but they ARE very obviously swayed by MONEY in the form of lux vacations, lux recreation vehicles, gifts to Mom and Nephew...oh, all kinds of expensive gifteys that flow in their direction. Chief Justice Roberts OUGHT to be thoroughly ashamed and embarrassed...but that would mean he has a conscience and a sense of morality. Not sure if that's actually so.

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Sadly true.

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Keep in mind that the justices, especially the conservative justices, get very cranky when their poll numbers go down. They take real offense when that happens. How could people not love and revere them???

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Yay! I wrote postcards to get out the vote as I believe it has an effect. I have been trying to find out how many eligible voters are in the district and finding it difficult. Looking at the number of total voters (less than 6K) it reinforces my view that alerting folks to an upcoming (especially a special) election is very important.

Please VOTE!

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I believe there are around 40K registered voters there.

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Great work❣️

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From Alabama SOS website:


Total Ballots Cast: 5,965

Total Registered Voters: 41,016

Voter Turnout: 14.54%

Counties Reported: 1 of 1

Last Updated: 03/26/2024 08:42:39 PM

The election results presented on these pages are unofficial and presented as a courtesy of the Alabama Secretary of State and Alabama’s Probate Judges. The accuracy of the election results is the responsibility of the Probate Judge for each county reporting."

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I can always count on you, Jay, to brighten my day. Great results. Now on to the same in November or as we say “Roevember”!!

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Yes Katherine!!

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Sorry to misspell your name Katharine. Can't edit it. ☺️

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Thank you for noticing my spelling though. I used to really get my knickers in a twist about my second “a” but I have mellowed with age and blame technology instead of people.

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Let's not forget that for all their evangelism and fundamentalism, there are probably hordes of Alabama women who get those "three-month visits to Auntie Flo" who return sullen and quiet, while the former boyfriend is packed off to join the Marine Corps. Somebody here on Substack told me that the Bible Belt states lead the nation in downloading internet pornography, including gay pornography. What a surprise....

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I think the gay porn stat has been a thing for as long as such stats have been measured. Bloody closeted hypocrites...

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I am firmly convinced that the louder the homophobe, the deeper he is in the closet.

How and why else would someone know so much about a sexual practice he claims to abhor?

Answer: deep personal experience.

When they get caught, it's hilarious:

"I'm resigning as Chief Cook and Bottlewasher for the Committee to Deify the Bloated Yam for a period of personal reflection and to spend more time with my family."

Which means:

"Being thoroughly embarrassed at being caught with that intern/transvestite hooker, I am quitting before I get sacked, am moving to a hotel to hide because my wife threw me out, and will spend a great deal of time and money on my divorce lawyer, hers, and the resulting alimony."

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I'm just wondering how many use the Chinese owned Grindr app.

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I really appreciate your crusade on polls. I turn the TV off anytime they start talking horserace, since I know they're coming at the discussion based on polls that invariably over-favor republicans by 6-8 points, which in turn leads to serious hand-wringing and worried looks and prophecies of doom. I can't take it, because I know they don't know what they're talking about.

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I live in the very blue area of northern Virginia. I have been quaking in my boots at the power extremists have managed to wrangle and at the legislation they are producing to attack our freedoms. There definitely have been increasing instances where reproductive rights especially have started to matter at the ballot box and show results... but now I can definitely see that the freedoms that matter so much to me... are also very important to folks in very much more conservative regions. This is a vast relief.

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I love the kind of news that brings a breath of fresh air and rays of hope!

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Me too Dorothy! I feel rather excited today.

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Too early to celebrate, of course, but November 2024 could be a frikkin' blowout!

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We're still going to have to work for it and it won't be just this November's election.

We will have to defeat the fascists and authoritarians at the polls and in the public mind, again and again and again--until the beast of fascism crawls back under the rocks and holes from which it slithered while we were looking the other way.

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Exactly! It will never be over with one election - but this fall is a great opportunity to resoundingly, overwhelmingly reject fascism! We can do this!!!

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True, of course.

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This is why I don’t get my panties in a wad when polls predict Trump over Biden.

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Remember 2016, Hillary had it won- then Comey...also too the USSC could Bush v Gore again in a close race, consider that this Court makes the Rehnquist one look like Warren's...

Don't let up, vote the fascists out, challenge fascism at every opportunity

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Absolutely vote! I never miss an election but also wish my vote counted. Any chance of giving Tennessee to Biden??

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"...polling continues to produce big misses..."

Ya think!

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When someone says to me “but the polls” I say to them who answers a call from an unknown caller? No one! They get their answers from those crazy people at MAGA rallies that then we watch on late night! Polls are obsolete.

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