"Giuliani, through a spokesperson, “unequivocally” denies the allegations, adding “Mayor Giuliani's lifetime of public service speaks for itself and he will pursue all available remedies and counterclaims.""

As if Guiliani's "lifetime of public service" automatically excludes him from also being an abuser.

That's like saying, "He can't possibly be a pedophile, he's a priest!"

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I appreciate your analysis and, also, that you addressed it without the likely true sexual grossness. It's "follow the money" time. Seeing Giuliani on Borat was plenty.

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That is such a vomit-inducing creepy picture. Makes me want to take a shower after just seeing that. Jay, you need to add a cute pic of Hudson at the end so I can get the other one out of my head.

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I don’t want her even on the same page as that creep!

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There is something embedded within the psyche of those who are simultaneously desperate for power but also submerged in a sea of self-loathing and all manners of Freudian instability that fosters a resounding need to bleat their dastardly plans, posturing and promenading, supplicating for adulation while assuming twisted dominion over their targets, assigning them concurrent roles of master and servant, whipped together in fantastical perverse finger painting.

And, also, just, blech.

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Blech indeed.

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Amazingly long sentence, but well done!

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Rudy run-on

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I understand! Looking forward to another one when Rudy is punished!

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On the one hand, I am delighted about this most recent bombshell. On the other hand, I am deeply troubled that the civil process is being used while we still have not seen a criminal indictment. While criminal cases take time, the insidious creeping of fascism continues...

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It is worrisome, and the clock is ticking. My bet is that Fani Willis will indict Rudy Giuliani for election interference sometime in July or early August during the regular session of the next grand jury slot.

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I sure hope so. Clock is ticking ever so loudly.

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I dunno, I'd say Giulliani's record of substituting his own racism and idiocy for known facts and basic logic does kind of speak for itself.

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I find it appalling that among Giuliani's reasons for not having accepted bribes for pardons, he said he 'didn't need the money.' As if that's a defense. Plenty of people don't need money yet they commit all sorts of crimes and participate in all manner of corruption in order to obtain it. What he didn't say was even more appalling in my opinion. Nowhere does he say it would have violated his principles or personal integrity. In fact, no one in any of these corruption cases has ever said that to my knowledge. How sad, not to mention utterly disgusting, that our culture has stooped so low that integrity and principles aren't even a topic of discussion anymore.

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The IRS should get some good pickin's from all of these people coming forward. It sounds like Rudy did not pay taxes on the bribe money, nor did Trump. I wonder how many other politicians should be investigated for their ties to corruption and non payment of monies they have gotten. Also, non-declaration of people giving out the bribes on their taxes too. Right on for women coming forward to tell their stories. Get money! Bleed these people dry. Less money for them to spend on their White Supremacist activities.

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Easier to convict for tax evasion than murder...

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I f anyone is wondering why the Republicans in Congress are desperately trying to roll back the IRS' funding increase - THIS is why. This right here.

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That is why I say, double the funds of the IRS and let them hire more people.

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100% agree.

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May 17, 2023
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This has been totally debunked, which you would probably know, were you not swallowing MAGAt Kool-Aid by the barrel. Try this:


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Lev Parnas immediately tweeted out his eagerness to get involved.


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RIGHT?! Can. Not. Wait.

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Oh. Ohh. Ohhhhh, myyyyyyyyyyyyy..... I scrolled down (and read) too far!!! *gag*

Now I know why you didn't get into the details, Jay. I'm going to go have a shower now, and bring a box of Brillo with me. Gross.

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I really don’t want to get anywhere close to “blaming the victim” but, yeah, I’ve got to wonder why she would agree to what she alleges (working naked, giving blowjobs). I get there was a lot of money she was owed, but the first time he told her to strip why would she comply rather than refuse and prepare too sue?

I wasn’t in her place, I don’t know the details obviously of what was said/promised/threatened. But while not questioning her word as to what happened, I can’t help but wonder why she let it.

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It's very likely she was conditioned to comply by her former partner. She may have been gaslighted by both her former partner--as well as Ghouliani--to kingdom come, and as a result, her compass was out of whack. It happens. He probably knew this, too, as he knew she was his subordinate. And I'm willing to bet that she felt trapped and wasn't in a position to just 'walk away' or 'NOT let it happen.' Until one's a victim of a narcissist, it's difficult to understand the victim's actions.

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I agree with you on this observation, except I note that he agreed to help her in litigation with "an abusive former partner." I suspect there is more to her story, especially if it is true that she put up with such abuse from her boss. If that is the case she will be one brave woman if she were to testify. It would be brutal on direct and cross.

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The Trump orbit never ceases to amaze me with their depravity.

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Well, if we could go back for a few years, tRump boasted once at a political campaign rally "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters" Sometime his geniusness (sarcasm intended) is in his lies and also in his daring disregard of the law. I say his days of lawlessness is coming to an end in a few years because Jack Smith will get him locked up and get him convicted for the crimes he committed in the past few years. And some of his supporters will also go down too as are those got convicted for J6 attack of our Capital.

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Excellent analysis as always! I do wonder if the folks at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, might step in and help out an old employee, I mean pal.

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As usual, I am grateful for your insightful analysis. And these claims seem absolutely and sadly on brand for Giuliani.

One thing puzzles me: a salary of $1 million a year (+ expenses + pro bono representation)?

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There are some allegations that will be difficult to support, but it’s possible that he told her that and even possible she has it in writing or text. We’ll see.

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I'm very much disliking so many of these comments that are suggesting that she 'should've known better' 'should've walked away' 'should've had more self-respect' 'she was greedy--it was all about the money' ETC. I'm going to say this again: She was already a victim of an abusive partner. She was already conditioned to be submissive. She was already gaslighted, victimized, and Rudy saw this, knew that he could manipulate her, and as his subordinate, she did as she was instructed. Stop blaming her for not having the backbone to walk away. Look at her now, finally finding the courage (after E. Jean Carroll) to go after the man who sexually abused/harassed/manipulated her. I hope she sues his b**ls off. Stop victim blaming, it's disgusting.

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It's a shame these people aren't going to the FBI and Jack smiths team with this info.

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What's to say they didn't?

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I'll defer to Jay but I'm thinking if they turned themselves over to jack smith as a witness, they likely wouldn't be initiating a civil suit with the same evidence after talking to the doj. I could be totally off base

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I have no idea, either.

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Thanks for your concise analysis. I tried to read the complaint and got bogged down after the first few paragraphs. At least we now have a better understanding of why Giuliani and Orange Jesus became such great buddies. They have a lot in common.

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This might be a good time for Rudy to file bankruptcy.

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Moral or financial?

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