I am so happy that you are taking time to be with your sister. Recharge! Renew! Rest! We need you during the fight for democracy. Thank you for all that you do.

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Thank you for your posts! Helpful.

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Have a good day with your sister, and a restful night.

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Enjoy your visit with Mimi. You certainly deserve the break! Thanks for all you do to keep us informed.

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Be well. Thank you.

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Great photo! You look young, but your sister looks Very Young. Wow!

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Have a wonderful visit with your sister. I head down to San Francisco (Pacifica, actually) to visit with mine in just a week. So great to have family! Enjoy, Jay

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Happy B-Day!!!

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Have a great day off Jay, and happy birthday to your sister!

We’ll keep the world’s calamities on hold for ya.

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Savor and enjoy your family time!

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Enjoy the MONDAY off Jay & Family!

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Soak in all the beauty of this day and the love of your sister. xo

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The other comment say it all. Thank you and keep up the good work.

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As I contemplate your photo and message this morning I witnessed the comforting beauty of family reunion in relationship to American divided by fear due to ignorance of the subject that is being feared...it is common to fear the unknown feared, Eh!?

The Status Kuo, (clever title!) for me helps me gain a better understanding of others thereby reducing my fear of others.

You sir are most valuable in successfully promoting a real solution to the totally unnecessary divisions in America.

Purposefully concocted republican's, (now the harbinger of Authoritarianism over Democracy), divisiveness divisions sadistically employed successfully by the buffoon who would be the sociopathic Unpresidented's self-aggrandizement's stomping upon the backs of hate consumed bigots totally ignorant of facts, but full to overflowing with republican lies, conspiracy theories, and cleverly conceived deceptions.


Your letters are the brilliant fog cutting illumination enabling us to now see your revelations that will prevent republican subversion conspiracies from destroying our American Democratic blessings of governance!

Thank you!

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Hope your day is as beautiful as the two smiling faces in this photo!

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