And don't look to the MSM for sounding the tocsin against the Orange Menace...here's how the NYT originally headlined tRump's Veteran's Day call for Hitlerian "camps":

"Trump Takes Veterans Day Speech in a Very Different Direction”

I ask you, is this "responsible" journalism, or merely more normalizing of the behavior of this mental defective? Oy vey!

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At least they seem to have realized their error in judgment. Today’s piece was somewhat better, and WaPo and Forbes covered it as they should.

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Just looked online and found the current headline and sub-head for NYT article on tfg's Veteran's Day speech.

"After Calling Foes ‘Vermin,’ Trump Campaign Warns Its Critics Will Be ‘Crushed’

The former president’s Veterans Day speech used language similar to the dehumanizing rhetoric wielded by dictators like Hitler and Mussolini."

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Liberals are the SCAPEGOAT in American-style fascism.

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“Liberal” has been a four-letter word since Reagan.

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We are "vermin" and the camps are on the drawing board.

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Yes. What are the margins Democrats need to win by in the next election to prevent Republican violence? Starting at +7 million.

What are we gonna do about all these fascists who don’t believe in elections? They are GOING to say they won. They are WILLING to use violence.

If Trump is on the ballot - it’s already too late.

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Well, as Robert E Lee used to say, "Beware of liberals with guns."

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I hope that I am merely being paranoid, but I have had this sense that MSM is reluctant to call out Trump and the Republicans because they are afraid of what might happen to THEM if Trump wins in 2024. In legal terms, "the witness has effectively been intimidated."

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MSM is privately owned so it is even worse than you what you fear.

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That is a big component of my fear. They see themselves simply as a business rather than as a public institution with larger responsibilities.

A picture that has been emerging over the past several years among Republicans and among media owners is the perception that if they treat Donald Trump with kid gloves and he loses in 2024, they remain none in the worse off. If on the other hand, Donald Trump becomes president and goes through with project 2025, preferment for those who were “nice“ to him versus retribution against those who were not will be of a magnitude that few people of that stripe are willing to risk. Consequently, they are all hedging their bets - to the detriment of us all.

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When I look at the ownership of the NYT and other press with their billionaires/millionaires clubs I do not see any protections for us from their lies. These owners do not seem to have any analytical German history classes. Just learning that the Germans under Hitler slaughtered Jews and other people because of Hitler's and their racist ideology is not enough. You should know that IG Farben, Krupp, Thissen, etc... bankrolled him and once Hitler was in power they had no control over him. It was the other way around. He controlled them.


Trump has been said to have read Mein Kampf and admire it. Well, Hitler explains his thinking. This Atlantic article talks about how they lost control of Hitler, and how he started off with A Big Lie very intentionally.


Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it they say, well those who know it and emulate it for bad purposes will be trying to repeat it too. The Republicans are ruthless. Is what we have enough to combat that?

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It's going to be a long uphill slog but we have to try, and then try harder. Political support for non=profit news is vital.

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I lived in Germany in the 80s. Americans have no idea.

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Hardly. I wonder how many readers complained before they made a change LITE!

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I did.

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That’s not just normalization; that’s active obscurantism. It tells you nothing about what he said. In fact, at this point “a very different direction” for Donald Trump would be to admit he lost the election and list the ways he thought Biden was doing a good job.

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Right? That is cowardice - pure and simple. Here we are trying to fight for the freedom of the press, while some (thankfully not all) of our press is basically shite incapable of calling things as they are.

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No, it’s blind greed.

If they stop covering Trump like he’s a normal candidate, and instead start accurately reporting on him as the fascist he is, then the coming election won’t even be close.

They NEED it to be a horse race. That’s how they get people paying attention. That’s how they get higher ad revenues. That’s how the individual “journalists” get book deals.

All of that goes away if they actually do their jobs and have headlines like “Trump Echoes Hitler in Veterans Day Speech - lays out details of plans to destroy democracy if re-elected”

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How did the NYT fall so far, so fast?? I expect right-wing rags like the Wall Street Journal to be propaganda platforms, but the NYT used to at least act like they encouraged thier employees to commit journalism once in a while . . Sadly, those days are gone . . .

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So fast? They’ve been doing this for AGES.

Remember all the column inches for the “Hillary’s emails” and the Benghazi nothing-burgers?

All the hand wringing over “She’s got a cold! What this means for her health!”

And before that, how many headlines on Obama’s birth certificate while ignoring Trump’s repeated “I have evidence” that never appeared?

The NY Times has been normalizing Republican crimes while downplaying Democratic successes since at least the Clinton years.

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Valid points. Should have said so far, full stop.

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Lol NYT having journalistic integrity?! Have you seen their coverage of Israel? They’re just a mouthpiece for woke intellectuals. You can hardly consider anything they write anymore to be journalism

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What are "woke intellectuals"?

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"Woke Intellectuals" is that a dog whistle for liberals? You see the quotes here from the NYT headlines which focused on Hilary's emails, Obama's birth certificate....wake.up those are geared toward right wing conspiracy voters, in other words the Republican party.

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Woke intellectuals is the extremist wing of the Left in colleges and the media that wants to ideologically capture the entire party to be anti-West, anti-White, anti-religious, and anti- hetero. They are the same extremists that cheered for Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao 50 years ago and think capitalism and free speech are a danger. They need to be stopped

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He sounds lovely and not the type I’m worried about. I’m talking about liberal arts/social science professors that hate the West and wanna screw animals https://nypost.com/2023/11/11/lifestyle/princeton-professor-ignites-outrage-by-calling-journal-article-about-sex-with-animals-thought-provoking-someone-check-his-hard-drive/amp/

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College professors and the Imbram Kendi/Ta- Nehisi Coates of the world who think everything is racist

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Oh...... My late husband was a college professor. He taught art and ceramics. Nobody thinks "everything is racist". But many people are.

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I mean, if you've studied anything about US history... everything *IS* racist. This country cut its teeth on the idea that those of other skin colors (First Nations Peoples) were "beneath" the white European.

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Wow, they JUST changed the title and byline! Must have been losing subscribers. It is now: "Accused of Echoing Fascists, Trump Campaign Warns Its Critics Will Be ‘Crushed’ The former president likened political opponents to “vermin” over the weekend, similar to the dehumanizing rhetoric wielded by dictators like Hitler and Mussolini."

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To dying newspapers, nothing matters anymore except money. Investigative reporting? Gone. Even accurate reporting is rare, now....

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How horrific - certainly not responsible.

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something about click baiting articles titles for algorithms is also very pathetic headlines say nothing at all anymore and force ppl to click to read one paragraph of an article hidden behind a paywall

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NYT is only available to subscribers and it's not cheap.

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It's not worth the price

I stopped subscribing. How exceptional can they be if they can't call out a fascist in their original article and have to backtrack? They used to be "it" and now trash. I really like Maggie Haberman. She's too good for that rag as is Mike Schmidt

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I discontinued my subscription to them today and said why!

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I still subscribe because it is our largest newspaper and what they say, and how they say it, matters. But not because I agree with them.

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Call tffg by his real name: Shitler.

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Code RED. Exactly. I've been freaked out about this guy since 2015.

Tuberville's blocks are part of the Project 2025 plan, as are Trump's words. We ignore the collaborative efforts of these people at great risk. Trump's biggest mistake, in his mind, during his first term, was not having a pliant military. He's going to do everything he can to "fix" that "mistake" second time around.

I really do wish Biden would step aside for this moment, but at the same time, I'd vote for a Biden version of Weekend at Bernie's over not voting. There is no option. Vote, or it's game, set, match.

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Tha main thing is to prevent Trump from becoming president. Not a time to quible over what *might* happen with Biden when we know what *will happen with Trump.

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Absolutely. Besides, the worst that happens with Biden is Kamala takes over. She'll be just fine.

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Agreed! It astonishes me how some people are looking at this equation. Clearly they are not getting how dangerous Trump is. Why that is could be any number of possibilities I suppose. But MSM is definitely downplaying Trump's horrific rhetoric.

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I'm seeing some cracks in the MSM foolishness. But they are small. There has been a fair amount of alarm over these remarks. The "vermin" remark, especially. But given their track record, it isn't easy to be optimistic about a change in reporting overall.

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Unfortunately, while Democrats are, as a group, much more progressive than Republicans, there are still many racists and sexists among us. You think Kamala would do fine. I think Kamala would do fine. But there are probably many Dems who can't tolerate the possibility of a Black and Indian woman as President. I so wish those people were not among us, but the reality is that they are. I wish Kamala was more visible so that she would have a better chance of proving herself to the public, but that's not going to happen while the media continues to virtually ignore her.

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If the worst happens and Biden can not finish his second term, I will not lose a minute of sleep. Harris is smart, tough, and experienced. As VP she already has a lot more relevant experience than Obama did when he first entered the Oval Office. Plus the administration has been stocked with smart,

knowledgeable, experienced people who are not afraid to tell truth to power. Harris would be fine.

She gets a bad rap and I don’t know why. Must be something to do with her 2 X chromosomes and the amount of pigment in her skin.

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And look at the Cabinet he's appointed. Also top notch, so they could carry on if the worst happens. CEO's talk about hiring the right people and getting out of their way. Biden has done that. And then remember the fiasco of Trump's totally unschooled, unprincipled and unfit appointees.

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She's incredibly smart. I miss her in the Senate, to be honest, because she's got a rapier wit and just tears into the thuggery with such skill. My gut says she'd make a great president. My gut also wonders if she'd get in any other way than Biden passing away during his second term, because of the chromosome/pigment combination.

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Fast forward to late Aug of 2024 and we’re on our way to finding out! Amazing to read your comments on here from back then and know where we are now! Do you play the lottery Charles? lol!

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republicans vilify her just like they do any powerful woman, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary, anyone who is a threat, people fall for it

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I wish I could argue that point. I don't know how she'd fare as a candidate. Probably not great. But I think she'd be fine as president. And, frankly, an incompetent normal person, no matter the gender or race, is far superior to Trump.

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Agree, what's so bad if something goes awry with Joe? Kamala will step up....why do people act like it's not an option?A black an Indian woman have power in a country run by white men? Not gonna happen, not now anyway and that's a big shame

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Rebecca Solnit said it best: Voting is a chess move, not a Valentine.

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I'm going to remember that one!

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Are they smart enough to know what chess is?

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Presumably all the people complaining that Biden’s 1) too old; 2) not taking the right stance on Israel/Palestine or the environment etc are. Looking at you Jill Stein…..

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I love this! Do you remember which book it's from?

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In a piece for the Nation: her exact words were “I think of voting as a chess move, not a valentine.”

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I should add that I'm not concerned about Biden being fit for office. I'm concerned about him WINNING.

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Kim, perfectly said. Thank you. I shall use that one. “Not a time to quible over what *might* happen with Biden when we *know* what will happen with Trump.”

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Nov 13, 2023
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It’s a way to try and suppress the youth vote—straight out of the Russian/troll farm playbook.

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The amount of vote shaming too many Dems indulge in is also a massive turn-off to the young adults I know. It's difficult enough for human beings to feel motivated enough by negatives to act, but it's even more demotivating/suppressing for people new to the franchise. Add in the line-lengthening tricks the party pulled at universities during the pres. primary in California, or Obama's painfully obvious intervention just before Super Tuesday, and we'll have a generation convinced the game is rigged on behalf of the DNC's pre-approved choice. That's really bad.

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You are pulling right from the same troll playbook here. As soon as you said “DNC’s choice” I knew you weren’t serious and are just another agitator.

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Oh, baloney. It *is* a problem, and one that stretches back to Tammany Hall if you want to look at it long-term. It's pretty clear that another wild card upset like Obama in 2008 is the last thing the party wants. I think they are overplaying it. 2020 was so heavy-handed, only the rosy-lensed couldn't see it.

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Same here, Charles. I've been screaming at the top of my lungs since 2015 about this guy. He's Hitler re-booted. It boggles my mind that so few of us see this, hear this, KNOW this! But there are people in my life - mostly so-called Christians, for what THAT'S worth - who insist I'm the delusional one, that I'm the one not seeing and hearing the truth. I just don't know what to do anymore. We need more than just the Vote; this is headed towards uncharted territory.

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People called me delusional when I said in 2015-2016 that Trump’s campaign speeches were Hitler-like. I guess I proved them wrong.

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I wrote a short story in 2015 about a family who notices a Muslim family's house stacking up mail outside. I never tried to publish it. Tine to update it.

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I'll look forward to reading it!

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Believe it or not, I actually followed up on this. It's on Medium. Here is a "friend" link so that you don't need to be a subscriber to read it:


I'll post this as a substack note, too.

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Thank you, Charles!! I have to go take care of my parents right now, but I'll get to it before the day's out.

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Great, thanks, have a great holiday, and please share it if it freaks you out, lol.

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Copy paste from my comment to Daniel above:

Believe it or not, I actually followed up on this. It's on Medium. Here is a "friend" link so that you don't need to be a subscriber to read it:


I'll post this as a substack note, too.

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It's really good! I like that you told the story from the perspective of a single-issue voter who votes for Trump. This is a scary, scary, story, and I hope like hell that it remains fictional.

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Agreed...the "break-glass" moment occurred years ago...we're just living through the predictable fallout.

Because the media refused to center the truth, and Democratic leadership refused to clearly explain the stakes, the country is in a freefall.

It's untenable that every election is a race to save democracy, without fixing the underlying fault lines.

Most telling is the implosion of GenZ as a pro-democracy voting block. GenZ turnout in Ohio, where abortion was literally on the ballot, was 12%.

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My younger Zoomer is just finally old enough to vote. The late edge of the cohort is still only 11 or 12. Don't count them all out yet! :-)

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Hitler got the Christian churches to support him.

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To the few TRUE Christians in this country, I apologize. But the majority has already been compromised. They are NOT coming back any time soon. I was a Deacon at my church in 2015 when the rumblings began. A minor annoyance, you know? But by 2016, it became unbearable. I lasted til just after the election. I tried to point out the hypocrisy, but was basically ostracized. Left the church, never to look back. They're gone; all those people - gone.

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I agree with you completely concerning Tuberville's military blocks. What better way for Trump to replace acting place holders in the military with his own people? I would like to think that I am being overly paranoid here and would welcome thoughts to the contrary.

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There is nothing too far fetched when someone is evoking Hitler. Rick Wilson said on a podcast with Molly Jong-Fast that there are members of Tuberville’s staff who are hard core Bannonites. I wouldn’t be surprised if the plan is intentional sabotage of the military.

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If so, the plan is working. If Trump is re-elected somehow, there will be all of those vacant military appointments to make with Trump-loyal soldiers to carry out his orders and rat on those who still resist.

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Nice to see you coming around on that.

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You are not being paranoid. Tuberville is doing to the military leadership what McConnel did to the Supreme Court. He is holding open the seats of power till his party gets control then they will flood those seats with likeminded sycophants (Mike Flynn styled authoritarians) to do their bidding.

This is not a theory, this is a deliberate (and demonstrated) tactic to subvert the constitutional process.

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So why the hell does the media keep parroting his straw dog anti abortion rhetoric as his rationale for what he is doing? It drives me nuts.

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Follow the money.

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Sadly, I think IdahoKat below is right. They are chasing the money. One of the downsides to capitalism.

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Absolutely! McConnell got away with it, I still don’t understand how, and now they’re using the same tactic on our military. In 2024, we must clean house of all the GQP MAGA nuts and banish them from politics forever. If we lose, America is lost.

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I will second that you are not at all being paranoid; and many people believe that this has nothing to do with the abortion issue and more to do with keeping the slots open for Trump loyalists.

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So let's say Trump does not win (yeah!!!), How long can this go on with Tuberville? Isn't there a limit to this type of behavior?

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I have no idea, Jeanne. To me this seems preposterous, and the Senate must figure out a way around this.

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Trumps a globalist TOOL! An AshkeNAZI Crypto Jew whose grandfather & father were NAZI’s in Germany named DRUMPT. His hero is Hitler according to his first wife Ivana in a Vanity Fair article. Google it. He will be Hitler or Caligula on steroids. He’s also a third Gen bastard Royal. They’re protected down to 3 rd generations and why he boasted he can kill someone and get away with it. I’m sure he already has.

He’s using witchcraft to mind control his base. Hand mudras is just one way. Hitler was also a 3 gen bastard Royal. That said Biden’s a publicly admitted ZIONIST and DC is FULL of ZIONIST. I think their American ‘experiment’ is over.

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Can we please just stop with the assumption that Biden is going to die tomorrow. He is old, yes, but I should wish to be able to keep up with his schedule.

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Plus, Trump is almost the same age, and not in as good shape. Unless he’s in a Georgia holding cell 😳

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I agree with your sentiments and wrote a Medium piece about it. But it's not me you need to convince.

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I’d vote for anyone who ran against Trump. Hitler said EXACTLY what he would do in Mein Kampf, and people loved at it as just hypothetical. But yet, as soon as the economy collapsed, he started in with his propaganda, and the people, not knowing where to turn, turned to the Nazi Party to get a change in the government, which ultimately led to Hitler being appointed Chancellor.

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I think everyone here would. The question for me with Biden comes down to winning. If gas prices are $5 a gallon, do you trust the American people to make the right choice? I wish I could say I do.

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I don’t trust them to do more than what’s right in the moment, but only what might save them money. The average American has short memories and horrible foresight, and i’m sure they will vote for whoever promises them the world.

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And I'm seeing the House budget debacle as maybe a way to cause our economy to collapse. This, along with Tuberville's holds on the military and the lack of State Department appointees, seems to be just another way to engineer chaos before the 2024 election.

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I never lived full-time in NYC - only part time in 1979 for work. And yet, I've been aware of the danger of trump for years. His antisemitism, his racism [some additional glorious vindication for one of the Central Park 5 who was elected to the NYC Council https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/07/yusef-salaam-nyc-council-seat-central-park-five], his misogyny. We have a responsibility to make all this known and loudly and to work to ensure those who can stop this are registered to vote and vote.

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Me, too, because I know 2 people who had to deal with him and his threats for over 20 years. Another friend was installing an art piece in his apartment and could literally smell fear on him. When he slithered down his golden staircase in 2015, I knew we were doomed.

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Slithered is exactly the word that came to mind when I saw him. The media has been helping him ever since, beginning with Joe Scarborough in the primaries, where he had almost a daily platform to spew out his spittle. Joe hasn't owned up to that still.

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I was unaware that Scarborough had a hand it that. I'm a bit disappointed, I've gotta say. The way he talks about him now, though, makes me think he's had second thoughts.

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Like most people who have interacted with Trump, he now hates the guy.

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I'm with you. I've been disgusted by Trump for decades actually but once he ran for president that moved to blatant fear for the US. As you mention, so many are still missing the signs of the interplay that's been going on with not only everyone involved at the highest levels but every day citizens. Ones like my neighbors here in N Idaho that terrorize those that dare have a Biden sign on their lawn and my long lost christian nationslist mother who is suing to stop LGBTQIA friendly practices where she lives. At ALL levels they are taking their cues from DT and organizing to launch their takeover in 2025 per Project 2025 guidelines. The pieces have been falling into place for a good 6 years now. I pray DT continues to lose his sh** and speak like the authoritarian he is so more people can awaken from the slumber I can't fathom so many are in.

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"...long lost christian nationslist mother who is suing to stop LGBTQIA friendly practices where she lives" Wow, sorry for that, truly. When our immediate family members go off the rails, that really makes it so much harder. And you really nailed it about the way this is spreading. Good luck, hang in there!

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not allowing any confirmations, so that Trump could appoint generals who will do his bidding

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The military has its own standards, culture, and respected people that are elevated by leadership as candidates for higher rank. Do you think it would go well if Trump tossed that completely away to install a bunch of toadies? Flynn is not at all respected by the military personnel I know.

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I’m a Holocaust scholar. I’ve been seeing these parallels for years. And even with that background, this is a horrifying series of developments, and they’re not even a little bit obscured.

Fascism plans, and all out in the open.

Democracy is on the line. Vote for Democrats. There is no other option.

Democracy or Fascism.

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I’ve been worried about this but have been keeping my own powder dry until we had a clear case that could not be mistaken for anything else. He’s a very slippery guy. But here, we have our clear case.

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There are few things as controversial as comparing someone to Hitler. Many who may have earlier recognized the parallel between tRump and Der Fuhrer could not until recently offer a preponderance of compelling evidence such as you’ve brought forward here. The conversation with the generals was a great tip-off; but on its own not enough to undoubtedly reveal the true nature of perhaps the Greatest Liar to occupy the White House since Tricky Dick.

In the current mass media climate it is better to arrive at a conclusion using greater evidence than come to a similar or same result with less substantive facts. There has been, and still is, so much hyperbole coming from the opposing political camps that most rational members of the populace rely more and more on information which is harder to dispute for their guidance in forming an opinion regarding controversial issues. Those not so inclined tend to be more interested in being told what they already believe.

Perhaps nothing better represents that inclination in the latter camp than those who they’ve chosen to lead and represent them. Pandering and lying to the extremist minority, without whose votes they cannot endure, is the GOP’s last hope to survive as the principle voice of neo-conservatism. No better evidence of this exists than in the individual states’ legislatures, where GOP lawmakers consistently try to undermine the will of the majority of voters; as is most currently being seen in Ohio.

True journalism is more concerned with effectively conveying the truth than being the first to point out the likelihood of a connection or conspiracy. Good on ya, Jay!

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I'm not sure which state is worse, my Ohio, or Florida, perhaps Texas, Idaho comes to mind, as does Indiana. Then there's Tennessee, and Georgia, and we can't forget Arkansas. My point is, this fascist movement is VERY well established in the states, the courts, and the media. I'm not comfortably certain we've awakened in time, but I'm absolutely sure we will not go down without a fight.

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Don’t forget North Carolina either!

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Not sure if Ohio learned from NC, or vise versa.

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Wise, considering. I had issued my own warning before the 2020 election, but this is even scarier.

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Welcome to the fight. Some of us have been in it for decades – long enough to know that No One Really Wants To Hear About It. But still here...

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Are you aware the USA has two Constitutions? Google .. Karen Hudes, former World Bank attorney ‘Two Constitutions.’ The Pope came over in 1871 and installed, with Congressional approval, a second Corporate Constitution. USAINC.

DC serves the Corporation’s first. Debt slaves last.

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I recall my German friend (who lives in America now) tell me a few years back when tRump got elected that his behaviors/rhetoric/laws were very Hitler-like. She then said “I don’t want to ever hear Americans ask me again how could you Germans allow Hitler? how could you not see it”? Boy, was she angry.

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She had every right to be angry! We should have learned from her country's mistake, but we did not.

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Trump claimed he would “root out” his enemies, referring specifically to “the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country” who “lie and cheat and steal on elections.”

And the audience cheered.

The. Audience. Cheered.

Trump could die tomorrow and still millions of Americans will have fellow Americans (Democrats, LGBTQ+, blacks, Jews, etc.) in their crosshairs. America has been poisoned.

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There are a third of Americans who have drunk the orange kool-aid and we cannot get them back. We must defeat them at the polls.

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A third of the current 260M US adults would be 78 million Kool-ade drinkers. If 99.99% of "those" would Never EVER think of harming a fellow American, that would leave 7800 who might find Democrats, ANY Democrat, the enemy. With over 400 million guns in the US, those odds are discomforting. They CHEERED after his speech.

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Indeed—Nixon left office with almost 30% approval, I’ve said for years that that there will always be about 1/3 of the electorate that will vote for a wet napkin if they are a republican

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Poisoned-you are so right. I’m amazed anyone could buy into his message.

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The Republican politicians poisoned the economy for the 99% starting with Nixon, and then started pointing out how the government was corrupt. Of course, they let people believe that it was the left doing it, and Trump got into office by bashing the government claiming that he would drain the swamp.

Unfortunately, when you replace the swamp sludge with radioactive toxic waste, we end up worse off than before.

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Restore the Swamp!

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I love that analogy.

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The. Audience. Cheered. There is no sadder comment.

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He is not just planning for post-election policies; he is sowing the seeds of open revolt if the election does not go his way. Perhaps even earlier. It's terrifying.

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More on that in a later piece, yes. There are additional safeguards, but we must be ready.

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Thanks for bring this up!

This is definitely a scary shit Code Red. If you were sitting on the fence beforehand, this should seriously motivate you to vote Blue for election 2024 -- our democracy is at stake!

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What's most terrifying to me is how many people either don't see or, more likely, don't care about the parallels between Hitler and Trump. As long as he's _their_ bully they openly cheer this clearly fascist, authoritarian language. As to this his recent defence filing that says the president has blanket immunity for anything he does while in office...

It is deeply deeply ironic that his followers most loudly declare themselves "patriots" and justify their need for guns as a constitutional right envisioned by the founders should they need to "overthrow a tyrannical government".... They are the ones cheering for the tyrannical government and throwing away the core tenets of the constitution: that a monarchy of total rule by one man should be replaced with democracy.

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Classic Trumpian (now Republican) projection, yes!

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Horrifying. And that speech happened in my hometown, which unfortunately isn’t super surprising.

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Let’s honor #VeteransDay everyday. I have an ask.

Jam @SenTuberville Phone Lines⬇️

DC 202-224-4124

Mobile 251-308-7233

Mobile Text 202-539-7432

Huntsville 256-692-7500

Hoover 205-760-7307

Montgomery 334-523-7424

Listen here, Tubberville, in the high-octane, adrenaline-pumped arena of Uncle Sam's defense, you're playing a game of Russian roulette with the military promotions, jamming the gears while the specter of war hovers like a hawk. If you keep this up, when the iron bell tolls, and it will toll, thunderous and grim, we'll be caught flat-footed, a skeleton crew facing the abyss. So mark my words, if you're going to chain the hands of readiness, you better be ready to don the helmet yourself. Lead the charge, Tubberville, because if this ship sails into the storm with no hands on deck, it's you who'll be at the helm, staring into the gale. Let loose the chains, man, for it's your signature on this potential calamity, and when the smoke clears, it'll be 'Tubberville's Army' that'll either stand tall or fall hard.

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Just tried and his Washington Voicemail is full. I’m going to try every line over the week, and maybe I will actually get through

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Thank you. You matter. We matter. All voices matter. If lines are busy, keep trying. Each time you make a phone call, have a conversation with someone, or share this list with others, you are reaching out to individuals who either have personal experience serving in the military or are currently serving. It is crucial that we stand behind them and provide our utmost support.

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I will be trying to call, but another option is to send an email (though some elected officials block that option if your zip isn't in their constituency) or get on their FB page, which has the added benefit of his sycophants seeing that others do not agree with him.

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Excellent ideas!

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Glorious Gloria! Well done.

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Thank you!

In this carousel of chaos we call life, your voice is not just a whisper in the void—it's a roar in the jungle. We're all in this mad dance together, spinning records of hope and solidarity. If you're hitting a wall of dead lines, don't let it break your stride—hammer on! Every word you speak, every connection you make, it's a lifeline thrown into the trenches where real heroes tread. We're the backbone, the cheerleaders, the midnight oil burners for those who've worn the boots, shouldered the burden. Ignite the sky with your support; it's the fuel that keeps their spirits ablaze.

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Thanks. Just sent a text. I’m an Army wife and I said so on the text.

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Exactly what he needs to hear. Please pass along Tubberville’s numbers to everybody you know to contact him. This is ridiculous. He is absolutely hobbling the United States military. He’s a bad actor.

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Thank you! I'm on it!!

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You matter. All voices matter. Each time you make a phone call, have a conversation with someone, or share this list with others, you are reaching out to individuals who either have personal experience serving in the military or are currently serving. It is crucial that we stand behind them and provide our utmost support.

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Your welcome wake-up call was echoed by Jen Psaki today.

Does Trump read enough, and is he historically literate enough, to consciously craft a speech that closely modeled upon NSDAP rhetoric? This is a man who gets confused as to who is currently the president and said aloud that Andrew Jackson should have prevented the Civil War. The word "vermin" not something I believe that he would come up with on his own.

This is going out on a limb, but I think that this kind of carefully modeled fascist-speak is being handed to Donald Trump entire after being written by Stephen Miller or someone under his supervision. Miller is an eminence grise prompting Trump with his own ideas and phraseology. Trump of course, will say ANYTHING for effect.

Addendum - Jay did say as much in the piece today. Consider my own contribution as emphasis.

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I doubt tfg crafts his speeches. Jeez, he is a jibbering idiot at the microphone. Stephen Miller and Co. most likely.

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I think so too.

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But we do know (see Jay's paragraph about Ivana) that he is intimately familiar with Hitler's rhetoric and playbook. It's ingrained in his psyche. Second nature by now.

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Stephen Miller is very familiar with Hitler's rhetoric and Playbook. He's still advising Trump.

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I did read that as well. First of all, it is third hand (though certainly credible). Second, keeping a book by your bedside does not mean you read it. Getting through Mein Kampf or any of Hitler speeches is a bit of a slog. Forgive me for doubting that Donald Trump has the discipline.

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Trump, real estate flogger, CERTAINLY knows 'vermin'.

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Bedbugs you say?

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Democrats need to continually make this association in their ads. Emotion creates action. That’s one thing the republicans are capitalizing on. Democrats need stronger messaging. This is do or die time for the country. Every vote. Every voice.

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I think many people see this, but few write about it as well as Jay does. (One of them is Heather Cox Richardson) The bigger problem is, no one knows how to stop him. And then there's Jill Stein, RFK Jr and Dean Phillips getting into the race, and it's only days before Joe Manchin declares his candidacy as a no-labels candidate, all of whom are distractions which will help to pave the way for a Trump win in 2024.

The MAGA's are bonkers, but what is wrong with the rest of us that we can't step up and help Joe Biden crush this menace? He's doing a remarkable job and few people are writing about that either. And if they do, they start the article mentioning his terrible poll numbers and his age. It becomes a self-fulfilling meme. A sort of "You have to admit that . . . " (he's too old, he can't win, etc.) This Thanksgiving, just say no! Stand up for Joe!

Republicans line up and listen to two-hour Mussolini-style speeches from this monster and Dems divvy up and pick nits.

I'm starting to understand the "good" Germans. It's not so much that they did nothing, as they didn't know what to do until it was too late.

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Our media is complicit in all of this. They pushed his lies as facts, for years, they over criticize President Biden and let almost all Republican lies and terrorist language slide. Them finally coming around a bit is too little, too late. Merrick Garland has also failed us. There are still Republicans in Congress who are continuing January 6th's goal. The new speaker took a really active part around all of that. We the people have no recourse when all the powers that be benefit from trump and his bullshit. I am disgusted by the state of this country.

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Yes! Our “it couldn’t happen here” mentality has allowed the coup to continue to build strength and I’m sure the plan is in place for next year. No one with any real power has received (or been in investigated - that we know of - and if they have, it’s all a bit too late) any kind of punishment, and their power has spread & grown.

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Thank you, Jay for pulling the information together and for sharing it with your readers. Thank you for saying it out, pulling no punches.

I've worried about Trump since he hinted he might run as a presidential candidate, so before he rode down the escalator to make a formal announcement. Early on it was clear Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon were problems. Trump cozied up to dictators and the like. The Zero Tolerance policy clinched it for me, Taking children away from the parents is egregious and cruel, against the Rule of Law, and, according to Genocide Watch, a form of torture. (They wrote an open letter to the U.S.) The language used to dehumanize immigrants and asylum seekers is a form of psychological genocide. And it has led to real-life attacks on "others." ~Those first steps were tests to see what they could get away with. ~ As many more people have learned, Trump & his advisors are out to destroy democracy. Project 2025 blatantly, but using subtle language, presents their plans. They are already training conservatives in the hopes that Trump and his crew will have total control of our country, which, were it to happen, would totally cancel out democracy.

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This. It’s textbook. And tuberville holding all these promotions so he can fill the military with loyalists. That also is obvious. Because trump has to have the military for it all to fall into place.

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Elie Wiesel, who survived a concentration camp, although his parents did not, and who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986 put it this way: "

“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe.”

― Elie Wiesel, The Night Trilogy: Night, Dawn, The Accident

He also told a small group of us one evening, "If you want to know what evil is, put a face on it."

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