... and then there is stockholder Robert Schwartz' lawsuit alleging that Rupert Murdoch, his son Lachlan and other board members “knowingly” allowed the network’s hosts to propagate falsehoods about the election being stolen. The lawsuit accuses the board of being more concerned about the network’s “short-term ratings” while failing to grasp the “long-term damages” caused by the reporting of these falsehoods. To be continued...
Thank you for your legal perspective on both matters. Even as this plays out in court, FNC is still out there flooding the zone with sh*t. I hope that they end way up a creek of it with no paddle.
No kidding! The unadulterated motive is : Faux News, aka FNC, with its CEOs in cahoot must lie for supporting the Big Lie due to loosing viewership to other Far-Right news organizations at the time (since Fox News was the first to declare Trump's lost, Biden's win for the presidential election 2020). MAGA base is affluent base needing lies to stay energized in support of GOP politicians. Today still!!!
Which, unfortunately for the then-defendants, calls to mind many hours of reading medieval court transcripts. Jay's a legal nerd, I'm a historical nerd who makes a slim living doing research like this. This is all rather Monty Python come dry English court transcripts come someone screaming "Hang them!" With the peasant gallery shouting "Hip, hip, hooray! We're 'avin' a 'anging today! 'oney, get the kids and make a picnic with a spectacle to watch!"
I cant get over how history is colliding with the modern era, and no one seems to get it. All right, I'm off for a hot toddy and a tea towel now.
This is important. If ever there is a chance to turn Trump’s supporters it will be when they find out that all his “asks” for their hard-earned cash was only to enrich himself and his allies. They will be mad as hell that they fell for it and the response will be ferocious. They can “explain” away a lot of Tucker’s lies, Hannity’s fawning praise, etc., but this issue is going to strike home. Trust me. My modern dance education was precise about angry victims of grift!
Honestly, I'm not sure that some of his hardcore followers would see it that way. He is their Messiah and they would frame it as fake news. They are that far down the rabbit hole.
You could be right, but there are going to be more and more defections—and after awhile, those voices will cause questions to arise, even if they aren’t spoken out loud. I’ve seen this happen with groups who have been utterly convinced. I have my fingers crossed that the “group-mind” will hit an inflection point that cannot be denied.
YES. PLEASE! I sure hope so. I also recently heard that the number of his supporters is already far less than it had been, and we must not forget that this number was never an actual majority of the American population.
No, I don't see any defections, just people who will dig in more. After all, they gave him millions to build a wall which he never did and only used to line his pockets. That didn't teach them anything and at the drop of a hat, they send tfg money. They like supporting a self-proclaimed billionnaire because it makes them feel wanted.
Yes, I am worried about that as well, Kim. I wouldn't be surprised if his hardcore followers might even cry that they would have given him the money no matter what, and that whatever Jack Smith's investigation reveals it is all part of the "evil Democrats' lies".
It would interesting if supporters in the 1/6 insurrection could sue Fox for being the reason they went to Washington, got in trouble and went to prison. Facebook and Twitter too.
Nobody likes to be seen as a sucker. Maybe apropos, but you could say "hell hath no fury like a MAGA supporter (who finds out that) they have been scorned."
I really hope so. I find it just so unbelievable that the Murdock empire isn’t reporting on any of it. Their viewers on FNC and readers of the post etc have no idea about any of the dominion stuff. It really is two separate realities. This can’t end well.
Well, Jay, it seems your time in London very much focused your mind. Three days in a row, you've come up with longish, thorough, brilliant posts filled with substance that read easily.
I suspect Jack Smith has all of this Fox/Dominion stuff on his radar, if he's not already acting on it. I am SO impressed with his work so far -- what we can know -- and think TFG is rather like an aging rooster in a henhouse with a hole in it large enough for a sly fox to fit through. Hence the flurry of feathers and squawks coming from Truth Social and his (cough, excuse me, ahem) "associates."
Trump is genius for bring his loyal Republicans down with him. Most Republicans are refusing facts and evidence in Trump's lies. Glad Jack Smith is here running the investigation operations with Merrick Garland in charge of DOJ. My faith in our government and our Constitution are growing stronger each day.
Suggestion: let's call the laws against email fraud the "Nigerian Prince laws" and TOTALLY let's get Trump nailed for that. I want this said in court, "You are here on a Nigerian Prince violation." I would pay to hear this. 🙂
Actually, that is not a bad idea. I'll never forget a friend who replied to one of those scams by saying "I will be happy to send you funds when my investment in tulips comes to fruition. For the moment, I have no money."
well, all supporters of Trump MAGAts are brainwashed as long as they know their actions are for owning the libs. Trump genius is true. Trump's exploitation gets real result for a long time because his loyal supporters are cultists and will take a bullet for him without reservation! Never underestimate them.
Living with those crazy MAGAts takes clear thinking and focus. Politicians going rogue are open book, but those far right wingnuts are scary. Most are not violent kind. But most will get violent and more because of their fealty to Trump. Things got scary on January 6 because they are with the law enforcement community or ex-cops and ex-military service people!!! Now domestic terrorist leader Trump has got indicted officially and was being arraigned in NYC last week, we can look forward that anyone else breaking the law will be held accountable and be legally punished after conviction!
“But to charge wire fraud, a key question will be this: Did Trump and his campaign officials knowingly make these false representations as a part of a scheme with intent to defraud their base?”
How could they not?? Like seriously, what would be the argument here? This was all done in plain sight like they were all D list actors or something not to be taken seriously. It’s all baffling.
It appears more like gopher holes that eventually have so many tunnels that the road collapses while we are trying to stop further destruction. Yes, the never ending feeling of got you derailed. We all want action and not collapse. I understand the need to keep following the money and yet this article makes me feel surprisingly more frustrated.
Hopefully the dominoes are all starting to fall. And I love your sub-headings: “Dear Abby” and “Mr. Smith goes to Washington”.
I came here to say exactly the same thing!
I am late today reading this. What a day! I, too, loved those headings. Nice to have something to smile about while reading about these subjects!
... and then there is stockholder Robert Schwartz' lawsuit alleging that Rupert Murdoch, his son Lachlan and other board members “knowingly” allowed the network’s hosts to propagate falsehoods about the election being stolen. The lawsuit accuses the board of being more concerned about the network’s “short-term ratings” while failing to grasp the “long-term damages” caused by the reporting of these falsehoods. To be continued...
Thank you for your legal perspective on both matters. Even as this plays out in court, FNC is still out there flooding the zone with sh*t. I hope that they end way up a creek of it with no paddle.
Pull Quote: "Fox desperately hopes to prove that it did not knowingly air false election claims."
Are you kidding me?!?!?
Not kidding! They really have to try and prove this.
I know courtrooms are usually all SORTS of serious, but this is almost My Cousin Vinnie hysterical.
No kidding! The unadulterated motive is : Faux News, aka FNC, with its CEOs in cahoot must lie for supporting the Big Lie due to loosing viewership to other Far-Right news organizations at the time (since Fox News was the first to declare Trump's lost, Biden's win for the presidential election 2020). MAGA base is affluent base needing lies to stay energized in support of GOP politicians. Today still!!!
I guess it's either grasp at soggy paper straws or admit it and plead guilty and ask/beg for mercy from the court.
Which, unfortunately for the then-defendants, calls to mind many hours of reading medieval court transcripts. Jay's a legal nerd, I'm a historical nerd who makes a slim living doing research like this. This is all rather Monty Python come dry English court transcripts come someone screaming "Hang them!" With the peasant gallery shouting "Hip, hip, hooray! We're 'avin' a 'anging today! 'oney, get the kids and make a picnic with a spectacle to watch!"
I cant get over how history is colliding with the modern era, and no one seems to get it. All right, I'm off for a hot toddy and a tea towel now.
That was so very enjoyable to read! Thank you!
This is important. If ever there is a chance to turn Trump’s supporters it will be when they find out that all his “asks” for their hard-earned cash was only to enrich himself and his allies. They will be mad as hell that they fell for it and the response will be ferocious. They can “explain” away a lot of Tucker’s lies, Hannity’s fawning praise, etc., but this issue is going to strike home. Trust me. My modern dance education was precise about angry victims of grift!
Honestly, I'm not sure that some of his hardcore followers would see it that way. He is their Messiah and they would frame it as fake news. They are that far down the rabbit hole.
You could be right, but there are going to be more and more defections—and after awhile, those voices will cause questions to arise, even if they aren’t spoken out loud. I’ve seen this happen with groups who have been utterly convinced. I have my fingers crossed that the “group-mind” will hit an inflection point that cannot be denied.
YES. PLEASE! I sure hope so. I also recently heard that the number of his supporters is already far less than it had been, and we must not forget that this number was never an actual majority of the American population.
No, I don't see any defections, just people who will dig in more. After all, they gave him millions to build a wall which he never did and only used to line his pockets. That didn't teach them anything and at the drop of a hat, they send tfg money. They like supporting a self-proclaimed billionnaire because it makes them feel wanted.
I fear you are right, Kim. Blinded by the "light".
Yes, I am worried about that as well, Kim. I wouldn't be surprised if his hardcore followers might even cry that they would have given him the money no matter what, and that whatever Jack Smith's investigation reveals it is all part of the "evil Democrats' lies".
It would interesting if supporters in the 1/6 insurrection could sue Fox for being the reason they went to Washington, got in trouble and went to prison. Facebook and Twitter too.
I agree with you, and for the same reasons.
Nobody likes to be seen as a sucker. Maybe apropos, but you could say "hell hath no fury like a MAGA supporter (who finds out that) they have been scorned."
I really hope so. I find it just so unbelievable that the Murdock empire isn’t reporting on any of it. Their viewers on FNC and readers of the post etc have no idea about any of the dominion stuff. It really is two separate realities. This can’t end well.
Well, Jay, it seems your time in London very much focused your mind. Three days in a row, you've come up with longish, thorough, brilliant posts filled with substance that read easily.
I suspect Jack Smith has all of this Fox/Dominion stuff on his radar, if he's not already acting on it. I am SO impressed with his work so far -- what we can know -- and think TFG is rather like an aging rooster in a henhouse with a hole in it large enough for a sly fox to fit through. Hence the flurry of feathers and squawks coming from Truth Social and his (cough, excuse me, ahem) "associates."
Trump is genius for bring his loyal Republicans down with him. Most Republicans are refusing facts and evidence in Trump's lies. Glad Jack Smith is here running the investigation operations with Merrick Garland in charge of DOJ. My faith in our government and our Constitution are growing stronger each day.
No, please don't give Republicans any credit they don't deserve. Most are still with tfg, broadcasting that in social media and on Faux.
my sarcasm, my bad! If I don't laugh at them, I will drink! Often!!!
I KNOW! It is enough to drive Carrie Nation over the edge.
Lies upon lies compounded by more lies ... grifters gonna grift. The gullible are going to be fleeced. So sad that this continues.
Probably stating the obvious here, but P.T. Barnum said, after fleecing millions with his carnival/circus bits "there's a sucker born every minute."
Any day that's bad for fox and trump, is a good day for the country.
Suggestion: let's call the laws against email fraud the "Nigerian Prince laws" and TOTALLY let's get Trump nailed for that. I want this said in court, "You are here on a Nigerian Prince violation." I would pay to hear this. 🙂
Actually, that is not a bad idea. I'll never forget a friend who replied to one of those scams by saying "I will be happy to send you funds when my investment in tulips comes to fruition. For the moment, I have no money."
It’s not blue or red, it’s all about the green
So sayeth Rupert Murdoch, under oath.
And all the rest of us in public.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
well, all supporters of Trump MAGAts are brainwashed as long as they know their actions are for owning the libs. Trump genius is true. Trump's exploitation gets real result for a long time because his loyal supporters are cultists and will take a bullet for him without reservation! Never underestimate them.
Sad commentary, though.
Living with those crazy MAGAts takes clear thinking and focus. Politicians going rogue are open book, but those far right wingnuts are scary. Most are not violent kind. But most will get violent and more because of their fealty to Trump. Things got scary on January 6 because they are with the law enforcement community or ex-cops and ex-military service people!!! Now domestic terrorist leader Trump has got indicted officially and was being arraigned in NYC last week, we can look forward that anyone else breaking the law will be held accountable and be legally punished after conviction!
Abby Grossberg not Grossman.
Thanks. I had written Grossman in the first draft and then had to go back and change them all to Grossberg, but I missed one I think!
“But to charge wire fraud, a key question will be this: Did Trump and his campaign officials knowingly make these false representations as a part of a scheme with intent to defraud their base?”
How could they not?? Like seriously, what would be the argument here? This was all done in plain sight like they were all D list actors or something not to be taken seriously. It’s all baffling.
It appears more like gopher holes that eventually have so many tunnels that the road collapses while we are trying to stop further destruction. Yes, the never ending feeling of got you derailed. We all want action and not collapse. I understand the need to keep following the money and yet this article makes me feel surprisingly more frustrated.
Thank you. It should be interesting to see where this trail leads . .
"Massive wire fraud." Well, well, well...
He will do anything to grift.