What you mean is, a group of centrists is holding America hostage. They’ve suddenly come into power, and their greed and misguided thinking is keeping the Democrats from proceeding with an agenda that will position us to save this Republic from true evil, corruption and fascism. Manchin has us marching toward more Trumpism/fascism faster than I ever thought possible. Wonder if his constituents voted for a Republican posing as a Democrat? Can’t get much worse than this going into 2022. They’re virtually guaranteeing Republican wins and thus, the March behind traitors toward ruination of this country as we’ve known it.

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Congress gets far too much vacation time. Lazy overpaid leeches, most of them. The percentage that's actually doing anything for the country is vastly overshadowed by the percentage doing only for themselves. I despise Manchin and Sinema more every day for falsely claiming to be Democrats, when it's obvious they're just Republicans intent on screwing everyone else over.

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I'm so sick of Manchin, I could scream. His constituents back this plan by 70%, I think, so he's certainly not representing them. Gee, I wonder who he is representing? Schumer is ineffective as a Leader. We need someone who will hold Manchin's and Simema's feet to the fire.

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