On the issue of contraception, don't believe for a hot minute that Trump and his cronies in congress won't try to impose limits or even completely ban access to contraception. Clarence Thomas said as much in his concurrence in Dobbs. Not only is he willing to overturn Griswold [contraception], but he also targeted Lawrence [same-sex relationships] and Obergefell [same-sex marriage]. Anyone who wasn't alarmed when the FedSoc right-wing and its SCOTUS handmaidens overturned women's reproductive rights - thinking 'well, that doesn't affect me' - wasn't paying attention. These people are coming for all of us, and all of our rights.

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And he invited those challenges!

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Yes, he did. And we should take him seriously.

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If CORRUPT clarence is willing to overturn those cases, he should also invalidate Loving v. Virginia. /s

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I'm sure it was just an oversight that he left out Loving. /s

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They are coming for magaland, too. School vouchers are going to funnel money away from public schools which are the only schools in many counties. Especially rural counties.

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I really don’t understand why people wouldn’t want contraception. Do all the cheaters like trump want more babies? They can’t pay for abortions anymore unless they travel to a blue state. But, oops! That’s illegal too. Maybe they didn’t think this through.

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Contraception gives women power. The last thing they want is for women to have power.

Or perhaps that's the second-to-last thing they want.

Maybe they decided that, since abortion bans affect women of color more than white women, they need to remove contraception (what is used more widely by white women) in order to "manage" the demographics.

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The evidence seems to indicate that the GOP think the law doesn't apply to them. Trump certainly doesn't and the MAGA lot appear to support that opinion. Then there's the Catholics and bible-bashing evangelists who think it's a sin: ‘Every Sperm is Sacred’, as the Monty Python sketch from ‘The Meaning of Life’ goes (as I mentioned in another discussion about abortion). And lastly, since when have the GOP been sensible or logical? Of course I mean no disrespect to you, I agree with you.

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Yup…excellent point..remember their names….

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That's what I keep telling anyone who'll listen. Fascists and dictators, who want to restrict the freedoms and rights of a particular section of the population won't stop there. They want to control everyone's freedoms and rights, or at least everyone who isn't ‘one of us’. If you think it doesn't affect you, think again, they'll come after you sooner or later. If Trump loses the election he'll blame everyone except his despicable self, including his supporters. The MAGA fools think he loves them! He doesn't, he only cares about himself. God forbid, if he does win, he'll have his goons knocking on their doors at 04:00 to check how much you donated to his campaign. God help you if it wasn't enough (ie all you had).

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What you're describing is known as Wilhoit's Law: Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

As you correctly point out, eventually everyone is in the out-group. Every. One.

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Thank you, I didn't know that (Wilhoit's law), I'll look that up. 🙏🏼

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Robert Costello turned out to be biggest own goal from a defense not noted for its legal prowess. This is what happens when you let the client run your trial strategy, and it couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of sycophants.

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It has all the hallmarks of Trump insisting Costello testify.

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Costello's testimony was clearly a performance for the Audience of One.

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(slaps forehead)

That explains a lot.

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This reminds me of the experience that Cassidy Hutchinson had with a Trumpworld provided attorney.

"One sign of Hutchinson’s possible willingness to cooperate with investigations is her choice of lawyers. She recently switched from a former Trump White House official to a veteran former Justice Department official"


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I strongly suspect that Trump's answer to the question about contraception is in fact a product of his dementia. One of the well-known manifestations of dementia is 'confabulation'; people don't want to admit that they can't manage to answer a question when they realise they should be able to, so they come up with something plausible-sounding. So, here's Trump rambling on about how he's going to have a great policy out next week... I definitely get the impression that he doesn't have a clue and is just stringing words and phrases together to get a generic answer.

Of course, if he becomes President again the effect will be the same whether that's the case or whether he actually does have a restrictive policy in mind. If his dementia is rendering him unable to understand a question about contraception or come up with a sensible answer, then he'll be a puppet in the hands of the people who do want to ban contraception, and no doubt will be happy to scrawl whatever attempt he can still manage of his signature on the bottom of whatever Gilead directive they put in front of him.

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Dumpy has said so many times that he'll be producing evidence or a plan "in the next two weeks" that I don't think it's a product of confabulation. Or it might be that he's done it so many times that it's a fall-back speaking habit to hide his dementia. He did it more than a decade ago during his Obama birther comments: "I've got someone investigating Obama's birth certificate in Hawai'i, a real bombshell, and we'll be producing that in the next two weeks." Anybody remember that bombshell report? During his campaign and his presidency, his healthcare plan and his infrastructure plans were always going to be unveiled next week or in the next two weeks. He thinks it'll keep the public on tenterhooks waiting breathlessly for his next move, except that most of us have figured out by now that he doesn't have anything and won't be producing anything.

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Remember Trump's Health Plan, promised in 2 weeks how many times?

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Under Trumps health plan, everybody gets covered.

You get sick, you die and they pull the sheet up. Voila...you're covered.

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Honestly, you can still say that about much of the current healthcare system. I know people who can't get their hands on basic meds because they cost hundreds of dollars per script, and these are people who have coverage.

Obamacare added a small dose of help to a broken system, but that system is still broken. People are dying because of it.

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…and his tax returns “as soon as the IRS audit is finished.”

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Unfortunately, that "tax audit" is apparently still active. I definitely remember " the greatest health care plan ever" that got lost in the massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.

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Also, he knew better than the generals so he would wipe out ISIS within a month of taking office. (In reality, of course, the opposite happened: He pulled out of Syria- whining about needing "reimbursement" for sending soldiers - so that ISIS were able to free their captured soldiers and officers from a jail there.)

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And don’t forget infrastructure week. It was next week for weeks until someone finally convinced him to shut up about it.

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Like the sign that says, “Free Beer Tomorrow”

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Unfortunately the public has a short attention span.

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Why have a plan at all unless you're intending to restrict access?

A small side note: does anyone remember when the Catholic church sanctioned the use of condoms as long as they were perforated? 😂

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Well, in the case of Obama's birth certificate there was no ‘bombshell’, he was just lying to try to discredit him. He had nothing to produce (but I guess that's your point). The MAGA lot probably believed it too, so for them it had the intended effect, except they were never going to vote for Obama anyway. Preaching to the converted, but fortunately not everyone's as stupid as he or they are or do you think it actually swayed some undecided voters (I don't just mean the Obama birth certificate, but his repeated empty promises now)? I'm fairly certain that if it did it persuaded just as many that he's full of hot air and a lying windbag.

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tRump and his constant refrain about "leave it to the states" regarding both abortion AND apparently contraception has led to this atrocity: the state of Louisiana has passed legislation reclassifying mifespristone and misoprostol as "controlled substances."...whoa! Yes, so why not lump in contraceptives as well?

All this thanks to Dobbs.

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I was going to write something about this but it was just too depressing for words.

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Thanks to Trump, Moscow Mitch, the Federalist Society, Alito and his gang of Magas.

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As a commenter in the NY Times said, they are actually more substantial in their war on women than in their "war" on (the horrible, terrible, going to do us in) illegal immigration.

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I believe the two are connected: if you restrict immigration, the population drops. So, the solution is to ensure there are plenty of home-grown babies. No abortion, no contraception, and plenty of jobs for men and boys as women will be home taking care of families. That's the dream.

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That turns into a nightmare.

Maternal mortality skyrockets.

Since no immigrants:

"Group #1 of men over there will be working in the chicken processing plant. Group #2 will be in the hog processing plant, Group #3 will be picking whatever Farmer Jones has. Group .... And the boys under 18 will working in Processing Plant C to operate the machines. ...."

The jobs that no white man wants. The wages will be same when the immigrants did these jobs.

Crops are rotting in the fields in California and Georgia due to the lack of field hands.

Meanwhile in Internment Camp 42 near El Paso, Texas a third mass grave was dug for those immigrants who died due to the new virus while waiting to be transported to Mexico. Mexico had closed its border with the US. Canada followed two weeks later. Over ten thousand US citizens, native and naturized, had been included in the roundups of immigrates just because of their looks.

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Doesn't pencil out, 'cause there won't be enough live bodies to go around.


Incarcerate everyone, then contract with the chicken farmers for free labor direct from the prison yard...Thanks, 13th Amendment!

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tRump's input is absolutely unnecessary for tRumps policies to be produced and implemented. The big guys in the MAGAt Machine have their blueprint (Project 2025). We are living in extremely scary times!

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The debate is sure going to be interesting. I don't see any way that his minions ultimately let that happen. I don't know how he'll slither out of it, but slither he shall.

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I actually don't think that'll happen (the slithering). Trump knows perfectly well that it'll look terrible if he doesn't take part after all the buildup about it, while at the same time having zero insight into how badly he'll come across if he *does* take part, so he's going to be very firm about doing it. And his minions have very limited control over him.

What they will no doubt continue to do is come up with more and more ridiculous conditions and then twist any refusals into excuses to diss Biden.

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I agree with you! MAGA used to call Joe a puppet of the left. Strangely, now that it is more obvious that Trump is the true puppet (of the far right, Putin-loving crazies), I haven't been hearing that about Biden. Just like we don't hear about "Sleepy Joe" since Dozy Don showed up.

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Shades of "Infrastructure Week" or "we have the best health care plan. We're rolling it out next week"...

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Hopefully this policy will be as prompt as his “infrastructure week” . .

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Next week? Like all his "infrastructure weeks"?

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You make a good point!

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When Trump talks, it's like he bought some paragraphs from IKEA and didn't bother to read the instructions on how to assemble the words into something coherent.

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Oh, gotta steal this - spot on!

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"Steal" is such a harsh term. I prefer "R&D" (Rip-off and Duplicate).😉

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I just always "share." 😁

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Jay, you bring me joy this morning. I’m so thankful for your deep legal knowledge and ability to simplify it for the rest of us who need a crash course. Carry on!

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Also love the Christina-Bobb-as-Vampira mugshot...spot on!

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Someone said on X that Christian Bale should play her. I shouldn’t have laughed but I did.

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Looks like she tried to do the Kubrick Stare thing and just couldn't pull it off.

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It reminded me of Trump's mugshot scowl.

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I hear that they've identified the poster of the 'unified Reich' image. Apparently it was a staffer named John Barron.

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Isn't John Barron one of David Dennison's pseudonyms?

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Yes. "Donald Trump, an American businessman, politician, and former president of the United States has used several pseudonyms, including "John Barron" (or "John Baron"), "John Miller" and "David Dennison". His practice of sometimes speaking to the media under the guise of a spokesperson has been described as "an open secret" at the Trump Organization and in New York media circles."


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Does he go by "The Red Barron" around the office?

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Not a staffer but himself! "Donald Trump, an American businessman, politician, and former president of the United States has used several pseudonyms, including "John Barron" (or "John Baron"), "John Miller" and "David Dennison". His practice of sometimes speaking to the media under the guise of a spokesperson has been described as "an open secret" at the Trump Organization and in New York media circles." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms_used_by_Donald_Trump

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Thank you for this update and your continued dedication to telling the truth. 👏🏼

We can win this election if we get involved. See The Hopium Chronicles Substack from yesterday (and read the comments) to see where we are needed to get this win for all blue candidates. 💪🏼🗳️💙

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"Never mind that the language concerning use of deadly force is standard in warrants and is part of existing DOJ policy."

trump's secret service protection unit was given advance warning of the raid, hence trump had prior knowledge of the raid. Hence, he wasn't there, and there was no attempt to "assassinate" anyone. How can Biden go from "Dementia Joe" to "Assassin Joe?" The MAGA/Cult needs to make up their mind.

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This assumes they have them.

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Very true!

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It's "Schrödinger's Brandon": They see him both as a demented old fogie, and a scheming mastermind destroying the Conservative way of life in America depending on what they need to express at that particular time.

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I just left the heartland where I encountered some folks so entrenched in the Trump cult it was very disturbing. I’m fervently hoping that sane voters will end this nightmare. As always an outstanding summary! ✌️💙

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Jay's 'The Big Picture' interview (yesterday) goes into how this won't be 'just over' if we win in November. The right is being enraged and adrenalized on a daily basis. This requires a longterm mentality of keeping them from power. I don't even know how we can cram this genie back in the bottle.

edited to add 'yesterday'.

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I know… and I’m bracing myself. Ugh.

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As Dan Rather said, “Democracy is not a spectator sport”.

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So thankful for your postings!

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Is this going to be like his infrastructure weeks? Coming soon….

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I can't tell if "What's a little 'unified reich' talk among fiends?" Is a typo or intentional, but either way I like it

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Excellent essay. Thanks Jay.

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Re: the FBI "raid" on MAL and "gunning for tRump": It was widely reported at the time that the FBI waited *deliberately* until tRump decamped from MAL before conducting the searches under a warrant. How can that information be so blatantly ignored when it's plainly in the public record? That should have been the first avenue of pushback by the DOJ and Biden, rather than parsing all the regs governing FBI operations and use of firearms.

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“He has a long and well-documented history of echoing Nazi rhetoric, including saying immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of America and that his political opponents are “vermin.” What’s a little “Unified Reich” talk among fiends?”

Don’t forget the “lying press”. Hitler was famous for using the term Lügenpresse. Dictators hate a free press that calls them out on their BS.

So although the NYT is treating Trump right now with kids gloves, if Trump wins, they better hope they’ll still have jobs. Dictators use propaganda machines. Not free press.

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When he's got control of the levers of the federal gov't, though, all he has to do is tell his minions to get rid of anything or anyone and it'll be done. That's what's dangerous, he just keeps speeding past the "silly colored signs", unchecked, doing whatever he wants at that moment. The check on outrageous actions has been taken over by the FedSoc judges and trump knows it. Unless Biden wins and he adds four (4) new SCOTUS justices, they'll keep dismantling every check or freedom they encounter. I think we are seeing some divisions recently among the SCOTUS conservatives, like in the recent (and surprising) ruling to keep the Consumer Protection Finance Bureau rather than defund it. I just wonder, though, how many mailboxes, pedestrians, and strollers on the sidewalk he'll be allowed to runover with reckless abandon until people who know better stop filling up his gas tank for him.

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That ruling is semi-stunning, considering the long history of El Supremo ruling in favor of whatever it is that entrenches corporate dominance over the citizenry...

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Trump is a demented Nazi who is going to prom with the lovely Karma; may her bouquet absorb the stench from his undead (by his own words) husk.

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