I slept like a rock last night after hearing the decision by the (less than) supreme court. That's because it cut through to the fact that no one is coming to save us and the conservative justices are onboard with the orange one. You're right Jay, this is up to us; that much is finally clear. That is why I slept so well last night, I now have a new focus of purpose.

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I'm hoping we can march on SCOTUS on the 7th. We the People have a right to a fair and SPEEDY trial. They can give us one on MARCH, not the tail end of April, or none of us pay taxes!

This SCOTUS out of all the courts before it should understand better than most how to do things for money.

We will march and we will chant and hopefully they won't be able to concentrate on anything else until they put US FIRST!


If they will not give us justice, we will take it.

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A nice idea but it won’t to any good. They don’t care!

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I disagree, marching is visual protest whose purpose is to build solidarity in changing systems/policies and for me gives me a very real sense I am not alone.

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I agree with you. IMO protests will not affect SCOTUS at all. Time and energy spent on making sure every eligible voter is registered and fully understands the importance of their vote. That along with the marching would definitely have the intended effect.

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"If the outcome of his appeal is already clear..."

At the risk of sounding histrionic, I am absolutely NOT convinced that the ultimate SCOTUS decision here is certain and that they won't yield any ground to Trump's position.

Over and over, we've been told that our concerns about the Supreme Court are hyperbolic and overblown. Hey, these are serious legal people, not partisan hacks! They respect precedent!

"Nobody is going to overturn Roe v. Wade, that is settled law"

Welp, that turned out to be super wrong! And now in 2024 we're having actual debates about a federal abortion ban and "extra-uterine" children that blocked IVF availability in Alabama. There are literal laws on the books enabling snitching and bounty hunters for women who miscarry and are suspected of carrying out abortions in some states.

There are so many other examples from the Trump-jurist majority court to previous ones (cough, Bush v Gore, cough Citizens United, cough dozens of others) that show how ideological and corrupt the court has become. We have several members literally raking in millions from benefactors who have repeated cases before the Court, and they don't seem to care!

I really, really hope you are right and they "only" give him an assist via delay, but it seems really questionable that they even felt the need to weigh in on the DC Circuit's airtight logic that is obviously correct from a constitutional, historical, and common sense perspective.

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If the Supreme Court does somehow manage to twist the Constitution enough to give Trump even partial immunity, then there will be nothing preventing Biden from having Trump arrested an thrown into the darkest pit of our penal system. (or having Seal Team 6 assassinate him which is preposterous, considering Biden is the only real Christian on the ballot). He could also declare the election void, if Trump manages to win again. Biden will still be President until January, long after the Court makes their determination so he'll have plenty of opportunity. I don't see the Court giving him or any future President that power.

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Setting aside whether or not Biden or Democrats would ever do this (they would not, that's the biggest difference between the parties), this cycle of desecrating the Constitution and further degrading our democracy would just accelerate this country's descent into madness and banana republic territory.

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It's not like Biden needs to stretch the law to make something happen. A more ruthless AG with a prosecutor's mentality would do the trick. Trump has broken so many laws that a new AG could probably fire up a new case vis a vis Russia tomorrow morning.

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Just open the Meuller report and take him down.

Totally agree it’s time for Biden to take the gloves off. Hire a bulldog AG and cuff PAB.

Put an end to this fascist crime wave. Because that’s what it is. It’s not politics or policy disputes. It’s abandonment of the Constitution, propaganda and collusion with Russia.

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I've always said they should have prosecuted the obstruction charges outlined in the Mueller report first. Go after the low hanging fruit that had already been investigated. We all knew the J6 investigation would be long and complex.

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Agreed. Biden's deep respect for the rule of law and basic decency prevents any actions like the ones the GQP would do without a second thought. That's why he's one of the "good guys" and why we need to ALL support him.

If you hear anyone repeating the right-wing B.S. about him being "old", push back - his experience has been invaluable in not only digging the country out of the mess Cheetolini made, but building a strong economy, and bringing jobs back.

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Tffg already stacked the Supreme Court with his puppets without repercussions in our so called democracy. If his puppets on SCOTUS rule that tffg has immunity from his crimes done while attempting to annul our free and fair election while POTUS then our Constitution and democracy will already be dead at the hands of those puppets. SCOTUS /PUTIN(oops I meant Trump)/GOP don’t get to crime their way to a despotic government while the law abiding majority of us just roll over for them! If SCOTUS kills our Constitution by ruling POTUS has immunity, and Biden is the sitting POTUS then SCOTUS is giving Biden immunity to do whatever he needs to do to save us from PUTIN’s HELL!!

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I Like Tffg…!

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Exactly! THAT is what the Timing of their Ruling is All About! Enough time to Screw with the November Election…But Not Enough Time for Biden to Use These New Powers…UNLESS HE WINS! IF Moderate Joe doesn’t grasp the Call To Change, SOMEONE NEEDS TO WAKE HIM UP!

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Couldn’t agree with you more. This court should be seen with clear eyes and considered every bit as much a threat to our democracy as tRump himself.

At this point in time, we have no legitimate Supreme Court .

Think about that.

We also have no legitimate Congress.

The Senate is at risk for becoming GOP next cycle. McConnell’s timing at stepping down is not random. Nor this ruling . Both arrive on the heels of a 2 week “ vacation” . More likely it was a 2 week planning session.

Vote Blue of course but Do more than vote. Do more. Do everything you can.

If we lose our country atleast we will know in our hearts we didn’t lose it without fighting until the end.

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I hate to say it, but I think you're right. I think the court is going to say that no president has absolute immunity, but nothing the orange one did was a "criminal" act and therefore he was acting within his official duties. That will save trump, but keep President Biden from tossing him into a dungeon.

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IMHO, TFG is damaged goods and doesn't require a criminal conviction to lose yet again. But that's just me.

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You’re not alone in this belief, because Rick Wilson and his partner at the Lincoln Project did a podcast yesterday that detailed how damaged Trump really is. The MAGA nut cases do not exist in enough numbers to help him win, and he is bleeding support from all demographics. They convinced me to be optimistic after I listened to that last night.

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Speaking of optimism, Boobert's chances of reelection appear to get dimmer by the day. 🤭

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Yes, she moved her campaign to district 4, which is even more conservative than district 3, where I live. She had no chance of winning here, and polls are showing her dead last in the Republican primary for district 4, so I would consider her gone. Of course, now she doesn’t care what happens to her current district because she’s essentially a lame duck. The problem now is that the Republican primary for district 3 includes a couple of moderates, and if one of them wins, then it might be harder for Adam Frisch to flip this seat. But we are very motivated here and working hard to get him elected. District 4 is super conservative and will remain Republican no matter what.

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Thanks for the update, Janet. You and you fellow patriots are the best.

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Will send Frisch a campaign contribution in Boobert's honor. 👍🤑🤩

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I admire your optimism. I worry that the election is not secure - either if Biden wins or not; will we take Congress & the Senate; will the MAGAS simply take over by force; too many red states operating like dictatorships, etc I always look to Jay to bring me off the ledge, but this has me thinking the SC is totally in on their plans. Hoping you are the one that’s got it right with optimism. I’m trying.

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My concern is more with intimidation of voters, purging of voters from the rolls, and other such things that Republicans like to come up with since they can’t win except by cheating. But Democrats have been winning elections all across the board since Trump‘s midterm in 2018, so I have faith that people will be coming out in droves. The percentage of Americans who want to live under a dictatorship is relatively small in my opinion.

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Agree in a fair election, he will be trounced by Biden.

But we have to assume they are planning coup 2.

After all this, does anyone really believe they will allow us a typical and fair election?

Never underestimate how low they are willing to go. They are playing for keeps. Believe it.

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I couldn't agree more. But they couldn't even pull it off when they were in power so I'm not losing sleep over it. But vigilance is required. Definitely. Good point.

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On Jan 6th they had the trump administration behind them - the police were told not to use deadly force, the police were not issued standard riot gear, no National Guard sent in until it was over. If they try again, those factors will not be there.

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Exactly. I also realize that part of the enemy is from within but given all we know about maga? These are not serious people in the end. Looking forward to voting in November!

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I agree. I don’t think the election will be fair or legal and I believe they don’t care. Too many obstacles have been put in place.

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I keep trying to wrap my head around Dems slow awakening to the realities. Is it because it's too frightening to consider? That they expect to much because they can't imagine the depth of depravity at play?

A win has to first overcome the huge amounts of voter suppression out there in states like mine. I'm initimidated to vote in person here where people sit outside places of polling with their trucks, rifles trump & other flags, especially after an elderly woman was once roughed up. 2 of my 3 last votes were lost or thrown out and others have similar stories.

What if we do get a win? Is a coup possible? I think your concern is absolutely just and on target. From the guy that predicted Jan 6th several months beforehand (I remember being chilled by reading it) a reporting of the plans being considered should Biden win (which I'm now not surprised at all by).


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I have been wondering what shape it will take, what plans are in the works. Well, this tells us all we need to know.

Thanks for sharing Lesly.

I’m sending this to every human I know and I encourage everyone here to do the same.

Btw, some will laugh at you, tell you you’re reading too much news, you’re an alarmist etc— ignore all that and keep working. We must.

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I wonder if we'll see indictments sooner by Jack Smith of the other coup plotters (like Ginni Thomas, Mark Meadows, and others).

I also wonder if there are restrictions on where and who Trump can get money for the bond from. As we've been reminded this week with reporting on Mike Johnson's campaign contributions from Russian oligarchs, there's likely an individual or two allied with Putin that can afford the bond. It would be some sort of deel money laundering, but I'd be surprised if those conversations aren't happening now.

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In the appeal, the restrictions on taking out a loan have been lifted, so Trump can borrow from a bank again. Whether this is only to pay the bond, or applies to all loans, is not quite clear to me. And of course, whether any bank is willing to lend him that kind of money is also an open question - any bank that does may well open itself up to a shareholder lawsuit.

A Russian oligarch helping him out is certainly a possibility, but it may not be as easy as it seems. With the sanctions in place, the US government is certainly monitoring money streams like that. Even if not, Trump may well have to explain the sources of the money publicly, in the middle of his reelection campaign.

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He could get the money from the Saudis.

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Oh goodness — I’m sure LDFF would *never* do something forbidden by the FEC! (Does that stand for the Feckless Election Committee? No, not until January 21, 2025 …)

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The only consolation is that he has a judge who is assigned to him for three years to monitor all these financial transactions.

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I don't think so, Smith will not want to muddy the waters before a decision from the un-supreme court.

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You bring up interesting questions. I'm stocking up on popcorn before it is all sold out!

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Unfortunately the supreme court basically absolving him from criminal responsibility would energize his base and those still on the wall about him.

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Maybe. But they are still a minority who gained traction by gerrymandering, lying and hiding behind the 'normal' GOP. That quiet part is now fully exposed post Dobbs, Carrol, Alabama and NY fraud. Large majority of Americans did not ask to be ruled over by religious zealots who are criminalizing their daughters. I say, let's vote on it!

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That's true, they do seem to be the gift that keeps on giving.

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GOP has fully lost control to the extremist magats. They are trumpeting their extremism as if they hold popular positions. Regular Americans recoil from the bible thumping agenda. FFS! Last week Charlie Kirk and the Heritage Foundation were sermonizing against sex, saying if you have it you should suffer the consequences! Seriously. You can Google it. Haha! Popular position, oh yeah. Keep telling yourselves that, maga. See you in November.

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It boils down to this, as I see it; is the Biden Administration ready to deal with the t***p Coup II. This is the MoFo who has never conceded the 2020 Election, and there is no way he is goi

ng to make a gracious concession speech. Buckel up buttercup; rough road ahead.

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Agree 100%.

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I put absolutely nothing past the current Supreme Court, and I imagine that the three female liberal justices are squirming in their seats as they watch what the others are doing.

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My guess is that they will say, he does not have immunity. If they were planning to decide in Trump's favor, the delaying tactics don't make too much sense.

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I actually think the opposite, if they were going to let him off they would have declined to hear the case at all. They needed five votes to grant a stay, does that mean they have 5 votes in favor of granting at least some form of immunity?

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Thanks as always Jay.

You closing thoughts is the whole case for the People. I have no hope for anyone that is part of the so-called MAGA cult. Those folks are never, ever coming back to any kind of "normalcy" or Democracy. The people in the middle, left and left of center — to the youth that think Biden hasn't done enough for them, or the American Arab population pissed over his stance on Israel; I beseech you to look at the big picture.

To the so-called young voters: He got infrastructure done, he killed a ton of your loan debt, and put us back on sure environmental footing. He also got us out of the endless wars. So I am not sure why there is a bug up your butts — except to say this. You don't get everything you want instantly and just by wanting it. Crafting policy and law takes time and you continue to discount something important — there are still a very loud bunch of nuts who are working to stop Biden, Democrats and progress. They are not just going to look the other way and let Biden and Democrats do whatever you want without opposition.

You want more change? Good. So do I. So does Biden.

Staying home is not the answer. Republicans are not the option because you know they are the one f__king you over day and night. Third party candidates have no chance and even with the "new math" you were taught, you damn well know that your third party vote is a mathematical vote for Trump.

To the American Arab community that is "protesting" — I wrote it yesterday but it needs repeating. Do you really believe that by protesting you somehow win? What do you win? "Enduring" 4 years of Orange Adolf is not what will happen and you need to grasp that as reality. Do you really believe he is going to walk away from power again if he gains it? You really believe it will "just be 4 years?" He has total control of the republican party and if they have the House and Senate, do you really think they are going to stand in his way? The damage he did to your community the last time — right here at home — will be magnified 10-fold if put in power again.

I get it — the situation in Gaza — I really do. But for the love of god — do you really think that Orange Adolf makes it better for you? For Gaza? For Palestine? And if you do — explain it to me; please. Tell me how it gets better under Orange Adolf. The man who just said he would encourage Putin to attack our own NATO allies. He and Netenyahu are besties and are both criminally fascistic. In fact — both are literally just criminals. Do you really think they won't partner up and go on a killing spree throughout the region? Who do you think they will target?

Right now — this kind of "protesting" is all well and good. Hold Biden and Democrats feet to the fire. Absolutely. Voice your concerns. But on election day — recognize that better is not the enemy of good.

Understand that staying home or voting third party is standing WITH the MAGA crowd and helping them burn the Constitution is not the answer. What you are doing is bringing the gasoline and matches to them!!

You have to show up! If you want to live in a democracy — you know that to be truth. You know — not even that deep down — you have one choice. It's Joe Biden, it's the Democratic nominee for Senate and House or it's the end of the republic. That is what you have before you. There will not be another election after 2024 if Orange Adolf is put back into power. He has already confirmed that. "I will be a dictator on Day 1." Dictators do not give up power.

Consider this: Does anyone expect him to accept the results of THIS election? I would predict that by the time September rolls around, you will hear about the election being stolen from him…again. And should we show up and do the right thing and save our democracy; do you really think there will not be another attempted coup?

As for the court case and SCOTUS — there should be zero surprise here whatsoever. No need to get bent out of shape over something we saw coming.

SCOTUs actions should be galvanizing to us all — letting everyone of us know why it is vital to keep republicans OUT of power at all levels. (It is NOT just the Dobbs decision). These are the judges they appoint because they know that once they control the Judicial, they have total control. 5 of the 9 judges on SCOTUS are certifiably insane. Judge Cannon would NOT be a sitting judge had we all shown up in 2016 and not screwed around with the Jill Stein's of the world.

Through it all — one choice. One. And Only one. And through it all — no matter what — if there is air in my lungs and one last beat of my heart remaining, I will cast my vote for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the entire Democratic team of candidates. I hope you will as well. No excuse. No repeat of 2016. No repeat of 2000.

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Regarding the protest vote, I believe it was purely symbolic. They knew their vote wouldn't change anything but wanted to be heard. They have no intention of voting for "orange Adolph" because as you say it would be voting against their best interest.

That is also something to keep in mind. Biden might not be the leader we want but he is the leader we have. And the alternative is much much worse.

I'm voting blue down ballot, not because I support every single idea being floated by each candidate, but because I know at the very least those candidates support a democracy of and by the people. The other people don't support that, pure and simple

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George, he is definitely the leader we want at this moment.

I’ve never had so much faith in one man, one President to do the right thing. And he has the years of experience to know what that is.

Please friends stop falling into the trap of causally downgrading the President. One of the most powerful things we can do right now is to get behind him with full faith and fervor .

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My concern is those who voted "uncommitted" as a protest vote will sit on their hands on election day, just as many Bernie supporters did in 2016. Not voting is effectively a vote for Trump. Those who don't vote will be part owners of the consequences of a Trump election and I will have no sympathy for their cause when Trump destroys it.

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Andre I think you hit all the important reasons why there really is only one choice. Joe Biden for the sake of our democracy!

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Another excellent comment, Andre. I particularly like your statement about the kind of impatience we often see with young voters, and with some older voters. The instant gratification phenomenon in this country does not serve us well. Diplomacy and getting bills passed take time, and Biden, especially because of his age and experience, understands this better than almost any other president in my lifetime.

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The problem with being patient is that it often leads to nothing happening, ever.

For instance, income inequality. That has been getting worse, not better, since the 1970s. Anti-union politics has been bipartisan for so many decades that many people experienced from high school to their retirement.

Legal immigration has been an issue since the 1980s, illegal immigration even longer.

For instance, all the atrocities of George Bush. Most of those have still not been addressed 20 years later.

Guantanamo is still open.

And it wasn't a Democrat who ended the war in Iraq (and the guy who did it did it in the most atrocious way possible).

Climate change has been known for decades.

And so on, and so on. Sorry but even though I'm nearly 60 years old, I'm with Capital Cities on this: "Patience Gets Us Nowhere Fast".

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I have to agree with much of this, but when it comes to international relations and diplomacy, sometimes patience is the only way to get things done in a lasting way. I credit Biden with doing a remarkable job in three short years, considering that he is constantly facing a brick wall of insane Republicans. And even now, he is doing things through executive actions to get around Republicans.

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I'll mostly agree with you on Biden; he is better than some others about moving things back a bit (although still not as good as could be). My comment was meant to be more general. Obama has been a particularly huge disappointment in that respect. I particularly blame him for needlessly giving away the government option in Obamacare, for actually stepping up the persecution of journalists, for not pardoning national hero Edward Snowden, for not making enough effort to end the wars.

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Obama thought he could get things done in a bipartisan way. Even in the face of Republican intransigence he held onto that belief too long.

Remember Mitch McCoñell saying, that Republicans did not want to see Obama succeed at all.

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I’m 74…how do you think I feel!

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Andre, you have given voice to everything I have been thinking including the debilitating thought that we are never going to be rid of this orange corrupt criminal of a human being. I have said this to people. They look at me as if I have lost my mind. We, the people, have allowed this ill wind to be sown. And unless a sizable majority comes forth with critical votes to stop it, I fear we are about to reap a whirlwind of epic and extremely ugly proportions.

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Should THAT Happen…I won’t be around. I Don’t Intend to spend the few remaining years (74) I Have “Left” under a Tyrants Rule! I’ll be perched somewhere on a Favorite Island for Those Years!

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Well said.

However, HRC did win the popular vote and we still ended up with tfg. We need to modernize our political system starting with abolishing the electoral college and adding seats to SCOTUS. The Putin party is using our antiquated system against us. This is likely the last chance Dems will have to find spines.

Of course we should all vote, but that’s not going to be enough. I have zero doubt that Putin’s party will attempt a 2nd coup. tRump isn’t even trying to appeal to anyone other MAGAs and it’s impossible to win fair and square without a broader coalition.

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He is a cornered animal. The most dangerous kind. He will reach for any and all support where he can get it. We have seen he is without shame.

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We should believe him when he says he will be a dictator on day 1. I am hoping the Manhattan convictions will make a dent. But he is already laying the groundwork for his increasingly dumb and gullible base.

He recently has been saying words to the effect of "even if I am convicted its not a real crime..."

Translation: I know I am about to be convicted, so I need to prepare you for that, and get you used to supporting a convict.

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He can win if apathetic Dems, the center and left falter — which is the recipe of 2016.

I could not agree more that structural change is needed. The problem is — the structural change would have to come in the form of a series of constitutional amendments. (The lawyers here can check me on that).

To eliminate the electoral college — which I am all in favor of — would take an amendment. To pass an amendment you will need 290 votes in the House, 67 in the Senate, the signature of a President, and ratification from 38 state houses and governors. No republican anywhere would support such an amendment because they know that ends their ability to ever hold the white house (at least not without a significant lurch toward the center).

Id love to see an amendment codifying Roe, another to make releasing financial statements a requirement to even appear on a ballot, another to repeal and replace the second amendment. These things can't happen without a massive blue wave across several elections — and then — the same electorate that got them there, has to hold their feet to the fire to enact the changes. That si the part we fail to get.

I concur Democrats often either fail to exercise power when they have it, and they typical pick the worst pieces of legislation to advance and it kills their re-election chances (Bail Reform in NYS — im looking at you. Hello Defund the Police... nice of you to screw us over some more....)

Change is needed. The underpinnings of democracy need more than a fresh coat of pain. They need significant reinforcement. The only chance we have with it — Democrats.

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What about expanding the house? The number of seats (435) was set in 1929. This leave most in the US massively underrepresented. The number is NOT set by the constitution, just statute . . .

Since the Electoral college is based on the number of seats in the house + senate, and the US population has roughly tripled since the seat count was last updated, even a partial re-alignment would make a significant difference. Arguments that a larger house would make governance difficult to impossible are laughable in light of the last two years of the GQP-"led" house clownshow

There is a pretty good article discussing the topic here:


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Expanding the House is probably not a good idea; it would become too unwieldy. If we had stuck with the original allocation in the Constitution, we would have 15,000 Representatives. The largest parliament in the world is Germany's (with currently 736 members; due to their election system, it changes slightly with each election). That 700 number is probably the upper limit of what's feasible, but not enough to make a dent in the allocation imbalance you bemoan. It would also open up yet more gerrymandering opportunities.

That aside: the Electoral Collage is the way it is for a good reason. It almost always represents the popular votes, but provides a backstop against extremely lopsided outcomes. 2016 was such a lopsided outcome.

The Founding Fathers specifically wanted to prevent one (or a few) very populous areas from dominating politics at the expense of less populous areas. Such as, originally, Virginia vs. Delaware. Or in 2016 the cities of Los Angeles/Chicago/New York vs. nearly the rest of the country.

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Obviously common sense would be needed. Something like 650-700 seems quite manageable.

The Electoral college hadn’t reflected the popular vote for quite some time, and since the largest states are preordained, the popular vote likely understates the real will of the people.

The founding fathers had to make a deal with belligerent slave owners (the GQP of the day) to get them to sign on to the constitution.

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In the contrary. The Electoral College almost always reflects the popular vote. It only happened four times in US history that it didn't, and in all four cases, it happened because of a very geographically lopsided result - exactly what the Founding Fathers were trying to prevent.

Five if you count the particularly nasty 1876 election that even Trump isn't likely to top.

The Electoral College also also didn't have much to do with slavery. In the contrary, it actually hurt the most of the major slave-owning states, because at the time they were also among the largest ones and lost influence.

The original idea of the Founding Fathers had been to not elect the President at all, but rather have House and Senate together select one (much as Prime Ministers and Chancellors in Europe are selected today). This led to concern that the President might be too beholden to Congress. So the Founding Fathers created a body that exactly mirrored the House and Senate, but is composed of different individuals.

So the real question is, why is the Senate apportioned with two Senators regardless of the size of the state? Again, it wasn't mostly about slavery, and if so, in the opposite direction.

It was about a conflict between the then-smallest and largest states of Delaware and Virginia. Both were slaveholding states, but Delaware only had few. Virginia had ten times the population, plus added a lot more voting power thanks to the three-fifth compromise.

Delaware was concerned that they would always be outvoted. That's why Delaware insisted on one chamber of Congress to *not* be apportioned according to population, but have equal representation. That, in turn, carried over into the Electoral College.

And this is still very much a concern today.

Agreed on 700 or so being manageable, but it also wouldn't change much in terms of changing the balance of power.

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One quibble, no elected Democratic politician ever pushed defund the police. Instead they wanted to add mental health practitioners to the police force.

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I don't think anybody, politician or not, ever actually pushed to defund the police; it was a slogan to make a point. There have been pushes (including by Democratic politicians) to defund certain activities, such as buying military surplus that should have no place in policing in the first place.

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Yes, there is no reason a police force needs a tank! Although I don't know that not allowing civilian police forces to buy military surplus is defunding.

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I have more compassion for the youth. Look at the world they are being handed. As a psychotherapist I can tell you the existential dread in the younger generation is high, climate, housing, debt, can they have kids financially, should they have kids ethically - guns, war... Certainly previous generations have had their challenges but no previous generation has had the threat of climate collapse hanging over there future. So I think a much more effective approach is not "how stupid are you" it's an "I understand the frustrations, the dread And I'm really concerned we will have no opportunity to address any of those issues unless the Democrats prevail." I also like to stress we have the potential to influence Joe Biden but no hope of influencing Tr..., which I think the voters in Michigan are trying to do. And then I say let's work to get a young progressive presidential candidate on the ballot in 2028! Again stressing that the only way we will be able to do that is if our democracy holds

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Fair enough and excellent point; because I completely understand the frustration of young voters as much as the American Arab community. You correctly point out that 2024 is largely the year we have to “hold serve” on democracy. If we do, than we should (I’m presuming Orange Adolf” will be convicted by then and who knows where he will exist) be able to put up a variety of good candidates across the spectrum.

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I agree. None of that is new, though. Those who were young in the 1970s or 1980s had very similar experiences (cold war, Chernobyl, rising cost of living, ...) and also had similar responses. Mental health issues often manifested themselves as the drug crises of that era, and many young people at the time also decided not to have children because of the state of the world (which is one of the drivers behind the population collapses in Europe and Japan. The US was spared some of that only because of immigration).

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Well said. Can't agree more.

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This right here. Facts.

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I really understand why "may you live in interesting times" is a curse. I'd really like to be bored for a while.

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I hear you, Lena. I need quiet time. 🙄

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The real court that matters is the court of public opinion. The evidence is overwhelming for the j6 and the documents case. In both the defendant has basically confessed. Claiming immunity is conceding he did it.

Saying that he had declassified the documents and that he therefore had a right to them is conceding he took them.

A strategy of delay is not what an innocent person would do. Just the opposite. Why not push to go to trial and prove your innocence.

The defendant is a makeup wearing, hair dying. Shoe salesman business fraud rapist.

Let’s not wait for the courts and keep exposing the facts so the public can be the jury on Election Day.

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All of these story cement the central point that all Republicans up and down the ballot are cronies for Trump. In 2020 many Republicans managed to distance themselves from him but that won’t be possible this year. Every single race will be a referendum on Trump and MAGA. While the stakes are terrifying, MAGA has a terrible record at the ballot box and we are very motivated.

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It was a sad day for justice yesterday. It is a sad day for democracy. A corrupt court with no accountability will be the next nail in the coffin of democracy unless, as Jay and others who write on Substack have noted, we the people do everything we can to vote and vote blue. If you don’t think your freedom depends on it, think again.

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I was feeling pretty bad about all this last night until someone told me to "Buck Up" and that this is why our ancestors fought to end British rule so they could be free. I have a 6th great grandfather who fought with George Washington...so I better live up to the family commitment to freedom. The wealthiest among us are trying to own us like so much livestock. We can't let that happen. VOTE and donate and do whatever you can to keep our democracy alive. 💙💙✌️

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While my 6th great-grandfather was tilling the soil in Holland, I share your commitment to freedom.

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In July '20, when tfg was in office, this same SCOTUS bench issued the following ruling, seems to me it should count as precedent;

"Two hundred years ago, a great jurist of our court established that no citizen, not even the president, is categorically above the common duty to produce evidence when called upon in a criminal proceeding," Roberts wrote. "We reaffirm that principle today and hold that the president is neither absolutely immune from state criminal subpoenas seeking his private papers nor entitled to a heightened standard of need."


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We as a nation will have the opportunity to decide whether we want a democracy or a dictatorship in November. If that doesn't create a blue wave that washes the stain of Trump and his followers out of the Senate and House of Representatives, as well the Presidency, I don't know what will. And if we do have a blue wave, Biden is going to have to deal with the Supreme Court. It cannot continue to be the fouled instrument of crypto-Christian white supremacy and fascism that it has become.

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Nothing to add here, other than the same gut wrenching anger that ensues when one of out institutions (once again) fails us. And yes, now it is up to us to vote with our grim fervor to hold the facists at bay.

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"Bottom line is, Trump is in big financial straits, and appears not to be as wealthy as he had claimed."

And that's why he pushed out Ronna McDaniel out of party chair and installed his daughter-in-law and some other tRumpy lackey, as Lara tRump has already stated that the GOP WILL pay tRump's legal fees...whether that also includes the half-bil he owes NY and E Jean Carroll is an open question. But remember tRump's motto: "Other people's money".

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There is obvious rot at every level of the Republican Party. The only way to preserve American democracy is for each of us to resolve to vote for NO Republican on every ballot across the country. Do this until MAGA is extinct and the Republican Party is reborn with a brain and a social conscience.

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Can’t see the logic in deciding to hear the appeal if the point is that the public deserves to know who they are voting for- and not expediting the appeal more is worse. Appears SCOTUS is providing cover for TFG and ignoring the need for justice.

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That’s right. If they meant to step in and be the last word, why not earlier when asked directly by Smith? And why drag this out if not to slow the process down?

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Any chance that the Judge could start the 88 day count in some way (allow pre-trial discovery motions to be dealt with, etc.) while the Kangaroo court tries to run out the clock? Granted the Kangaroo court might pull their heads out and be get a bit pissy, but they're so slow about it, that it's unlikely (and would further reveal their partisan hackery).

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I’m assuming there’s not likely to be time for a start to the insurrection case. Would there be any scenario where they could start trying the case even if it was close to the election and they’d be interrupted? Or is that simply not done

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Sure seems so!

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"The DOJ can't be seen as putting a finger on the scales" - but the SCOTUS can?! And you know which finger it is! The Supremes have been bought and obviously the Republicans have gotten their money's worth. I gave no faith in them at all!

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It’s really hard when one side must play by the rules to preserve their value while the other sides flouts them for gain.

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True, but bringing a butter knife to a gun fight gets pretty old . . .

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Trump is a liar, so my default position is to believe the opposite of whatever he says. He says he doesn’t have enough cash to post the bond. Sounds right, but I’m thinking he does, but just doesn’t want to and is trying to sucker the court into lowering the amount. If I were the appellate court, I would give Trump a hearing and let him testify under oath about his assets. Bet he would decline or take the 5th.

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He’s about to find out that you have to pay even if you say you can’t.

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