Why haven’t the voters who mistakenly voted him in, started a recall election demand?

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My thoughts exactly!

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I’ve heard some claim you can’t do a recall on Fed elections, only state. Which makes no sense, if true. I haven’t been able to confirm this yet.

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Signed. And as I reread his all the things he lied about, it reminded me of someone else.

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Signed can we do this for all those who participated in the insurrection as well please

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Signed, sealed, delivered. I'm yours.

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The petition isn’t live… You have to I guess select it and then put it in a browser?

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You have to copy the link and past it into a browser... the link is not clickable directly....

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Try again it worked for me

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I am reading that he can't be recalled by voters. However, if it is proven that he is not actually a U. S. citizen, wouldn't that automatically negate his election? I think his claim to legal citizenship needs to be pursued.

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Sadly I can't sign but only because I'm an Australian. There is no way that this lying hound should be allowed to retain his seat!

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Correction: his name *might* be George Santos.

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Hi Jay, this is the district just a bit north of mine, but I have been trying to get a progressive activist Melanie D'Arrigo to win the dem primary for this seat for the past two elections through donations and campaigning. As a Nassau County resident, this stain in Congress stirs deep, personal outrage. Anyway, it's actually 142,000, the total number of people who voted for him, that he claims will influence whether he will stay or resign. (EYE ROLL)

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If there were a snowball's chance in hell that Mr Santos (or who ever he really is) would honor his promise to resign I'd sign in a heartbeat. However, . . .

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You have to copy the link and past it into a browser... the link is not clickable directly....

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I have tried to copy it... several times… Doesn’t seem to allow me to copy the entire link.🤷🏼‍♂️

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I had no problem. 🤷‍♀️

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 I’m actually finding it impossible to even select the link to even copy it…fyi

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it does work… Just had to try a few times👍🏽👍🏽 cut copy paste!

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You have to copy the link and past it into a browser... the link is not clickable directly....

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third times a charm👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 had to get out of it and go back in. Done.

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I wish I could believe that Santos would actually resign upon receipt of 142 requests.

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Done! Good Riddance to bad rubbish!

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Signed! Thank you Jay and Uncle George! 🥰💯👍

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