An interesting point to add is this has been going on for decades, the orange one is simply the culmination of the grift/corruption. A short list; Bill Barr has been AG before under Bush I, Billionaires have been paying off (yes, I said it) Thomas and Alito for years, the federalist society has been working to stack the deck within the courts for years, Newt Gingrich started to destroy bipartisanship in the early 90's. Funny that the republicans have been looking for the "deep state," and it turns out to be them. Every accusation is a confession.

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Every accusation is a confession

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"We have met the enemy, and he is us." -Pogo

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Seriously, I think you'd have a hard time finding an instance where Bill Barr didn't interfere with an investigation regarding tfg and his band of crooks, tax cheats, liars, WH pharmacy prescription drug dealers etc.


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I have always had the sense that Bill Barr "came to his senses" and tried to divorce himself from tTfg at the end of that administration, but that too much water had passed under the bridge and more dirt would eventually be discovered regarding his participation in what is being discovered as a pervasively corrupt executive department. When the music finally stops, there's going to be enough material for a whole series of documentaries on the extent to which the malaise permeated everything tFfg touched while in office. He brought the plague with him as he entered, infected every aspect of his administration and left carnage in his wake as he was unceremoniously pushed out the door; that was essentially how the transition in power happened behind the scenes after January 6. Everyone else in the White House knew their time was up and packed up to leave. It became obvious that he'd be the last one in the building when the new administration arrived, so the remaining loyalists frantically packed up the papers and shipped them to Mara Lago without any effort to separate what should have returned to the national archive and what could legitimately be retained. I'm guessing that there won't be a presidential library any time soon; those who would assist in creating it are mostly under indictment or cowering somewhere hoping to be looked over as the current justice department sifts through evidence about their colleagues.

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A library DOES imply literacy. Maybe naming a Federal correctional institution after him would be more appropriate.

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Nah! He knew exactly what he was doing. Gambling on it working, and covering his a** when it didn’t. They all thought they could control the pussy grabber.

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All appearances to the contrary, Barr is quite an acrobat.

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My visual is more that of a 🐍

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Was there ever any real follow-up on Barr/Durham duo beyond whiskey sipping and traveling together to Italy (I think)?

And then there’s the ultra-slime Meadows. Make sure you see the 2/8 Robert Draper piece in the NYT. You’ll need a shower after reading it though.


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I know, right?

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Trump's presidential library is already in Moscow.

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EVERYTHING trump touches or does....EVERYONE he talks to or who works for him, falls into the black hole of his orbit. Evil takes place in the dark.

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He acted/acts like the dictator he thinks he is. His people are his to direct - and legality, ethics, the law, the constitution - all go by the wayside as he is supreme. He pulled a lot of people into that hole.

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Then there is this. Charles McGonigal was just sentenced a couple of days ago for a $250K payment, but had earlier been sentenced for this: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-special-agent-charge-new-york-fbi-counterintelligence-division-sentenced-50-months

Which all goes back to this: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/former-special-agent-charge-new-york-fbi-counterintelligence-division-charged-violating#:~:text=CHARLES%20MCGONIGAL%2C%2054%2C%20of%20New,one%20count%20of%20money%20laundering

Fingers were pointed at Barr when the charges were originally filed. As Americans we have such short memories.

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2 plus more years to be served consecutively! Yay! Some accountability! They really need to hold these people trusted with our security responsible when they eff up. Otherwise there is too much temptation for them to jeopardize the entire country. Now if they will do the same with the teflon Don 😳

I know nothing of informants and it seems a bit of a stretch as a presumption but holy cow when you look at all the Russian mafia connections, how in heck does that guy ever get anywhere near our nuclear codes??


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Right after the fall of the USSR, I had a friend, doctorate in Russian and businessman, who had frequent business in the "new" Russia. He got out of that business after his life, and his wife's, were threatened multiple times by what would emerge to be the "oligarchs." (Read that as Russian mafia.)

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A situation where the plotting may be infinitely worse than even the outright lies.

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I am so relieved Jay and Marcy will discuss this. I too had been baffled about the Smirnoff origin story. Thanks again, and happy Presidents Day

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I feel dirty. How do we escape from this cesspool of toxic politics and filthy liars? Yeah, I vote.

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I cant wait to read you tomorrow ! Hope you have a relaxing day with Windsor! 🐶❤️

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I was wondering why the Maga folks couldn’t wait to NOT VOTE for aid to Ukraine. I wondered why traditional Republicans couldn’t get their act together to help an anti-communist country fight Russia. It didn’t make sense to me.

But I see from your article today that their actions could be payback for not helping Trump and thus getting him impeached. How much does Roger Stone and Paul Maniford remaining ties come to play with their bitterness toward granting aid to Ukraine?

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I am a crook and a con.

So I believe everyone else is too.

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Nailed it. He cannot conceive of anyone doing things that do not benefit themselves directly. He just doesn't believe it.

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I have been thinking the same thing. I was planning to take a respite from news today but I feel djt and his entire cabal were behind this! Thank you.

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Curiouser and curiouser this tale is. Truth always comes out.

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I mean, there’s nothing like the kind of proof that could stand up in court yet, but when we’re talking about Trump and his America-hating gang, when was the last time the worst possibility turned out not to be the case?

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Awesome deduction, Jay! Eager to see what happens.

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What a name. Smear-Nov

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