I'm just sick of this crap. These are bills that help an enormous amount of people and the fact that they have to play these ridiculous games is infuriating. In a great country, these bills along with S1 and the John Lewis bill should have unanimous support. Unfortunately, we aren't a great country when we have and entire political party +2 Democratic media whores mucking up the works. And to what end? Their own power and self perceived glory? Please.
I'm just sick of this crap. These are bills that help an enormous amount of people and the fact that they have to play these ridiculous games is infuriating. In a great country, these bills along with S1 and the John Lewis bill should have unanimous support. Unfortunately, we aren't a great country when we have and entire political party +2 Democratic media whores mucking up the works. And to what end? Their own power and self perceived glory? Please.