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Is it just me or are the GOP legislators and candidates learning NOTHING from their defeats? People told them VERY clearly: we want abortion rights, we want to end gerrymandering, we want the sensible gun law reform, we want to tax the wealthy. Republicans keep losing over and over because of their inflexible stance on those issues, particularly abortion rights - yet they keep doing the same thing. Do they not understand that even a handful of sensible, moderate Republican candidates could seriously revive the party? I get that all they care about is power - but don't they see that power is precisely what their losing thanks to their own pigheadedness?

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It’s like they keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. The definition of ….

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Classic. CLASSIC definition.

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Insanity 🤪

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Aug 10, 2023
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Had their nonsense not been harming other people, I'd say - yup. Let them hang themselves by their own rope. But they are not operating in a bubble. How many women from Texas and Florida have to suffer spontaneous miscarriages while on a plane to a state that allows abortions? How many immigrants have to die horribly after a run-in with Greg Abbot's sadistic razor wire bundles floating in the Rio Grande? How many trans kids have to commit suicide after being denied the care that they need? The longer these people are allowed ANYWHERE near our laws, the more of their constituents are going to suffer in a very real way.

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And abortion rights isn’t the real core of the issue. It’s the right to control our own destiny at the most basic first step. It is the right to a say about our autonomy to have a say in our very right to life, to health choices. We’re only wanting to quash their desire to control by fear and muscle.

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You nailed it, Pat!!!

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All people have to do is look at Norway. They have the most liberal abortion laws, and they have the lowest abortion rates. That these infidels don't see this correlation is astonishing to me. Give people their freedom, and the vast majority will relish it.

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They'll never learn, no. Because they (smartly) legislate/rule and, perhaps most importantly, they communicate as if they have a mandate and majority.

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The Republicans learned one thing: their strategy works. They've catered to only their own voters instead of all the people since at least Newt Gingrich. And they've lost the political center. In fact, they ran out of voters in the 2010s, which is when the Tea Party swooped in and provided fresh voters in return for yet more extremism.

Unfortunately, the Democrats aren't innocent on this; they followed right along. They, too, sacrificed representing everybody in favor of gobbling up those abandoned former Republicans. People like Joe Manchin or even Hillary Clinton would have been considered to the right of Ronald Reagan. Today, some people actually call those people "centrists" or "moderates".

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The Republican Party no longer believes in self-governance, so no, they're not going to learn.

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As long as Repubs have access to dark-money funding in the millions, they can keep on trying to foil the will of the majority, thanks to Citizens United. Even as they lose election after election on anti-abortion issues, money is always available for yet another measure in yet another state. So, in November, the same crowd backing Issue 1 with the same scurrilous propaganda will double down in what is hopefully a losing effort to defeat the pro-choice Ohio constitutional amendment proposal, as funding seems inexhaustible despite the losses piling up.

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They are so deep in cognitive biases that they cannot perceive reality. Couple that with a patriarchal mindset, seeking to break the church/state barrier, the lure of power to narcissistic ‘thuglicans, and the threat of eternal damnation, they will need a round of big losses to wake up (as awake as they could be).

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