Jay, what about people living in stupidly red states, like Florida? Do we call Senators of other states that might respond? Because it is a waste of oxygen to call Rick Scott and Marco Rubio.

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You should call them anyway. It is not a waste of oxygen. They need to know there is opposition out there, willing to act upon it. It always makes a difference.

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Is a phone call more effective than an email, or should we do both? I’m also in Florida.

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I live in the same red state of stupidity, and I’ll be calling both the human Cobra Scott and lil Marco, who is the least objectionable appointee I’ve seen.

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😂 I wonder if anyone who didn’t see Debbie’s campaign ads wonders about “Cobra Scott!”

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Do both.

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Nov 19
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Wow. Do you know if there has been any follow up?

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The follow up is that it is disinformation, and I apologize for posting it. I am taking it down.

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I live in Idaho and I call my RED senators because I don't want them ever to be able to reliably claim they didn't hear from the opposition. They can lie about it, but that's another story.

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In Mississippi--but sent it anyway...

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Ditto Iowa.

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I called John Thune and left the message. He is going to be Senate Majority Leader, his number is 202-224-2321. He needs support to do the right thing. Hope it helps!

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Ditto Ohio. Though Sherron Brown before he’s replaced with Moreno 🤮, can do something.

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Brown is a true loss. 😭

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Oh, not Brown! Ohio is so lost.

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Yes it is. The college educated youth are leaving in droves and the elderly, uneducated, rural remain.

The GOP has made a mess of this state. There’s no employment opportunities here for them and it’s illegally heavily gerrymandered. They are stripping dollars away from public schools and giving it to religious schools. The former GOP speaker is in jail for bribery.

We are north Alabama.

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It’s all so disgusting, isn’t it, Lynne? I hear you especially on the public money for school vouchers crap.

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Yeah, going thru the gerry mandering BS and transferring money out of public schools for private schools is happening here in NC as well. Luckily, we have a (D) Governor, Lt. Governor, and AG now.

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Yep. He lost to a Convict-endorsed and promoted MAGAt. Might get him back, though - James Donald Bowman, alias JD Vance (I will forever deadname him, just because) will need to be replaced, and Mike DeWine doesn't seem to be a cultist - he may not appoint one. It wouldn't shock me if he appointed himself, but he'd want to be pretty sure he'd win the special election. Brown will likely run in the special, so y'all might just get him back.

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Lordy I hope so. However, DeWine is a spineless weasel. He has surrendered to the MAGAs here.

I’m expecting the worst.

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DeWine is definitely a cultist. He is a filthy cultist.

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I’m in Missouri. Think I’ll call Senator Durbin (Illinois) and ask him to twist Josh Hawley’s arm. Can’t hurt.

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If you are a non-resident of their state, those Senators simply won't care. That simple.

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Yup. That’s fact.

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You are a shining light Jay Kuo!

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I so agree. Have a peace-full trip Jay!❤️

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Jay - I am so excited about Indigo! I have a grandson with autism, and when he saw “How to Dance in Ohio” on Broadway (at age 10), his response was “We have representation!” I hope I will be able to take him to see Indigo on Broadway as well. Thank you for standing up in so many ways for all that is kind, and good, and right!

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Enjoy your time in the UK!

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O M G!!!! I’m crying. Literally! Scott wrote an incredible song and Joshua is extraordinary. I can NOT put into words what I’m feeling right now. Gobsmacked. Bravo!! May the theatre gods embrace them; your writers, producers, cast, and crew guiding all of you to the stardom you all deserve. Well done, Jay. Well done.

Thank you for this exquisite beginning to my day.

Break a leg INDIGO!! 💙💙💙

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I know I’m replying to my own post 🤷🏻‍♀️but, Jay, I’ve just listened to Scott and Joshua for the I don’t know how many zillionth time. I have the same reactions every single time I hear it…That young man makes the hair all over my body stand on end, goosebumps break out, and tears freely flow down my face. WOW!! WOW!! WOW!!! 🥲

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Oh my - goose bumps listening to that song and the VERY talented Joshua Colley. Thank you, Jay!

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Love that you are in England with family and Riley and chickens. The song is beautiful. I have a nine-year old autistic great-grandson who is brilliant. The song resonates with me. Thank-you for everything you are.

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Enjoy your time in England with your family!

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Riley is right! Scotland is the best 💙🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💙

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Politics is an endless merry-go-round and I think it's ok to step off for a while, in spite of what seems like constant urgency. The sun continues to rise every morning, set every evening and our personal lives go on, in spite of what is happening in Washington DC. Enjoy your rest, your family and a change in scenery!

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I sent the message via my two senator's web contract pages. A blue dot in a very red state. But we have to keep trying.

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Enjoy your reprieve Jay, well deserved!

I will be in contact with my representatives as you suggest- thanks for the script.

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I wish you success with Indigo and with Riley’s first overseas adventure.

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Jay, that song had me in tears. I have a 15-year old grandson on the Autism spectrum and this spoke to my heart. Thank you for sharing this!

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Thanks for the lovely musical interlude and inspiration. The singing brought tears to my eyes (certain music does that) and made me think of my 10 year old grandson who is on the Spectrum. I pray for him the the world knows what he knows.

PS I'm about to call my senators.

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Thank you for sharing that song. I left voice mails for my senators yesterday after reading Jessica’s essay. Lovely pictures! Enjoy your family visit in beautiful England! Safe journey home!

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