Take a day off Jay. Xeets and Giggles is a great way to end your work week. :)

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Gotta agree with Josiah P on this. Xeets and Giggles ends our often emotionally draining week on a high note. Sundays off!

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Agreed, better to end the week on a high note. Even HCR, takes a night off every week or at least tries to.

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I was gonna say the same!

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Believe me, you will appreciate these off days when you become a parent.

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I was thinking the exact same - you will want to reclaim some of that time for you children. Start practicing now.

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I was going to say the same. Once your baby comes you will want Sundays plus off!

Thanks for all you do.

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Take Sunday off!

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Think of it this way, Jay: When you take Sunday off, the rest of us will get to take it off, too!

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I completely agree with Josiah! ✌️

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Thank you for all the kind comments and support! It’s been a very frustrating morning, compounded by the WEIRD formatting that happened when I posted this Heads Up piece! I don’t know what’s going on with Substack today. There will be days! I’m hoping to get the Hope Hicks piece out later tonight or latest tomorrow morning.

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If you just can't bear to skip Sundays, we'd be content with a doggo photo!

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I look forward to opening your email every day but a seven day a week job, no matter how much you love it, is unsustainable. Take care of YOU and go ahead and take Sundays off. We'll wait.

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No one on their death bad thinks, I wish I could have worked eight days a week.

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Take Sundays off

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This!!! You'll find that lazy Sundays with your children to be a pleasure you never knew you needed. Enjoy your luncheon.

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I second the motion.

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Have a great time, and thanks for all you do—you deserve a break! 😀

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Listen to the universe, my dear! Pace yourself ❣️

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Just a quick thumbs up to the advice given to you via the Universe, Jay, much as I’d love to read you every day.

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Unless the "fertilizer hits the ventilator system", TAKE SUNDAY OFF!!!! We'll be fine, honest!

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Yes, we will! Sidebar: my brother also has an amusing way of saying the same thing: when the "fecal material impacts the rotary air impeller."

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Ah!, I like your brother; twisted minds think alike!!

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Jay, please take Sunday off, unless there is something that absolutely requires you to take action. For your physical and mental health. This community that is so inspired by your posts , will be eagerly waiting to hear from you on Monday!

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As much as I love your writing, I worry for you burning yourself out. Please take your time, and get some R&R, as well! Whatever you write will be worth waiting for.

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Good advice from the Universe! (Also, the Universe may not have mentioned this, but, throwing a party for 25 people is not a day off!)

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Hey, take Sunday off. God did.

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Good job listening to the universe! You and your energy are precious and us readers who love you support you taking very good care of yourself!

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The news, scandals and hype will always be there. Definitely put your life, yourself and those you love first. Plus, if you reduce your schedule now it will already be in place when your daughter arrives.

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Great advice!!!

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That must feel something like losing your wallet.

Yesterday I read someone who talked about “calling in well” instead of sick. Seems like it was you, maybe in Xeets. Anyway, you are a consistent writer. Why not just wait for a day when you don’t feel like writing and just tell us that. Who would be against that? Zerobody.

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