Just checked my copy, found the first two pages of the Foreword were center aligned, but the remaining pages were left-aligned as intended. I never realized before how copy alignment can affect reading speed for me.
I opened it this morning. It opened with your preface. I hit the back button and it said Chapter 12 and nothing else. Hit back again and finally got to the table of contents where I could start at the actual beginning. The forward does look weird, but totally still readable and enjoyable. (Love George) Disclaimer, technology goes wonky around me, so what I experienced could be unique to me. Looking forward to reading this official copy, having read your Patreon version.
I have many Kindle books, and when/if there are fixes needed, I get them automatically. Do some checking to make sure I'm right, but I'm fairly confident it's safe to buy the Kindle version, and then get the proper formatting when it is available.
It's the content that counts, I agree. The formatting is annoying but as long as the words are right, we'll figure it out. Mistakes happen and as long as they're fixable, it's ok.
The version on my Kindle app is fine. No formatting issues. The version on my Kindle device has 3 pages in the Foreword with the center formatting, but if you hadn’t mentioned it, I’m not sure I would’ve even noticed!
Last year was very frustrating for me. I have a small book (76 pages) that I wanted to publish with Apple Books. The results from the upload attempts were comical. I don't know if that's what you're seeing, but please accept my condolences if so. Bottom line: I decided not to web publish.
Unless they changed the words, do not worry, it’s the content that keeps us reading.
I am an avid reader. I cannot recall reading a book that did not contain at least one error.
Just checked my copy, found the first two pages of the Foreword were center aligned, but the remaining pages were left-aligned as intended. I never realized before how copy alignment can affect reading speed for me.
Exactly. And it's only the forward. Forward readers!
Hang in there ... editing is always the most frustrating aspect of publishing ... !
so it looks like a poem? The horror!
I opened it this morning. It opened with your preface. I hit the back button and it said Chapter 12 and nothing else. Hit back again and finally got to the table of contents where I could start at the actual beginning. The forward does look weird, but totally still readable and enjoyable. (Love George) Disclaimer, technology goes wonky around me, so what I experienced could be unique to me. Looking forward to reading this official copy, having read your Patreon version.
My version duplicated your experience. And the forward was only center justified for about half its length. Not a big deal at all, Jay!
It is almost all fixed and a clean copy will be pushed out in the next couple days!
I have many Kindle books, and when/if there are fixes needed, I get them automatically. Do some checking to make sure I'm right, but I'm fairly confident it's safe to buy the Kindle version, and then get the proper formatting when it is available.
It's the content that counts, I agree. The formatting is annoying but as long as the words are right, we'll figure it out. Mistakes happen and as long as they're fixable, it's ok.
No worries, Jay! This happens to all of us in KDP! ;)
Oh, whew. I would hate to be the odd one out!
The version on my Kindle app is fine. No formatting issues. The version on my Kindle device has 3 pages in the Foreword with the center formatting, but if you hadn’t mentioned it, I’m not sure I would’ve even noticed!
No worries. I can wait, or as I've read from the other comments, it's no biggie to us. Looking forward to it.
Last year was very frustrating for me. I have a small book (76 pages) that I wanted to publish with Apple Books. The results from the upload attempts were comical. I don't know if that's what you're seeing, but please accept my condolences if so. Bottom line: I decided not to web publish.
Thanks for the heads up! Not to worry, we'll stay with you. ❤️
I’ll let you know. Just ordered the paperback. Amazon says it will arrive Saturday.
I appreciate that you recognize the error and are taking steps. Thank you!
Looking forward to reading it!