I'm not surprised about Kean, his father was an outstanding governor in NJ, so that man likely grew up having certain principles drilled into his head.

The other thought I had was, on remembering interviews with Al Franken, behind the scenes, many of these representatives are actually friendly with their opponents behind the scenes.

Can it finally be that the adults in the room are telling the toddlers, "OK, that's IT, TIME OUT. Go sit in your room and think about your poor behavior, we have work to do." ?

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That is the hope!

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Their party doesn’t just look like a vindictive, disorganized, anti-democratic cesspool of extremists and radicals. Their party IS a vindictive, disorganized, anti-democratic cesspool of extremists and radicals.

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"Of symbolic importance to Schiff was the vote to table the motion by Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH)..."

Can't tell you how lovely it is to read "R-OH" and have it not be quoting some crazy rant.

This was great info, Jay. Thanks!

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Oh, thank the heavens, finally a republican from Ohio has some sense. Now drill it into the rest of them!

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My thought exactly. I feel the same when I hear that representatives from Florida are acting rationally; pleasantly shocked!

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It’s so great that Schiff was surprised by the vote. Pleased, too, For sure.

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Yet another example of the parties NOT being the same.

Censure folks for public declarations of violence/mayhem <> censure the messenger for leading the charge on impeachment

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Santos demanding integrity sounds about as genuine as Trump demanding workplace gender equality or Baubert demanding gun safety laws.

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You have a wonderful career in comedy ahead of you Jay! I lol'd at your paragraph about Luna and Santos. (It's funny, because it's true!)

Thanks for that!

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Yes. I was glad to see Jay remind us that “Paulina is under her own cloud.” I looked in other reports (MSM) for references to her Santos-like entry into the House, but didn’t see any. I hope I just missed seeing them. What a bunch.

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Whoops. Anna Paulina Luna.

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Thank you so very much for this breakdown. I regard Adam Schiff as a hero, and I'm glad that at least 20 Republicans voted their consciences.

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Appreciate all your analysis, insight, and work, Jay! Though it did make me chuckle that we still consider moderate / self-preserving GOP members as leaving the crazy show “early”, at this point.

Please take space for you and your family this weekend. The news and world can wait.

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Jay, you shouldn't keep making up all this stuff.

Oh, right. You're NOT making it up. That I should spend my senior years wishing the GOP had one tenth the common sense and decorum of my granddaughter's kindergarten class...

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I think when Things heat up for Trump the GOP is at it's Craziest. This has to stop. CALLING ALL the Adults in the GOP, send all the crazy's to their room until they can behave themselves. We the American People demand that!

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As embarrassing as their antics are, on the World Stage, I'm always glad they show the ridiculous lengths they'll go to, just to distract from ALL tfg's Actual crimes. I can imagine the desperate in-person meetings, zooms, & text chains, throwing poop ideas like monkeys in the zoo to see what sticks to the wall.

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I see this as class struggle within the GOP. The professional managerial class is in disarray because Trump's election disrupted the long con of using the culture war to bring working class people to the polls without ever accomplishing their desired ends. With his unexpected win, suddenly the suits are faced with a decision: capitulate to Trump or openly admit their bad faith. The former was easier. However, the consequences of that capitulation meant abdicating any gatekeeping function. Enter the grifters and wannabees, the Greenes and the Jordans. The moderates may raise their voice now but they are facing the energies of thwarted ambition from below. And Citizen United has further eroded their control over who gets the mic.

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Excellent analysis.

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Trump and the response to him from GOP elites has shown the base one thing: the suits are afraid of the working class which means that bullying and intimidation are reasonable tools for those who are merely ambitious. Why is this so? My intuition tells me that years of donor money at the primary level have selected out for moral mediocrity, the trait most visible across the board in the GOP.

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Good news. I have expected the Republicans to split with the MAGAs breaking off for some time. It appears to be happening now. That will have a huge effect on the upcoming election.

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That last paragraph-❤️!

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Grade school sophistication from the GQP. At least most of them are no longer throwing feces.

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Don't count on that being over...

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Thanks Jay. Can you do a piece to address the obstruction of military and judicial appointments by Tuberville and JD Vance? This is so harmful and really infuriating. Can anything be done ?

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Only by McConnell. And he has no incentive whatever to do so. And since JD and Tommy don't have to run again until 2028, they have zero f**ks to give - there is no leverage currently to get them to straighten up.

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