They are doing this performative stunt even though they refuse to take up the negotiated border legislation THEY demanded. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

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Dreadfully awaiting the media to treat this as serious and perfectly normal. A deep dive into his "crimes", no doubt. The reason the border crap works for the Republicans is because the media is a willing participant in misinformation and outright lies.

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When we see articles like that, call them out.

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Absolutely. What do we do about broadcast news and the Sunday shows? The number of times that the hosts or reporters allow blatant lies to go unchecked is shameful.

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We write emails to the networks, letting them know we’re SO much smarter than that, and if they don’t start acting like grown-ups, not only will we change the channel, we will also let their advertisers know what we did, and why. At least, that’s what I have done.

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WAPO called BS this AM.

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Complicity is even worse than the original sin in a sense, as the media should do better, be better...

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Wish I could press the “Like” heart with a hammer.

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On the first comment by Karen.

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At the same time that the former guy is demanding presidential immunity on the grounds that future administrations would be held accountable for disagreements on policy, the GOP is trying to hold Mayorkas accountable over a disagreement on policy. Hypocrisy at its finest.

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hypocrisy is the GOP's middle name

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Curiously, Greg Abbott is equally guilty of defying the "detention mandate" with his "catch, bus, and release" shenanigans. I haven't heard the House Republicans speak out against him.

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That’s a great point!

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This is exactly what I was thinking too. Desantis as well.

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Well, the Repugnicans are always ready to stoop to the lowest level and if there isn't any, they will manufacture one. They are shameless, so shameless is their operating mandate. I used to be a Republican, but that was a long time ago.

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Yes....I'm old enough to remember when being a Republican wasn't embarrassing.

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You would probably have to go back to at least Eisenhower, then skip over Hoover and his predecessors to finally get to Teddy Roosevelt.

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So the House GOP is impeaching Sec. Mayorkas for their own failure to pass legislation that would fund the programs they want to secure the border. Do they not see the irony in this situation?

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Are you kidding? These yahoos have NO sense of perspective or irony. Nor does a single one of them possess any sort of moral compass. In fact, I doubt if any of them have enough conscience or character to distinguish a moral if they met one in their chamber. I doubt anyone has caught even a furtive glimpse of a terrified moral scurrying through the House chamber, in a good many years.

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" terrified moral scurrying through the house chamber "

You win the Internet today. I'm rolling here.

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The money behind all of this is using the magats as useful idiots to perform for the brainwashed.

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Seeing any irony requires self-awareness and a wee bit of integrity. The GOP has neither.

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The power structure behind these shenanigans knows exactly what they are doing. This is all performative for the Kool Aid drinkers.

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It's all about election talking points for the orange one. They don't expect their supporters to know or care that this is a crisis of their own making

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Sycophants, liars, and cowards; kneeling to kiss Trump’s grundle.

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I have a few less polite words for Republicans, but for now I’ll just call them traitors, liars, and ignorant thugs. I so hope they drown themselves completely in the next election.

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A reminder that the color of an immigrant's skin is what the entirety of the GOP's border b.s. is based on.

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Hell, it's what their entire platform is built of.

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Yes, yes, and the saying should be changed to, “You can’t make this shit up if a Republican is involved.” The depraved non-logic that these very pathetic people employ to hold onto some imaginary way of life they think they are losing is beyond my descriptive abilities.

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It would be interesting to hear Oklahomans thoughts on this.

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No kidding!! As far as Western states go, Idaho and Wyoming are among the worst conceivable places to live.

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I’d like to know what happened to the legitimate business of the House passing outstanding budgets for this year as required by Continuing Resolutions, again, because you cannot seem to bear the work of legislating other than criticizing the activity of others for POLITICAL GAIN. I suppose we will all wait in vain for this important work to be done because you think TFG ‘s (with Putin of course) agenda in revenge politics is more important than keeping the government running. PLAY TIMES UP! Stop the BS and get to work, children , or you will not get re-elected #1 and you may get subpoenaed #2 for failure to earn your salary.

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Exactly. I have to think the American public is about fed up with the performative BS of the minority.

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I didn't see any " brown terrorists " on January 6th ! All them white douche bags !

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Haha! Exactly.

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Crazy right? And vigilantism is on the rise here (I live in N Idaho). "Protests" not uncommonly involve threats, stalking, intimidation, death threats and occasionally physical harm. I've had all but the last directed at me and that was over wolves, prior to this increased political chaos. They've already had a long chain, this will make things much worse and harder to protect oneself against.

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Ugh. The Ammon Bundy school of Freedumb, right? At least he has likely fled Idaho after losing big-time in that defamation lawsuit. He has an outstanding warrant. My guess is that he has fled to Oregon where his People's Rights Network fundraising network purchased property in September, just a few miles east of Smith Rock State Park.

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He's only one of many similar ilk here but the one with the most notoriety for sure. Last I heard he was being hidden by family in Utah somewhere but yes, he has a lot of ties to Oregon as well. It was insane the amount of Bundy for Governor signs littered the properties around me in 2022. So are still up. 😜

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God help us

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I just can't bear to read it. Ugh!

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Works for me.

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This is the worst group of terrorists and they call themselves the Freedom Caucus, their leader is the former President, liar and chief, Donald J Trump who lost the 2020 election! Now he demand loyalty from his social media site “Truth Social”! Just more noise before election time!

If the border a crisis that can’t wait, then pass legislation, stop playing games or you will be voted out of office!Republicans must go!

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Thank you for the legal breakdown. I suspect that our elected representatives are not nearly so well-versed on the nuances of the law.

I could not help but notice your inclusion of Jonathan Turley's reference to "… cross the Rubicon." Since that reference is to the moment when Julius Caesar became irrevocably committed to an insurrection with the intent of committing a coup, 147 members of that body have already "crossed the Rubicon" under its original meaning and doubtless regard any additional machinations as superfluous.

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Nor is the House GOP versed in the medical field and yet American women in the 21st century are being treated by doctors who, under the threat of criminal charges, are taking treatment directions from the GOOPs priests. Incredible.

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A collection of grade school brats and bullies. This is the House GOP. There isnt a live brain cell between them. They don't govern, they have no solutions, they have no humanity. 🙄

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There really should be some physiological studies done on these brain stems to see how they are able to utter the sentences that the aliens are transmitting to them from their planet in a galaxy far, far away.

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In this fantasmical world these depraved Republicans conceive, do they expect that Mayorkas' replacement would be Stephen Miller if, in this fantasmical world, the Senate voted to impeach?

Yes, I do get a squiggly line under the word, "fantasmical," but I like the sound of it and am using it anyway, and it's obvious what it means. So there.

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LOL I like that word...I'll add it to my vocabulary! 👍

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Hey, you can invent a great word if you wish! I like it!

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I am an editor's biggest nightmare. :-)

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I'm beginning to get confused over which witch hunt is which.

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House GOP is what it is. A bunch of Kool Aid drinkers.

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Totally of topic but for the first time in my life I felt compelled to donate to political candidate. It is not much but at least I did something. The current political situation is just so dire and frustrating.

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Ditto, for me in front of '20 election, only downside was the plethora of texts and emails that have followed, but I consider that a fair exchange to having a competent President holding office now and four more years please, Vote 💙.

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You should see my inbox!

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I cannot even imagine how inundated your Inbox must be for doing the great work you do, Thank you, we are truly grateful for you! 💙

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Slide them over to you Junk folder. Pretty quickly most will wind up there.

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We did, too, first time ever. But I'm not happy with all the constant requests, yowza.

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Terrible. I don't understand why they are being ALLOWED to do what they are doing!

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The system isn’t well designed to stop attacks from within, sadly.

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Soooo frustrating!! And will the House really get away with blocking the progress of the bill that it and the Senate were working on to finally have a new immigration policy, that would control the border better, that the R's have been screaming for for years, while blocking any movement on that issue at the same time?

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There is no way to stop them. This needs to be splashed all over the media so people can understand who the true miscreants are.

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Exactly. I I know there are many of us who have been screaming about this for a long time and yet it has been tolerated...WHY?

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The only way to stop them, ultimately, is at the ballot box.

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Let's talk about lying and obstruction of congress!

How many of these former

Republican house members

continue to LIE about who won the 2020 election? How

many took part in the phony

electoral ballot scheme? How

many have refused being

served with subpoenas to

testify in matters involving

the congress?

Trump is nothing. He's a man

(maybe), running a campaign

for President. Since when does our, THE PEOPLE'S,

congress and senate take

orders from a nothing man?

Yes, let's talk about obstruction!

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