I saw this morning that Speaker Johnson announced that they're blurring faces on the videos from January 6th so the people that were there won't be harassed or charged by DOJ. Excuse my language, but this is unfuckingbelievable. How is this not tampering with evidence? Also, if all those people were BLM, Antifa or the FBI, why would Republicans want to blur their faces? I'm so sick of living in a world where this garbage is acceptable. You just know that the media will run with all of the things you mentioned today as credible things, regardless of the actual facts.

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“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command” -1984

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One of my favorite novels to teach. I just never thought I'd be living it.

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I wish it were still fiction. War is Peace.

If you taught English, then you are probably familiar with Kipling’s “If”.

One of my favorite lines is: “if you can bare to hear the truths you’ve spoken, twisted by knaves to set a trap for fools”.

Untruths and it’s knaves on Fox News have created many fools.

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guys, I love orwell too but please please please let’s all read another book by him

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You are I are on the same page. As I was reading this today, I was thinking about how scary it would be if Trump, who follows MEIN KAMPF with admiration would get ahold of 1984 or Fahrenheit 451 and say, "hey, these are great ideas to add to my already expansive repertoire of ways to control the American people!" I already read some scary stuff tonight by Greg Olear's Prevail Substack, which deepens my realization of what a dystopian nightmare we are living in, with rich, "well educated" monarchists having plans to take over our country. Why did we realize Ted Kaczynski was crazy, but now the rest of these people are considered normal? Because thanks to Donald Trump the new normal is crazy. Read Olear's 2 parter called Dark Enlightenment, about American neofascists.



Thank you Jay for the heads up about the direction Trump is taking things. This one man has caused more people pain than pleasure, and still, he has a big following until they become the one he picks on. He is the national Bully Boy, an Enfant Terrible in a man's body. How is one person allowed to get away with so much?

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You guys are so delusional. What you are concerned about is pure projection, it is what Biden inc. , the deep state & BHO have been doing since he rode down the escalator.

When there is any hint that the tables may be turned you hypocrites shit yourself.

You bastards are the fascists. Not a lot of, no, actually no introspection.

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Are you saying you’d vote Trump over Biden?

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Sarc off, I would vote for just about anyone over whoever the party of the KKK & Jim Crow puts up (not putting any bets that you guys don’t Arkancide old slo pedo China Joe before November’24.)

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Nah, why would I vote for someone who produced no foreign wars, had the best economy in decades, low inflation, high black employment, low black unemployment, ditto for Hispanics, why I’d be a racisssst if I did that & if I had extra melanin, even so, I wouldn’t be black.

And the CCP might not get their money’s worth on the10% that they paid the Big Guy, and you know how upset they get when they don’t get their money’s worth!

I really really want to brush up on my Chinese, and I needed another Hunter Biden original for over my fireplace.

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That’s it, we’re done. you are a AI bot, or I’m in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Thanks for playing.

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This action is proof that they KNOW that the rioters were right-wing fanatics (i.e. their base), NOT ANTIFA, or the FBI, or any other group.

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YES! It is!!!!

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How are they going to blur the copies that the FBI and DOJ have? Much less the copies that are in archives? MSM copies? And historians? And on YouTube? That the Capitol Police have? Or that FauxNews have?The only copies that they could control are ones the January 6th committee had.

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Remember all of the videos McCarthy gave to Tucker? Johnson has been releasing videos of the "calmer" moments from that day to somehow prove it wasn't violent.

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I was saddened to hear Liz Cheney last night, on Rachel Maddow, state that most of her Wyoming (former) constituents didn't see and haven't seen footage of the invasion of the Capitol and actually believe it was a peaceful protest.

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Then they don’t care

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That may be a factor but I believe the underlying reality is that they are actually unaware of what's happening beyond 1) their local interests and 2) what they're being told by their "trusted" sources like TFG, many Republican electeds who supported the insurrection and Fox et al.

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I think now w/o so many local news publications, many people w/o local real news, that it's not just 'them' in Wyoming but many more in this country who have no idea or any interest in learning. Dana Milbank, writer for the Washington Post, also works on rural news issues and has written about the dearth.

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Oh G-d! I'm glad I didn't see it or hear her. Yet I fear that so many believe that and we are going to go in a far worse (spit spit) direction in '24.

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BTW, my comment wasn't that I was saddened by Cheney but by what she described was the state of mind of her former constituents.

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I'm sorry you didn't see or hear her. It was well worth it. You don't have to like Cheney to appreciate what she has to say about TFG.. You can still see it at MSNBC online. I also recommend today's interview of Cheney with Nicole Wallace on Deadline: White House. The two interviews complement each other and cover different points of discussion.



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Thank you. I will. She’s fascinating.

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We know what we saw and it wasn’t a peaceful protest.

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He knows that too. That's why they're blurring the faces.

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They (Fox, et. al.) don't tell its viewers that the Capitol was closed to visitors for two years starting in 2020 because Covid-19. Which includes January 6th. So there were never any normal visitors. Anyway, even if you could take a tour on January 6th (Covid or not) they Capitol Police would closed it down to anyone who did not work there for security for the Official Proceeding of counting the electoral votes.

Any videos of these 'visitors' going through security checkpoints?


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House Speaker Mike Johnson: "We don’t want them to be retaliated against and to be charged by the DOJ,” the House speaker said. His office later noted that DOJ already has the raw footage.

Johnson is almost three years too late to prevent that. Groups like the "Deep State Dogs" were reporting identities of these rioters to the FBI in 2021.



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I think it's called aiding & abetting after the effect.

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Also the full pack of video is already on the record from the McCarthy release without blurred faces so once again Johnson engineers himself a ‘womp womp’. Feeble would be the best one word I’d use to describe his speakership.

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Johnson is ineffectively hateful...and, he is certainly sucking up to Trump in every way he possibly can.

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The McCarthy release was to a friendly party. The only parts they showed were where people were wandering about looking like "tourists." (No kind of tourist I ever saw but tourists nonetheless.)

Jesus Johnson wants to keep the unblurred faces from the internet sleuths who just enjoy putting a name to a face and turning the info over to the FBI. He is no law and order type.

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The Lincoln Project today had a great video on this. They showed Mike Johnson fascistsplaining the reasoning behind this, then showed Trump speaking and encouraging the rioters.

His face was blacked out.

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Oh, that's funny!

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Johnson was instrumental in trying to execute the false elector scheme and to convince Pence (unsuccessfully) to deny certification. I don’t understand why the only party that gets a pass for lying where there are no facts to support their claims are the Republicans Stefanik and Jordan were also involved if you believe Liz Cheney. Enough is enough. This is a war and you can’t win it being nice guys. Go after these scoundrel. Don’t they have a PR firm who isn’t milquetoast?

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Here's the thing - the DOJ has all that footage. What Jesus Johnson doesn't want is for those faces to be made available to the internet sleuths that unmask the maga for fun. These internet investigators have IDed quite a few of the insurrectionists. Not sure if better than DOJ but they have been effective from what I hear.

How the Republicans can pretend they are the party of law of order I will never know. JJ is actively trying to shield lawbreakers.

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I'm just finding the strength to read this after taking time during work to read the ProPublica findings on Uvalde - which had me in tears and anger* - and now I read this and unfuckingbelievable is a perfect call. Thanks, Karen Guzowski. And John Nichols .. oh puhleeze... as if....

*I posted the link bec of the relevance to my work (meetings/conferences) and tagged teachers I know. One said they don't worry because their school is around lots of ex-military. When one looks at the active duty military and law enforcement who were at 1/6 AND at Uvalde and the lack of coordination, I'd be more afraid. OY did I just make for more conspiracy?!

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The guy who shot up the town in Vermont (not sure of the state but fairly recently - hit the bowling alley and a bar) he was ex military. They know how to use guns. I would definitely be more afraid of them.

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I explained that among more. The friend’s comments surprised me. They are usually cautious.

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OMG, I saw that. We are going to blur their faces so that they can escape being held FLIPPING RESPONSIBLE for the CRIMES THEY'D FLIPPING COMMITTED? You know..... if someone had broken into Speaker Johnson's house, how would he feel if the safety camera footage blurred the faces of the perpetrators, so that he wouldn't harass them?

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It’s so absurd, so exhausting, and so sad. I despise this degenerate man with every fiber of my being. The time and money spent on this charade is sickening. *sigh thanks for the update. Gotta put my money on Jack Smith.

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I’m so confused, because none of this makes any sense about having to obscure faces so the DOJ doesn’t harass people. Aren’t these the very tapes that the government used to track down these freaking criminals and arrest and prosecute them? Wouldn’t the DOJ have access to all this video already? What am I missing?

Also, I’ve become convinced that no trial is going to rid us of Trump. The only thing that will rid us of him is when he drops dead, and the sooner the better.

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I feel like we should start gifting him stuff off of Goldbelly. Cheesecakes, cheesesteaks, pork sausages, sliders, etc. It's going to be a massive heart attack that likely takes him out. Maybe send him gift cards for KFC?

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😂😂 I never thought I would be wishing things like this on another human being, but then again, I never thought that someone like DT could ever be president.

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Also, sorry to unload on you, but when I read your comment, I realized it’s exactly how I feel. And I didn’t get to look at Jay‘s newsletter until tonight.

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I woukd hope Ray Epps would sue Trump as well, especially now that it's been decided that he can be held liable.

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Trump is a cancer. And one that will require, surgery, chemo, AND radiation to remove and prevent its return.

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It doesn't really matter whether he actually thinks any of this will work in court, or whether he's doing it to incite more violence against the court system. I don't think he even knows or cares which it is. Someone is telling him he isn't what he thinks he is, and that cannot be allowed to continue, by whatever means.

It's how things work in the countries Trump openly, explicitly prefers to this one. It's also how domestic abusers work -- the relentlessness is very familiar.

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Doesn’t really seem like he is anxious to prove his innocence.

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No. He’s trying to incite his mob.

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“Stand back and stand by”.

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With a summer of‘mostly peaceful protests’ in 2020 (with flames leaping from private property and government building in the background) you guys really don’t have a lot of self awareness, do you?

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Y'all - do not feed this troll.

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Right. I think Rog is on the wrong platform. 🙄

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Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

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If you are talking about BLM protests it’s apples to oranges. They weren’t trying to overthrow a fair election. And I’ve read that many people doing the damage in the BLM protests were the white supremists trying to make it worse than it was.

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Yes you’d think he’d really want to get his trials over with and prove his total innocentitude before the election but somehow no.

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It's all about Delay, Delay, Delay.

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And how cults work too.

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How long are Trump's fleas (last to leave a dead and dying corpse- apologies for the rough imagery) going to indulge this shameless, gauche, lumbering perversion of truth, and how far are the judges going to stretch their tolerances....; through the Trumpian looking glass is not for the faint of heart or those prone to be lead by a heaving gut....

He ends in a whimper, but the foul odor will linger....

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MAGAts will be the last to leave......

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Has it been noticed that January 6th there was a lack of counter protesters. No Antifa (whoever they are), BLM, or anyone else. No one with weapons, signs or banners. I remember on Facebook, residents of DC were wondering if they should go. The answers was NO. It would antagonize the fanatics. Let the police handle it. (The police presence and no support for them is another subject).

I suspect that TFG and his co-conspirators were hoping for counter protesters. And that a ruckus would occur so that he could invoke the Insurrection Act and halt the counting of the ballots that way.

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There has been zero evidence of any counter protestors at all, whether overt or covert.

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No reason to protest, counter or otherwise. We won a free and fair election.

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That is exactly what trump and co were hoping for. But there was no reason for anyone to protest - we won.

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I’m not sure, but I think it’s one thing to counter protest locally against police brutality even when the protests become violent. But breaking into the US Capitol while armed, brutally attacking law enforcement officers, and threatening to lynch the Vice President of the US or harm members of Congress is on a whole different level.

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Occam's razor - The simplest answer is normally the truth. So let's see, the FBI and Antifa operatives conducted a staged riot to get MAGA cult members to attack the capital for trump; WITHOUT trumps DOJ or anyone else finding out.

Or, trump supporters, who are prone to violence; attacked the capital for trump, at his request, to keep him in power. Added by trumps congressional allies.

Hmmm, seems like it was a government conspiracy after all; trump's government that is, not the FBI.

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Don’t forget that the FBI CIA worked to get Clinton elected, but they couldn’t overcome the brilliance of the host of The Apprentice (eyeroll).

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Of course. They were protesting the election of their candidate. S/

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Occam's razor makes a pretty deep cut in that one.

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Rule #1 in Trumpworld is delay delay delay, so...there’s your motivation out of his own mouth. Thing is, all this particular discovery having been um, already discovered is fairly easy to get and won’t help him. Especially what doesn’t actually exist, like Antifa.

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The request for non-existent documents isn’t likely to delay things by much, thankfully.

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First, two questions: (1) Does anyone know members of Antifa? Or where and when the MD chapter gets together? (2) Can judges advance trial dates? If so, maybe advancing it by a week, whenever frivolous, stupid, fantastical time-consuming motions/appeals are filed, could eventually result in the trial being convened tomorrow.

More seriously, I find myself becoming increasingly angry that Maga Mike and his mob of mental midgits can halt US foreign policy implementation, risk Putin's conquest of Ukraine, with no near-term consequences (until 11/05/24). The ransom they demand is that Congress's serious, reasonable legislators and the President, close the Southwest Border to non-Norwegians. What Trump and his acolytes in the House are doing, if supported by Moscow, would be labeled treasonous.

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Really not until January 20, 2025. That when the new or reelected president is inaugurated. Although if it is (hopefully) a reelected president, he has some pull but it depends on the makeup of the Congress and if the Republicans that lose their elections bother to show up for work. (It would be better if they didn't show up.)

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"The media needs to be prepared to not simply just repeat his false claims, but rather to label them as false and explain precisely why that each is." How can we get the media to do this!

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The media is too busy making profits from him. To that extent they are filling a demand. They have feasted on the monster they helped create and are heavily invested in perpetuating right versus left.

It distracts the dumber masses into voting against their own better interests. And keeps them blaming the wrong people.

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Trump's plan is to drown the news cycle with "a firehose of lies" that will rile up his violent supporters and to keep making motions and appeals to delay the trial. He has no respect for the usual system of laws. I hope some legal person can figure out how to cut through this intentional chaos and finally end his reign of terror.

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I'm probably the most conservative guy you'll ever meet, but there is no way I'm voting for this dangerous nut in 2024. Let's hope Nikki Haley wins!

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Be careful what you wish for. She will still implement project2025. There are people behind that and it isn't Trump. He is just their puppet. Not sure if Haley is powerful enough or wants to work against that.

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Come on, the stench of fear and desperation from DC is palpable even way out here in the Pacific Northwest...the foul and acrid tRump flop-sweat reveals the acute peril the orange gobshite finds himself, and that his so-called lawyers would actually include grossly risible conspiracy-mongering nonsense in tRump's is a fair measure of the actual state of Defendant tRump and his laughable defense "stratagery".

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Can his lawyers be sanctioned for rank stupidity and wasting the court's time?

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It happened in previous tRump cases...judge was really pissed, and threw some fines their way.

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I know that discovery requests are not filed in Court, but when it comes to these already debunked conspiracy theories, will there be any consequences for Trump's lawyers if they start using these conspiracy theories in pleadings? If the special counsel files a motion in limine to keep out all of this nonsense, what good faith basis do his attorneys have to argue that they should be permitted to present it to a jury? I'm wondering whether there will be any effort to hold his attorneys accountable should they present false information to the Court.

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Attorneys who knowingly present false information to the court get to go out and seek other employment, because they will shortly thereafter lose the license required for the employment they were previously holding.

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My question, more elegantly posed!

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Thanks for the explanation/warning. I wonder if Cheetolini is gullible enough to believe any of this crap, or if it's just a strategy to create as much of a smokescreen as possible to delay and muddy the waters (and as fodder for his endless public whines and rants . . .).

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It’s hard to say what he actually believes any more. It almost doesn’t matter. He will advance whatever serves him. Truth isn’t important.

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I encountered my first pathological liar while living abroad. I learned an important lesson about such people. Every single word that they say is for effect. They do not care about truth, accuracy, or even a semblance of reality. They are looking to get a reaction. In a world where information and its validity is a necessary currency between people and organizations, such a person is like a plague bacillus against which the general population has little defense.

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