On June 14, 2017, just five months into the Trump White House, a lone gunman opened fire upon a group of Republican Congressmembers and their staff during their baseball team practice, wounding four people.
Hit the nail on the head there, trump certainly brought these haters out of the woodwork and encouraged them to spew their lies , misinformation and all out hatred for anyone that disagrees with them .I have been coming to this country since 1968 due to my job and have visited every state including Puerto Rico and lived in NYC , LA . Cleveland Ohio and now in Texas for the last 12 years and in all that time I have never experienced the amount division and hate as I do now , I think it's very sad what has happened to this country that love so much
As long as tweets, video clips, etc. can be reproduced and circulated it doesn't matter what is deleted or apologized for later. The horse has already escaped that particular barn. It will take a huge cultural change to return to civility and willingness to look for truth and I'm not optimistic that our population can accomplish this in time. I hope the upcoming election will prove me wrong.
Well said I feel like anyone aligning themselves with this Republican Party has lost sense of right and wrong all morals and all values this party has gone off rail so far they may never recover
This makes me angry beyond words. I do not condone violence of any kind and I do not discriminate by political party or any other metric- violence is violence. It's disturbing to me that so many in the GOP are willing to blow off this violence as being ok or normal or however they are spinning it
Too many politicians view our politics as just another reality show. Stoking rage and resentment is the goal of every event. Cruelty is the desired effect not an accidental byproduct. The modern social media is driving the unstable into madness. There should be a meeting of opinion leaders to provide some agreed set of rules of the road. Politics was always ugly but we’ve reached some tipping point due to an unregulated, unmediated and malicious news environment.
This isn't new behavior. The GOP has been doing this snarky BS for years. They have a table at the California State Fair and it's filled with mocking signs, buttons, and stickers. Maybe it's because the state party is basically irrelevant (borderline #3 party) and it's all they have. The Democratic table keeps it pretty simple with candidate info.
Jay, I can’t help but think that blaming republicans isn’t helping but only continues to divide us. We know that they are responsible and they know it too. But shouldn’t we have asked them to join us in denouncing the violence? Try to mend fences as opposed to pointing fingers at each other is the only way we will ever get our country back.
Jay: Very well done, as usual. Thinking of you this weekend at the HRC event, while Nancy Pelosi was racing home to SF from DC. I read the complete filing of the SF DA’s office with the California Superior Court yesterday, and found it so compelling, I decided to forgo writing an article about it and simple reading the entire “Statement of Facts” as my first Podcast. It makes for riveting reading, AND will raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Additionally, every single word exposes every utterance of Trump and his fellow troglodytes as lies, delusions and crazy conspiracy theories. https://open.substack.com/pub/villano/p/the-second-assassination-attempt?r=cveu&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
And yet, the Republican surge in the polls continues unabated. At this point Dems will be lucky to keep 48 Senate seats. The mentality of those who have switched from, for example, Warnock to Walker in recent weeks escapes me.
The vile behavior of these Republicans makes me physically ill. The fact that they are no longer outliers is terrifying.
It’s only going to get worse. When winning is the only thing, there is no bottom.
Hit the nail on the head there, trump certainly brought these haters out of the woodwork and encouraged them to spew their lies , misinformation and all out hatred for anyone that disagrees with them .I have been coming to this country since 1968 due to my job and have visited every state including Puerto Rico and lived in NYC , LA . Cleveland Ohio and now in Texas for the last 12 years and in all that time I have never experienced the amount division and hate as I do now , I think it's very sad what has happened to this country that love so much
As long as tweets, video clips, etc. can be reproduced and circulated it doesn't matter what is deleted or apologized for later. The horse has already escaped that particular barn. It will take a huge cultural change to return to civility and willingness to look for truth and I'm not optimistic that our population can accomplish this in time. I hope the upcoming election will prove me wrong.
Well said I feel like anyone aligning themselves with this Republican Party has lost sense of right and wrong all morals and all values this party has gone off rail so far they may never recover
This makes me angry beyond words. I do not condone violence of any kind and I do not discriminate by political party or any other metric- violence is violence. It's disturbing to me that so many in the GOP are willing to blow off this violence as being ok or normal or however they are spinning it
They are optimizing it, fundraising on it, getting votes on it.
Shameful behavior. And not an adult in the room to correct it.
Too many politicians view our politics as just another reality show. Stoking rage and resentment is the goal of every event. Cruelty is the desired effect not an accidental byproduct. The modern social media is driving the unstable into madness. There should be a meeting of opinion leaders to provide some agreed set of rules of the road. Politics was always ugly but we’ve reached some tipping point due to an unregulated, unmediated and malicious news environment.
This isn't new behavior. The GOP has been doing this snarky BS for years. They have a table at the California State Fair and it's filled with mocking signs, buttons, and stickers. Maybe it's because the state party is basically irrelevant (borderline #3 party) and it's all they have. The Democratic table keeps it pretty simple with candidate info.
Reading this tale of two attacks almost makes me ill. Is there not going to be a happy ending?
Jay, I can’t help but think that blaming republicans isn’t helping but only continues to divide us. We know that they are responsible and they know it too. But shouldn’t we have asked them to join us in denouncing the violence? Try to mend fences as opposed to pointing fingers at each other is the only way we will ever get our country back.
Jay: Very well done, as usual. Thinking of you this weekend at the HRC event, while Nancy Pelosi was racing home to SF from DC. I read the complete filing of the SF DA’s office with the California Superior Court yesterday, and found it so compelling, I decided to forgo writing an article about it and simple reading the entire “Statement of Facts” as my first Podcast. It makes for riveting reading, AND will raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Additionally, every single word exposes every utterance of Trump and his fellow troglodytes as lies, delusions and crazy conspiracy theories. https://open.substack.com/pub/villano/p/the-second-assassination-attempt?r=cveu&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Truly disturbing. Yet all the trump Repugnants think it's a joke.
And yet, the Republican surge in the polls continues unabated. At this point Dems will be lucky to keep 48 Senate seats. The mentality of those who have switched from, for example, Warnock to Walker in recent weeks escapes me.
Musk loves free speech. Great. I've shared this humor piece at Twitter: