I wanted to make a comment but I'm sitting here with the equivalent of my mouth opening and closing! What is wrong with people who see these two as a good thing for them? It's scary to contemplate what either of them would do to this country if elected. Thank you for your great explanations in your writing!
Haven’t we learned from history what “appeasement “ means? T loves the uneducated, but DeS? My parents, who both served in Europe during WW 2, are rolling over in their graves at what America has become 😢
I don't think that they see it as a good thing for them, rather they see it as "well at least there's a group below *me*." If they had to deal with the sad reality that they are the absolute bottom of the barrel (and they certainly seem to be just that), they'd go even nuttier than they already are. And that's pretty nutty.
The problem, of course is that they can't (or don't, or *won't*) think things through. What happens when the current undesirables somehow disappear? That didn't end too well for the last bunch of angry people who went down this path.
Worst of all is that the Republicans have been laying the groundwork for this awfulness for decades. It may already be too late to fix things.
If Trump does not win the Republican nomination, you figure he would not be the kind of person to go quietly into that good night. I imagine he'd run as an independent and basically tank the election just to get back at DeSantis.
Is it bad that I hope this is what actually happens?
De Santis went to Yale and got an undergraduate degree in history and then he went to Harvard Law School. Doesn't that qualify him as "an elite?" the group which he decries daily.
Proposal: let's stop describing Trump and DeSantis as dangerous. Let's stop talking about how worried we are. All that does is give them psychic power over us.
The MAGA base gets off on how we talk about these two. It's what attracts them to DeSantis and Trump. That the libs are all writing think pieces on substack and NYT about which one is more dangerous, how scared we are of them, how dire the situation is. Time to say fuck that! We know they can be dangerous when in power, so let's focus on promoting the opposite.
These fools are weak. Pathetic. Sad. Scared of each other. Scared of daddy Putin. DeSantis looks like a sweaty little brat. Why is he so sweaty? They have no real power and they're never going to have any real power ever again.
Every time we write or post or talk to relatives in other states about these two the focus should be on how comically sad and pathetic they are. We are not scared, we're amused. Damn right we're going to shut them down come election time, but we know how to do that. We've done it six years in a row.
It's very hard to read anything about either one of them, one should be in jail the other should never be in government! So tired of hearing their names, so much work to do here in Florida! I hope they destroy the GOP once and for all!
Is there any kind of legal action in the works against the Florida POS for sending desperate migrants he kidnapped from Texas to send to Martha's Vineyard?
There was talk in Texas of a criminal investigation, but nothing so far has come of it. In fact, the Florida legislature doubled down and approved more funds for such stunts.
This time last year I thought that DeSantis had the opportunity to stake out a non-crazy position that would appeal to the many moderate Democrats and Republicans who cannot get on the Trump Train and who have issues with the Biden agenda. But DeSantis has clearly been advised that his future lies in fighting the so-called "culture wars." His agenda is truly toxic to anyone left of MTG. I can see how this might work at the nomination level, but he's not going to beat Biden.
Stop giving them psychic power. Confidence, please!
We will beat them because they are pathetic, sad little gremlins. We beat them three election years in a row and we're going to beat them again. (Four if you count the popular vote in 2016. Six if you go back to Obama's re-election.)
These are horrible people fronting a horrible movement comprised of the most horrid aspects of humanity.
Can we engineer it such that in their inflammatory bid for party supremacy they in fact annihilate one another?
I do here assert also that it runs afoul of our Constitution to sit Trump as the nominee, and it runs afoul of all that we hold dear in thos world to host DeSantis in that position.
Let them run a cooperative sideshow theme park where they may wallow in awfulness.
But I do NOT consent to either one within our political systems.
A wonderful community in Massachusetts took in many of the people who were "shipped" to Martha's Vineyard. It already had a large immigrant population, and so had the supports already in place for them: housing, transitional, social, etc. The humane response to such a wretched action.
Can we please quit making Biden the 2024 nominee before he has even announced? The man is 80 years old. Perhaps it's time for someone who isn't pale, stale and male.
Check out the people he's surrounded himself with; they have a lot to do with how policy is carried out and it's a diverse and brilliant team. And, due to factors we're already familiar with, this will not be the election for the Democrats to introduce a new candidate.
What I am really hoping is that the GOP ends up nominating DeSantis (or some other candidate), spurring Trump to run as a 3rd Party candidate, because you know he will if he's not the nominee. That would split the base in such a way that even Democratic apathy would still elect the Democratic candidate.
DeSantis has veered into potentially unfavorable postures which may lose him independents and moderate Republicans like me. He needs to soften his immigration rhetoric and modify his position on support or non- support of Ukraine. Also, he needs to begin attacking the despicable former President. The way things are developing in these early days, I think Joe Manchin may run and have considerable impact. Also, DeSantis- Trump positions will enhance Haley's bid.
Please. Please. Can we not have to see trump's picture? It's everywhere in the media; even when talking about Biden. I don't see where it adds to what you are saying.
"He filled a packed auditorium at the Adler Theater with some 2,400 supporters... And "DeSantis said, the crowd of some 1,000 people leaping to its feet to cheer."
So, two crazy people vying for the White House, which they will never win, say crazy things to 3,400 nuts and this is worth the hyperbole? This kind of writing and the media using trump's photo constantly puts a pit in my stomach for the simple reason that this is exactly what happened in 2016.
I wanted to make a comment but I'm sitting here with the equivalent of my mouth opening and closing! What is wrong with people who see these two as a good thing for them? It's scary to contemplate what either of them would do to this country if elected. Thank you for your great explanations in your writing!
Haven’t we learned from history what “appeasement “ means? T loves the uneducated, but DeS? My parents, who both served in Europe during WW 2, are rolling over in their graves at what America has become 😢
I don't think that they see it as a good thing for them, rather they see it as "well at least there's a group below *me*." If they had to deal with the sad reality that they are the absolute bottom of the barrel (and they certainly seem to be just that), they'd go even nuttier than they already are. And that's pretty nutty.
The problem, of course is that they can't (or don't, or *won't*) think things through. What happens when the current undesirables somehow disappear? That didn't end too well for the last bunch of angry people who went down this path.
Worst of all is that the Republicans have been laying the groundwork for this awfulness for decades. It may already be too late to fix things.
If Trump does not win the Republican nomination, you figure he would not be the kind of person to go quietly into that good night. I imagine he'd run as an independent and basically tank the election just to get back at DeSantis.
Is it bad that I hope this is what actually happens?
He certainly would not let DeSantis have what he wanted, out of spite I’d imagine.
The only problem I can see with that is how do the rest of us ever trust the folks with either one's bumper stickers on their vehicles?
We don’t trust them, we laugh at them!
De Santis went to Yale and got an undergraduate degree in history and then he went to Harvard Law School. Doesn't that qualify him as "an elite?" the group which he decries daily.
His is just raw political ambition with no guiding principle.
Both T and D deal in fear mongering and apparently that is feeding red meat to their supporters, so sad.
Proposal: let's stop describing Trump and DeSantis as dangerous. Let's stop talking about how worried we are. All that does is give them psychic power over us.
The MAGA base gets off on how we talk about these two. It's what attracts them to DeSantis and Trump. That the libs are all writing think pieces on substack and NYT about which one is more dangerous, how scared we are of them, how dire the situation is. Time to say fuck that! We know they can be dangerous when in power, so let's focus on promoting the opposite.
These fools are weak. Pathetic. Sad. Scared of each other. Scared of daddy Putin. DeSantis looks like a sweaty little brat. Why is he so sweaty? They have no real power and they're never going to have any real power ever again.
Every time we write or post or talk to relatives in other states about these two the focus should be on how comically sad and pathetic they are. We are not scared, we're amused. Damn right we're going to shut them down come election time, but we know how to do that. We've done it six years in a row.
It's very hard to read anything about either one of them, one should be in jail the other should never be in government! So tired of hearing their names, so much work to do here in Florida! I hope they destroy the GOP once and for all!
Is there any kind of legal action in the works against the Florida POS for sending desperate migrants he kidnapped from Texas to send to Martha's Vineyard?
There was talk in Texas of a criminal investigation, but nothing so far has come of it. In fact, the Florida legislature doubled down and approved more funds for such stunts.
This time last year I thought that DeSantis had the opportunity to stake out a non-crazy position that would appeal to the many moderate Democrats and Republicans who cannot get on the Trump Train and who have issues with the Biden agenda. But DeSantis has clearly been advised that his future lies in fighting the so-called "culture wars." His agenda is truly toxic to anyone left of MTG. I can see how this might work at the nomination level, but he's not going to beat Biden.
I certainly hope not.
Stop giving them psychic power. Confidence, please!
We will beat them because they are pathetic, sad little gremlins. We beat them three election years in a row and we're going to beat them again. (Four if you count the popular vote in 2016. Six if you go back to Obama's re-election.)
These are horrible people fronting a horrible movement comprised of the most horrid aspects of humanity.
Can we engineer it such that in their inflammatory bid for party supremacy they in fact annihilate one another?
I do here assert also that it runs afoul of our Constitution to sit Trump as the nominee, and it runs afoul of all that we hold dear in thos world to host DeSantis in that position.
Let them run a cooperative sideshow theme park where they may wallow in awfulness.
But I do NOT consent to either one within our political systems.
The 2 sh*tties could not be more perfect! Ugh
A wonderful community in Massachusetts took in many of the people who were "shipped" to Martha's Vineyard. It already had a large immigrant population, and so had the supports already in place for them: housing, transitional, social, etc. The humane response to such a wretched action.
Can we please quit making Biden the 2024 nominee before he has even announced? The man is 80 years old. Perhaps it's time for someone who isn't pale, stale and male.
I understand your concerns. It is a near certainty that he will announce and that he won’t face a serious primary challenge.
Check out the people he's surrounded himself with; they have a lot to do with how policy is carried out and it's a diverse and brilliant team. And, due to factors we're already familiar with, this will not be the election for the Democrats to introduce a new candidate.
What I am really hoping is that the GOP ends up nominating DeSantis (or some other candidate), spurring Trump to run as a 3rd Party candidate, because you know he will if he's not the nominee. That would split the base in such a way that even Democratic apathy would still elect the Democratic candidate.
Great title on this piece. Perfect in fact.
DeSantis has veered into potentially unfavorable postures which may lose him independents and moderate Republicans like me. He needs to soften his immigration rhetoric and modify his position on support or non- support of Ukraine. Also, he needs to begin attacking the despicable former President. The way things are developing in these early days, I think Joe Manchin may run and have considerable impact. Also, DeSantis- Trump positions will enhance Haley's bid.
Please. Please. Can we not have to see trump's picture? It's everywhere in the media; even when talking about Biden. I don't see where it adds to what you are saying.
"He filled a packed auditorium at the Adler Theater with some 2,400 supporters... And "DeSantis said, the crowd of some 1,000 people leaping to its feet to cheer."
So, two crazy people vying for the White House, which they will never win, say crazy things to 3,400 nuts and this is worth the hyperbole? This kind of writing and the media using trump's photo constantly puts a pit in my stomach for the simple reason that this is exactly what happened in 2016.