Something that I don't understand here is, when does a criminal ever get to choose who will review and possibly throw out the evidence against them, and why should Trump have that privilege here? There are a lot of people in prisons that would have jumped at the opportunity to pick their buddy to decide what evidence the prosecution could see and use.

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Spot on. Trump is as criminal as he's domestic terrorist leader. Your sentiment is clear. But legally speaking he's not yet convicted for all the crime he committed in the past 6 years (due to our Constitution). That's a fact. Due to his past job as the president, he is getting preferential treatment after leaving the White House since 1/20/21. Still he is NOT ABOVE THE LAW!!! DOJ is clearly working to hold him accountable for his criminal acts that only his loyal Republicans can defend. We collectively must hold him accountable as well because NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Here is how to ensure Trump gets what he's deserved, a presidential suite in a federal penitentiary. Go vote in every election. GO VOTE! That will guarantee Republican Party a minority political party in our government for years to come!

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If she really is a loyal *trumper - and I suspect she is - she will not back down to avoid "embarrassment" but rather double-down on her original ruling. She may be overridden, but she will have ensured enshrinement in the *trumper pantheon.

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And destroyed her reputation in the Judicial community. Considering her location, it won't matter. BUT legal scholars will watch her every actions & decisions VERY closely, taking notes & looking up the legality of the nonsense. She'll have her own chapter in the history books.

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Great summation and use of the two buckets helps understanding, “stay the stay” will be my thought for the day!

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What's apparent is the quality of the qualifications in those appointed by Trump to the bench. That even with a lifetime appointment and no professional or personal risk, his minions are willing to compromise their oath to justice.

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I still don’t know exactly how Judge Cannon was assigned to Trump’s suit requesting a special master. Was this luck of the draw or somehow a permissible direct application to this judge? Anyone?

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I wonder how many judges they had to go to before they found one willing to destroy their reputation & career to cover his ongoing, constant nonsense.

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I am so appreciative of your news! I don’t even watch any of the other news media because I don’t feel I can trust them. Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for keeping us informed

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Read today’s Politico Playbook for a great analogy to this DOJ v. Trump case before Judge Cannon.

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My biggest concern at this point is the fact that we found out nuclear secrets of another country were among the documents he stole, then shortly after finding this out, Kim Jong Un announced that North Korea is now a nuclear state and that there will never, ever be negotiations regarding their ownership of nuclear weapons.

Jay, do you think there is a direct connection between the two pieces of news?

To me, it's frightening. Am I overreacting, or is the whole situation now extremely precarious?

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Yikes! I’m frightened also!! Enough is enough. Time is a wasting!! By the way, what is the punishment for treason?

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I thought treason was punishable by firing squad way back in the beginning, but there must be a hefty sentence that comes with it, at the very least. In any case, we know because 45 is who he is, we'll be lucky to see any punishment. I'm still hopeful, however. Fingers crossed 🤞

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Who is he?????? The anti-Christ??? That he should be able to escape any punishment??? We must stop this before we can’t

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You're right Babs, we do need to stop him, but we need to ensure that the powers-that-be do their jobs, and that's the problem. He's got many of those people who can stop him in a choke hold for some reason and they won't grow a set of cajones and put a stop to him. This could all very easily be done and over with, if only those who have been kissing his orange ass would grow a conscience and do the right thing. 🙄😔

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Absolutely! And that’s why THEY must be held accountable also! They should all receive individual warnings that if they assist/support a traitor then they are responsible too

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Thank you for sharing this.

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Sep 9, 2022
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Think you are you are correct Lisa; the former US Solicitor & current law professor, Neal Katyal, did propose a sophisticated legal strategy. Andrew Weisman proposed that DOJ just file a criminal case in DC based on the three (3) statutes cited with good cause in the Search Warrant. DOJ, of course, now has the supporting evidence now. Although an enticing strategy, Merrick Garland's experience as a Federal Judge for many years has paid off in this case. SATURDAY 9/10 UPDATE: The DOJ's motion forced Cannon to order a formal Reply from tfg's 1st year law Rabble by a Monday 9/12 filing Deadline. Per WAPO's Carol D. Leonnig, the classified national security documents at M-a-Lago include "Special-Access Program" data that require an additional restrictive "need-to-know" layer of national security. Judge Cannon's has cooked up a real procedural fiasco. The DOJ has briefed the Judge an Off Ramp.

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