Please keep in mind that there are those of us who refuse to share Trump's image on social media. Ask yourself if his image is really the one you want to go with when you post. Could a photo of someone or something other than Trump work just as well or even better? I for one don't want his image shared and spread around so frequently. It's nauseating.

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I am of the opinion that we need to face his threat directly, including the use of his image whenever he looks ridiculous. It won’t work to pretend he’s not there and not the GOP nominee.

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I agree on calling him out, and you do a great job with that, which is why I love to share your posts. I just don't want to participate in splashing his image everywhere. It gives him free publicity and actually helps him establish more of a presence in the media than he deserves.

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It would be hard to avoid splashing his presence everywhere unless one of the judges follows my recommendation to put Treacherous-treasonous-traitorous-tantruming-Trump in 24 solitary confinement (for HIS safety of course), as punishment for each time he says, or posts something that is threatening about someone else. He should be discouraged from engaging in this behavior. That would keep any pictures being taken of him, although I can imagine that people working in jails would want to cash in on the Treacherous-treasonous-traitorous-tantruming-Trump craze since they don't tend to make very much money. So be it.

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I'm confused. Which one is Trump in that picture? ;)

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Exactly. It's not like he actually looks impressive or presidential in most of his Undoctored images... which is why his are so often radically touched up or even using younger head shots pasted onto other bodies. If one never showed him, we might picture him the way he looked four years ago (not great but better than today) and buy into the myth he isn't older, in health years, than Biden.

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When he looks Satanic, or ridiculous, it needs to be shared.

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Mar 31Edited

I would love to have ONE day at least for a Trump moratorium where no one publishes pictures, videos, recordings, quotes or anything else relating to Trump. It would be bliss.

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That would be amazing! He’s been shoved in our faces for way too long. If we just ignore him, he will wither and die. He wants and needs to spot light…once it’s gone, so is he! Buh bye loser!

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I agree💯

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As much as I enjoy Jay’s Xeets and Giggles I really hate they are on Evil Elon’s platform. I loathe looking at Don Porleone too . How to spoil Easter🤢🤮

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I follow him on Substack. I deleted my Twitter as soon as they were even considering selling it to Musk.

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I agree. As it is I’m grateful to everyone who posts transcripts below the silenced videos, so I don’t have to listen to…that voice!

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One split second of RFK jr rusty hinge screeching is so bad, soooooo bad. One second is too many seconds of that.

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I think RFK has a physical disability similar to Diane Rehm, my favorite podcaster. Spasmodic dysphonia. I can’t fault him for something he can’t control. His stupidity and arrogance is something I can fault him for.

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Spasmodic dysphonia - great name for a band.

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You are the bigger person here, no doubt, and I salute you!

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I figured that he had cysts on his vocal chords or something, if only being kind and gracious helped my ears crackling when he speaks. Jesus if he got elected there would be entire SOTUs of that screeching

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I second that request.

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What if the picture of him is posted for context but his ugly face is redacted?

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I used to do that, put a pumpkin on his head. But in this case, many other images could have been used, like Biden's or kids hunting Easter eggs.

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I agree, I would like to share facts and info with people but when it's prefaced by his image it dilutes the message and it's just seen as Trump bashing.

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I just don't want to help get his image out there. It's already too ubiquitous. There is the old saying even bad publicity is still publicity. I don't want to give him any.

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You don't face fear by running.

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It's not fear, it's more nausea. Giving him free publicity is not a good idea. His image didn't need to be attached to this post.

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I mean if we're discussing "needs" then very little ever needs doing.

You can call it whatever you like, but barring a mirrored shield, you can't defeat an opponent you can't bear to look upon.

You think I'm less disgusted than you? Drumpf's been screwing people I know sinxe the 80s. Maybe you've dealt with him the last ten years. I been doing it forty plus.

It's like driving past a car wreck, just let your eyes glide over it without taking in the details.

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I’ve been dealing with him since the 80s too. I’m so sick and tired of being sick and tired.

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I just don't think we should help him by spreading his image. This story wasn't all about Trump and nothing else. In fact, very little about him, more about the right wing machine that provided him and other distasteful men like him to have a platform for their baseless complaints and theories. They create the monster, we give it oxygen when we share his image when it isn't even necessary or particularly relevant.

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It's a picture. It doesn't help him. Get over it and yourself.

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No need to get nasty. I just made a valid point that posting his photo everywhere gives him free publicity. He is a publicity hound, so you are doing something for him that he likes. The story isn't really about him, anyway. It's more about those who helped put him out there. It's ironic to include his photo with this story and put him out there even more.

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Yes, and I must say that today's column was a bit of a stretch...beyond caring about the GOP manufactured outrage du jour, quite honestly.

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I think pointing out the hypocrisy is important too: the pictures that Fox and Tuberville shared of Biden and the bunny, was designed to make him look silly and less presidential, so people need to see that the same pictures exist of Trump.

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I agree, I don't share anything with his photo on it.

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Thank you for clarifying this situation. I swear they sit around and look for stuff to get into an uproar over. Enjoy your day!

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And then Fox goes (at best) “People are really upset about this! (Mumbles) OK it’s not actually real (back to screaming) but people are upset about it so let’s talk about how upset they are, and how even if they’re wrong you can see why people would believe it!”

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Yes, they do. They don't have any real policies or national agenda beyond giving tax breaks to the rich and corporations, attacking people who are different from them, establishing a Xtian Nationalist theocracy of patriarchy and misogyny and eliminating all regulations on business, political contributions and social programs that benefit the average citizen.

Since all of these things are opposed by a sizeable majority of Americans, they have nothing else they can do except engage in fabricating stories to enrage their cult followers and encourage attacks on Democrats...and anyone else that might not absolutely adhere to the MAGAt belief system.

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Plus no caravan,.boo hoo

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Let’s face it, the right wing is going to exploit every issue! They have no moral compass!

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Very true! They are hoping we give up and don’t respond, but I refuse to become exhausted by their tactics.

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To have a moral compass, you first have to have morals. They are lacking both. Best I can tell, they worship hypocrisy.

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I think we’re all horrified by China’s and Myanmar’s reeducation camps, but I often dream about reeducation camps for the followers of MAGA. That includes Tuberville, Green, Jordan and the other noisy “intellects” who flock together in crow-like crowds.

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Please don’t insult crows! They’re smart!!

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I am so angry at GQP hypocrisy I can't even see straight. If they were truly devout and orthodox Christians they'd be appalled at using eggs to celebrate Easter at all since they were a holdover from the bad pagan holiday they appropriated. If they were truly Christians, they'd be celebrating trans people. If they were truly Christians, they'd be after law enforcement to investigate the threat made to President Biden by tfg.

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It certainly is intended to infuriate. So I don’t even give them that satisfaction. I look at each instance as evidence of a larger pathology at work.

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Yes, not to focus on the single mold spore but look at what is creating the damp conditions!

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If they wanted to know the facts, they could know the facts. They don’t want to know. This is pure Radio Rwanda stuff. They want to give each other excuses to kill us. I don’t know how much clearer they have to make it. Maybe if they posted images of Joe Biden tied up in the back of a truck oh wait they already did that.

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They have truly crossed a line with that image, and Trump participated.

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Happy "Whatever You Celebrate" everyone, if you celebrate anything.

If your faith community is not celebrating anything at the moment - I wish you peace, and I send you love.

To my Atheist friends, have a great day.

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Thank you for recognizing that many faith communities are not celebrating anything today...and many of us don't have a faith community and are pleased that our tax money is NOT funding a particular slant on religion.

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Radical "Christians" are not happy unless they are outraged about some invented disrespect.

The group that has experienced the most persistent and predictable White Privilege are the loudest about their perceived persecution.

They take every opportunity to express ire about their relentless inability to force everyone to "respect" their religious choices by not allowing anyone else to express theirs.

Nobody is stopping them from practicing their religion.

Nobody is stopping them from praying anywhere.

Nobody is stopping schools, banks, federal offices, and other venues and businesses from being closed on their two most holy days, Christmas and Easter.

Even with all these privileges and accommodations, they still feel persecuted.

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Nailed it. Clear and to the very accurate point. Let’s tell them.

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Yesterday a clueless relative (who identifies as non-political 🤔) posted on social media his outrage about the Transgender recognition on Easter nonsense. When I shared the history of the March 31 day I was pitied for falling for fake news. Sigh. Not a teachable moment.

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People who aren’t wiling to learn aren’t going to learn.

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A teachable moment requires a teachable mind.

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They don’t want to learn, they simply want to stew in their anger.

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This is the right answer.

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I call it “pout-rage!”

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Ah, “non-political” in that any recognition of actual reality is considered political activism.

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Gov. Tate Reeves of Mississippi dubbed Transgender Day of Visibility “an intentional attempt to insult and mock Christians across America.”

Hate to bring this to your attention, Christians who support Donald Trump, insult and mock Christianity not just on Easter, but every single day. Put that in your Easter basket!

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I sent an email to "Senator" tommy tuberville, advising him of the Fox "news" story regarding the truth behind the White House Easter Egg Roll. I said in my email that if, in a moment of lucidity, perhaps the staff could have the "Senator" look at the pictures, while someone read him the story. Tempted to send the same to "Senator" grassley, as well. If you'd like to join in on the fun, tubby can be reached here: https://www.tuberville.senate.gov/contact-old/contact-form/

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I doubt it will have any effect, but I took your advice and sent a quick note to Tuberville, asking him to apologize to Democrats for his obviously ignorant comments, pointing out the Egg Board’s rules for 47 years….

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Yeah, I didn't expect any kind of response or anything. I was thinking maybe his staff would be laughing so much that it would prevent tubby from doing any damage for a day or two. My comments weren't 'asking' for anything; it was blatant snarkiness, meant to show him that We The People look at him as a complete asshole.

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At least the Democrats understand what "separation of church and state" means.

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There's a war on Easter? Did I miss the war on St. Patrick's Day? It must be such a simple life for many of these people, unencumbered by actual facts.

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I still haven't taken down my War on Arbor Day lights. Screw 'em all, I'm leaving them up year round, just changing the name.

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One more thing: next February, that groundhog is dead. Dead!

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I keep saying a large chunk of our society is primitive....they lack critical thinking skills and the Republicans (who evidently don't have them either) ability to process right and wrong. They cant see when they are being used. They have been trained, by the GOP and the corporate media, to hate "the other". It makes me incredibly angry, frustrated, and sad. We should be better than this.

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I love this!!! Thank you for reminding us, as if we needed reminding, that the GOP is a rudderless dingy spinning out in the wide wide world!!! Also it’s about darned time we started celebrating National Tater Day!!! Go Spuds 🥔

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YAY from Idaho.

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Debbie, You and any of Jay’s readers in Canada need to visit The Canadian Potato Museum in O’Leary, Prince Edward Island. It’s spudtacular. However, I did get them to confess during my visit, they have no Tator-Tot display. It’s strictly an Idaho invention.

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Spudtacular suggestion!!! I might just fry up there for that mash up!!😂😂😂

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Aha - so the GOP has decided to go into competition with Saturday Night Live ... now I get it.

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And boyoboy, do they suck at it.

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Wait till next year when Easter falls on April 20th. 4-20. 😁

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You are too funny!!!

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