Thanks for the outstanding synopsis. I read the report early this morning. The New Yorker is doing outstanding work these days, but a subscription is expensive (though I have one, and always will) and lots of people can't afford it. Nor is it on the radar of those not on bluessky (which was lit with shared pieces).

This is all so reminiscent of Anita Hill v. Clarence Thomas in addition to the others mentioned above. Good ole boys thinking they can do whatever they want. I hope The New Yorker, Jud Legum, Aaron Rupar, et alia, are on the job with Gabbard, Kennedy, and the others. With 45 blocking FBI background checks (as was done by 45 for Kavanaugh), the Fourth Estate -- the credible Fourth Estate -- need to step into the void.

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Biden could order background checks on all of them and 45 would just keep supplying his low-life sycophants to exhaust the system until time runs out. He doesn't care who eventually runs out the clock. It's not like he's looking for performance. It's a cake walk...whoever is in the chair when the music stops wins.

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I think you hit the nail on the head, " ...he's looking for performance...whoever is in the chair when the music stops wins."

"Supply low-life sycophants to exhaust the system until the time runs out."

Actually I 100% agree with everything you wrote here.

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Just because Trump will do what he dies isn’t reason for Biden not to do this.

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You forgot Tara Reade and Jennifer Flowers.

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Hegseth molested them too? Because that is what the article is about.

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My point was you get really excited about this one but I'd bet you're very selective about your outrage.

P.S. police report doesn't support assault or molestation and there were no charges. Imagine that.

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Perhaps they should have had him vetted through FBI channels?

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Public servants like me will do everything we can to save democracy by preventing Trump and his bootlickers from implementing Project 2025: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/public-servant-democracy-defender-introduction

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Kash is on it!

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Blocked by 45.

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The risk of Hegseth getting blackmailed is pretty damn high too. Which, of course, is the point. Trump likes his directs to be severely compromised so he can maintain control. Need that kompromat in hand at all times so one can yank the chain.

Mayer did a fantastic job on the article: https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/pete-hegseths-secret-history, it is well worth reading it in full.

It reveals some additional very dirty details about that originally reported sexual assault that I had never seen reported before, making what Hegseth did even more appalling, that poor woman. It should be read out loud in every single Catholic and Evangelist church and in Congress and on Joe Rogan, end to end. If Rogan can spend three hours milking Trump, he should get a spine and have three hours interviewing Mayer on what she found out.

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So adorable that the people vetting Hegseth are annoyed at his dishonesty.

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Hunter Biden had nothing to do with the National Security command structure. My cousin’s husband worked as an aide to the Secretary of Defense under President Clinton. He gave me a personal tour of the Secretary of Defense’s office including his situation room used to connect to any U.S. military anywhere in the world in a real time manner. Imagine this drunk clown “managing” a real crisis where our brave and outstanding military is in harms way? Anything Traitor Trump touches dies, everything!!!

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Gee, what’s the problem? Sounds like the rest of the Trump appointees. Sadly, the Ambassador to France is already taken by another scandal ridden man who even hired a pro for his BIL in order to film him for blackmail (Charles Kushner if you don’t remember). Do you recall when Trump came to office the first time, and people started leaving his administration, Rachel Maddow started a billboard on her show of these POSes — there finally were so many she gave up. It’s like that now and he’s not even in office yet!

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"But the Hunter Biden pardon!!" Will be the catch-all excuse for unconstrained sleaze and skeeviness emitting from the incoming tRump gang, so maybe GOPer Senators not on board with the Hegseth nomination will retreat after being hit up with the Biden pardon.

Sure, apples and oranges, but that's how it will be framed, you betcha!

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Nevertheless I'm very relieved that Hunter was pardoned.

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BTW, Jay, the headline to your article, "A Wastrel, a Drunkard, and a Predator", won you today's internets! Best evah!

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Funny thing is, these character flaws can be applied individually or in pairs to many of those in line for administration positions…but Pete H. wins the Trifecta…good for all three!

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Omfg.It sounds like this yutz drinks more in a day then some who regularly drink,in a month.He has no sense of discretion,and a person in a drunken state isn't reliable to make any sort of decisions,let alone when it would cost lives and cause unintentional consequences,like starting a war,for instance.And that he has zero respect for women,is also very concerning.Would he be willing to protect female civilians in a war zone?Would he take seriously allegations of wrongdoing from a female soldier?That's scary and would impact safety and morale.

"Hell no!"isn't a strong enough way to turn this down, although some of them aren't printable in polite company."God Forbid!!"should also definitely come to mind.

What on God's Green Earth are these people thinking about,to suggest such totally unqualified people to serve in high seats of our government?Do they want us all to be blown up to Kingdom Come??I just marvel and shake my head at the sheer stupidity of our fellow citizens,to actually want idiots like Hegseth in charge of anything.Just,YIKES!!

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As far as Trump is concerned, Hegseth has "the look", i.e., 'movie star'. That's enough to get him the nomination.

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Trump has always been an old media slut

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Dec 2Edited

I have lost all the (very little) respect I had for those who are allowing this charade of insanity to go on, as if the next administration will be manageable, thinking it will not destroy all this country stands for (or says it does). The only way they can redeem themselves is to let it go on just until it is obvious to all who have any love of country left that there has to be a coup against MAGA, suddenly, swiftly and thoroughly. But I don’t think that will happen. They really believe they can let them take the reins and then they will give them back after another election. Every expert on authoritarianism is shouting, “don’t take that risk!”

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He has already said he doesn't want women in combat situations, so - no he would not "...take seriously allegations of wrongdoing from a female soldier".

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Pls stop excusing the flawed nominations to serious federal cabinet positions as failed due diligence. Based on frequency in public, it's hard to believe Pete's drunkenness, womanizing and predatory behavior was not known. Clearly, the nominations are intended as a F*** You to Dems and non-MAGA supporters and intended to stoke fear, indignation, chaos and, ultimately, to tumble the USA compliments of our favorite nihilists: Bannon and Miller.

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Yes! And that why I love the pardon. A nice F U to the incoming attorney general who will have to find someone else to ravage

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It’s almost gratifying to learn that the tRumpf team is ‘surprised’ to find he’s not squeaky clean. They think they are savvy, but they are far short. They will have to accommodate their own stench and learn to like it or leave the retribution ‘party’!

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This “I had no idea what I was doing” guy should be no where near the Pentagon-gads! Good reporting all around.✔️

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I'm not surprised, I'm not even disappointed. I'm just sad. You can see the quality of a man in who he chooses to surround himself with.

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It's a reflection of him and he thinks he's great!!

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How is that guy not in prison for running two charities into the ground? How is it that these type of people get away with these things while a single mother who bounces one rent payment check has it on her record for the rest of her life and can't get a decent place to rent or job? (PBS had a report on that while back. It makes you cry listening to it while the rich and famous get away with so much.)

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The charity leaders didn’t want bad publicity so he walked away. Ugh!

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I’ll hunt that PBS report down to educate myself.

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"Wingnut welfare" is endless.

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Well to be honest, I have no hope or confidence in the folks making the decisions about hiring T’s mafia to run the country. There is no rule of law, no justice for the innocent. Alcohol and sexual abuse are hardly the main issue here. There seems to be zero integrity, or decorum or leadership. We will all suffer this tragedy until these crooks are brought to their knees.

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These appointments feel more and more like a topsy-turvy bait 'n switch. 1st iteration is someone so outrageous that they get ripped of the stage and replaced by a modestly more palatable choice who is still horrible. Look at the Gaetz replacement. What are the odds she'll get through? 🤔

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Deb, I'd like to add to your list with zero intelligence, zero ability to actually care about another human being besides themselves, and the total lack of even equating their actions with the damage it can do to their reputations, who they work for, or anything else. A complete lost cause all the way round.

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Bunch of zeroes.

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Those surrounding tfg are not interested in vetting anyone. Every single one of his "appointments" is a reward for services rendered. Qualifications, or lack thereof, mean nothing.

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The primary qualification is obviously *loyalty* to trump, any disgusting background information is simply a bonus.

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I wish I could express shock. Not possible since this kind of behavior is totally acceptable for someone who has no requirement for his nominees except total loyalty to him.

Unless the Senate steps up, which I'm not counting on, we are in deep trouble.

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