Just finished listening to HCR, and she talked about how the Republicans walked down a dark alley, and Biden came along and slammed the door shut behind them. They are stuck with JD Vance and Captain Befuddlepants after the convention. The R’s are now in complete panic mode….this gives me great joy.

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I’m feeling way better about this move seeing how terrified Republicans are about it.

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I think it's going to be the blue tsunami we all thought some prior elections would be. I get the sense that the younger folks were really, really tuned out and turned off by the choice. Not a rap against Biden. But these are kids who don't see the FDR-like policies he implemented, and just see an old guy who some of their peers blame for Gaza (instead of blaming it on the craven Netanyahu).These policies will be made clear during the DNC.

I haven't been this excited since Obama.

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Yes, I spoke with a couple of them yesterday and they and their friends are jazzed!

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Yay! :-)

The mood is pretty evident throughout several social media platforms from what I've seen.

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I hope. Right now I have that feeling I generally have after a good Election Day for Democrats: This will be great if we can keep this energy and unity, and nobody goes back to their usual BS. I’m guardedly optimistic.

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This has Obama energy! Agreed!


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Thank you for giving me 'Captain Befuddlepants'. Vance needs a sidekick name, please.

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Captain Befuddlepants, and his sidekick, Little Shillbilly! I'm rethinking Captain now though - it imbues too much credibility. How about Befuddlepants the Clown and his sidekick, Little Shillbilly.

Clearly I need to get off the internet for a bit now.

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I'm loving Befuddlepants the Clown and LIttle Shillbilly LOL

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Nah. I like “Captain” as kind of taunting sarcasm. He could never “Captain” anything! But the rest is great!

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Captain Befuddlepants will remind young people of Captain Underpants. I'm not sure if those kids are old enough to vote yet, though!

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Oh, they are! My son’s read Captain Underpants books and they are in their 30’s.

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They absolutely are! Captain Underpants first came out in 1997. My kid born in 2002 was a big fan.

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Yes! Spot on🤣🤣

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OMG! Perfect!

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Oooh/that’s good!!

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Uncle Hillbilly -- so similar to Thomas

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Better: Uncle Shillbilly. With credit to TCinLA for coming up with Shillbilly.

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Thank Nancy Woods for "Beelzebubba" ☻

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Captain Befuddlepants, and his sidekick PJ (Putin Jr.) or TJ or RJ (tRump Jr., or Lil'Rumpelsnakeskin (LR). Maybe T1T2 (Thing 1 & Thing 2)

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It's 5o'clock somewhere, and I'm having a double schadenfreude on the rocks.

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Oh my gosh, I love “Captain Befuddlepants”!!! So expressive on so many levels…

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I always enjoy a new nickname for the slinky, slimy turd, so hitting the Like button for Captain Befuddlepants.

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I just listened as well. She is always spot-on.

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Her piece last night was excellent!! I felt better after listening.

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Her live yesterday was AMAZING! I just feel bad that the news of Biden stepping aside interrupted her paddle.

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Where can I find the HCR talk you just listened to?

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You can access her on Facebook, you can also receive through email. She writes everyday, does a politics chat on Tuesday's at 4pm. Yesterday was an impromptu chat to calm our asses down. She's great!

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I'm a long-time subscriber to LFAA -- just couldn't find this particular talk.

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"Captain Befuddlepants," 😂 Good one! I like that just about as much as "Orange Hellbeast."

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Schadenfreüde is Schadenfreüde is Schadenfreüde is Schadenfreüde, and by any other name would feel as sweet!

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They lost.

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Between you and Heather Cox Richardson, I can breathe better. Thank you.

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So appreciative to both, and Joyce Vance.

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I also breathe easier after reading Palmer Report and Spouts by Tomi T Ahonen. Whew! I was listening to disinformation apparently that said Harris is not well liked. Not true!

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I feel energized. I’m ready to get more involved. I was NEVER excited to experience a race between two old white men and I’m an old white man.

This country needs to heal and we cannot do that until we deal with our originals sins of slavery, how we treated the natives, chauvinism and more. We will not be the the great country many already think we are, until we admit the truth, grow and change our ways. A president of color would be a perfect start.

If you want a country you be proud to be part of, get on board.

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Let's gooooooooooooooo!!!

Also, I hereby propose we hold a barn burner of a retirement party for the masterful statesman, a phenomenal president and all-around mensch, Joe Biden. We do better in celebratory mode than in guttersniping fight club, and no better way to carry forth our fellowship than in celebration of the man who placed country over self.

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I do believe President Biden has been the greatest President of the modern era.

He has been what we needed whether we knew it or not.

Unfortunately optics play too great a role in politics these days. And the media has been CRIMINAL in both their portrayal and neglect of our President and his achievements, his administration and character.

This has been a time of childishness, pettiness and despicable rhetoric. We need JOURNALISTIC and ELECTORAL reform. We must get the billionaire class out of our FREE PRESS and out of our ELECTIONS.

President Joe Biden is a fine man, a masterful statesman and an American hero. I wish we could have honored him the way he deserved these past few years. History will place him high on the list of great American presidents.🇺🇸

He deserves our respect and gratitude.

Now lets go! Kamala Harris!

This is the way forward! 💙🇺🇸✨

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Joe deserves a celebration full of love and our appreciation for his outstanding statesmanship and kind, generous, honest character.

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Remember how they did his convention in 2020? He didn’t get the adulation thing, but that “all across the country” roll call experience still gives me goose bumps.

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I expect that's exactly what the Democratic National convention will be. A fond farewell and a happy welcome.

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Such a good idea!

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We really could do this....we need a public figure champion or two (cough Jay Kuo cough), event- planning professionals, good publicity, etc.. He deserves a send-off and we all could do with a party...

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After weeks of not sleeping well, I hope to get a good nights sleep tonight. That's because Harris is the ONLY choice to replace Biden at the top of the Ticket, and it seems like everyone is getting behind her. The "news" media is busy already, wondering if Harris is the right pick, blah, blah, blah... Not paying attention to them anymore. I am excited for a newly energized convention in Chicago, and a little intrigue with the vote for Harris (the first consequential floor vote in decades) to be the nominee will only add to it.

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When I first read on Spoutible that Biden had dropped out, my first response was, "has democracy just died?" I didn't think the Democratic party would get behind her. Now that I can see they *are* behind her, I'm only crying for joy, not fear for my grandkids' future! (Well also some crying for how badly the MSM and GOP treated our beloved president).

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Not to mention too many in his own party.

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I am sick of the MSM which is why I love reading substacks. I get a positive feeling of hope, especially the last two days.

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Agree. I have completely tuned them out.

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I slept better last night than I have in weeks.

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Agreed! I was shocked that it was almost 8 before I started to rustle…so happy today!

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Me too.

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Time to put away the stilettos and bring back her converse running shoes. I've dried my tears that sprung forth reading Joe's post. Let's go, Kamala! Vamos,latinos. Yo voy a ella!

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“Time to put away the stilettos and bring back her converse running shoes.” Love that image.

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Sí, se puede!!💙

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Así es! Con ella, podemos!

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Yesterday was such an intense day for everyone, you in particular. Congrats on the baby shower! And thank you for this -- I wasn't expecting to get so overwhelmed with emotion at the profundity of what President Biden did, and while I wish things hadn't gotten so negative towards him, I deeply admire his grace and commitment to our country. I had "One Last Time" from Hamilton playing in my head all day, and I believe that history will remember him well as both an incredible President who guided us through tragedy with wisdom and effective policy work, and as a strong and kind soul who believed in doing the right thing for his fellow Americans. A rare combination that makes the best of leaders.

The incredible wave of outspoken support and enthusiasm for Kamala Harris is great to see, and I hope that this can energize everyone as we push through to November. We have a great opportunity here with Harris to make history and deliver a mandate!

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Exactly my sentiments! You wrote exactly what I have been thinking!

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This Newsweek headline just dropped down on my screen:

“Nikki Haley voters PAC announces support for Kamala Harris.”

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It’s a group that had already committed to voting for Biden.

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This is awesome. And also not that surprising. TFG sealed the 'no support' deal on that one with his Vance selection I think. Not that the Haley voters wanted TFG to begin with

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I saw that too!

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Wow! Really??!

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No way! Really?!?!?!

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Well said. Now the attacks will begin. Republicans can’t find the guts to admit they are racists, so they hide behind petty sniping. It will backfire-turnout will be through the roof-women, minorities and the young will respond with outrage.

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Here is a good article about the coming attacks and the real facts behind them. I already started a folder for these links. Best to be ready to respond to the GQP lies.


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Thank you; but I personally don't need a link. Every single thing they say is a lie.

Although, it may help others folks.

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When I respond to the maga cult members, they are not my target. My target are other's reading the exchange, some of which may be interested in the facts. So having a ready source with information is always helpful.

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Thank you! I started a file too. Best be prepared for the onslaught.

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It's started, the right is saying she's not fit to be president because - wait for it - she doesn't have biological children. Can't make this shit up. 🤦‍♂️

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Fuck 'em if they don't like it.

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This is so challenging for them. I can't see them manage for long to not show themselves for what they are.

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They show what they are with every despicable tweet and broadcast .

This will only get worse for them.

We have our fire 🔥 back.

We will prevail.💙🇺🇸✨

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Can you believe they just said Kamala was a DEI hire. Coded talk for affirmative action hire. Because, you know, Black people ain’t got no brains, and Kamala is Black (25% Black anyway), therefore she’s automatically stupid.

Saying group average statistics apply to every INDIVIDUAL in a group is textbook racism, and I don’t even like to use that word. Any time you insult someone on a bigoted basis for picking the wrong parents, you’re racist.

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I can believe anything they are going to do, unfortunately. This is relatively take compared to what is coming. It is self-destructive but they can’t help themselves.

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Finally. Something to cheer about. Biden gave a Masterclass.

Also, it's cool that she fired you once. Who gets to say that?!

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This is the way. Blue wave, all three branches, reform the SC, fix all the loopholes that bring republicans power they didn’t earn

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Turn over Citizens United and get BIG money the F out of our elections and fake propagandist media. Codify Roe. And as Joe has already began, an amendment to the Constitution regarding the powers of the Presidency. Yknow just a few minor tweaks here and there.

This is all an indication that if we don’t participate in democracy, we don’t HAVE a democracy.

Thank you President Biden. 💙🇺🇸✨

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And codify Roe.

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Kamala has so much going for her. She is a Black/Asian American woman whose husband is Jewish. She was the AG of California and is brave and straightforward. I really, really want to see her and djt in a debate - she'd chew him up - but it won't happen, he's too afraid!! I think she is a great choice and I will vote for her and urge everyone I know to do the same. Even if I have to put it in the context of: Vote for Democracy, not dictatorship. VOTE BLUE!

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I hope they do debate. It's a given that Kamala can out debate him. I'd like to see her use the platform to provide MAGA viewers with critical information re who and what they are supporting ~ to play with the fine line between knocking him down and winning over the people who may be open to another path.

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Wonderful summation - I had hoped the news wouldn’t cast a pall over your festivities, but I won’t lie and say I wasn’t waiting for your take on things. I feel ‘shored up’ I’m my hopes and direction and pray for the unity we need to make this happen. Thank you and still hope you have a post shower glow!😃

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There is a video out there of Harris, when she was AG of CA, telling a local court that they should start issuing licenses and then she herself presiding over a same sex marriage… That video should be found and shown a lot in the community!

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I love that video

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Thank you Jay! You and HCR are my daily dose of sane.

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100% behind VP Harris for PRESIDENT! Thank you President Biden, you are truly a Patriot! Country over self!

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