I'll just copy and paste my Big Picture comment here:

Yesterday, after the "decision" trump was texting that "the Biden witch hunt against (him) is now over." The cult members cheered. Both trump and his cult members are to fucking stupid to realize that the corrupt supreme court just made a "Biden witch hunt" against him legal.

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Democrats have almost always taken the “high road,” even resulting in losses at election time. It’s high time for President Biden to “take the gloves off” to preserve our democracy. There is just too much at stake right now not to pull every lever possible to keep the Constitution and everything it stands for.

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I am both frightened and horrified of this decision. The Supreme Court has shown the world that it’s completely corrupt. The question is: how can we hold them accountable? We know that keeping trump out of office is vitally critical to preserve our democracy. But I think even if he loses the election he will never concede and will again incite violence to “fight like hell!” Trump is completely predictable. He will do it again and this time he has much more to lose.

If democrats somehow regain power, the most important issue is to address the criminality of those Supreme Court justices. They need to be stripped of their power. I believe they have committed treason for completely violating the constitution that they swore to uphold. I believe they need their day in court as well.

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I’m so tired of Democrats playing defense. When are we going on offense? Expand the court!!

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13 Districts, 13 Justices

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Thirteen ‘Harlan Crow’ Justices.

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only if the former guy is elected

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I wish for your sakes it were so. But then, the Republicans would only expand it more when they eventually return to power. I hope there's a way of eliminating the more egregious actors on the court instead.

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Not that simple.

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That’s true but it is possible and I believe imperative to preserve our democracy. Harder yet but still important, holding these corrupt justices accountable.

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Christine, you are, IMO, correct. The six on SCROTUS are traitors. Strange that they are mostly if not all Catholic. Just think out loud but is it possible they are agents of the conservatives Catholics in this country? Wait a minute, weren’t they all put forward by a right-wing Catholic political organization?

Interesting that they formed a coalition with evangelical Protestants. If they gain power, which they will if not stopped, how long would you expect the coalition to last as each vie for power?

Looking at history with groups searching for power, everyone and every ideal is expendable. We are expendable. They must be stopped and our current president is Catholic. Will he stand up and save this country?

I realize I’m sounding like a conspiracy nut job. However, I only putting the idea out there and not saying I believe this idea. However, I can feel it that something is wrong and none of us know the full truth.

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Thank you for the heads up. I will be looking for your piece.

When Justice Chutkan was directed to stop proceedings, and the appellate court engaged to discuss presidential immunity, the appellate court asked the prosecution if they would be willing to proceed on the basis of Trump's "unofficial" actions alone. The answer was a quick and unhesitant "Yes."

It is my hope that Justice Chutkan anticipated that this would be the direction the case would proceed, and has already done all of the homework needed for a rapid decision as to what constitutes "unofficial" within the parameters of the case before her.

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I hope so too, and I believe she probably has been doing her homework in the time since SCOTUS telegraphed their intent at the end of April. She probably has a list of reasons why his actions fall outside the 'official' category. It would also be nice if she got some direct input from past presidents on what constitutes official vs private or personal actions.

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the supremes will over rule her on appeal

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Quite likely. However the evidentiary hearing will play out in public and all of the evidence that has been gathered will be presented and weighed for everyone to see. I have a great deal of faith that Jack Smith has done his job to a fare-thee-well. That evidentiary hearing will be occurring very close to the election. 😺😸

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Bc they can. They will say something like: as the president has absolute immunity it is in the national interest to close the proceedings to the press. They will do that.

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Not necessarily

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The supremes will surely block the public airing of the charges against him

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Upon what are you basing that assumption?

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Great analysis but the simple truth is Trump must lose in November. SCOTUS made a “conservative” declaration of war on the Constitution by providing a liability free roadmap for a presidential coup in its immunity decision. If Trump wins it’s game over.

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Sure, "tRump must lose"...but to whom we must ask. SCOTUS just set the table for a tRump dictatorship, and the urgency of a Dem win has hit DEFCON 1 already! Joe Biden is convinced that he alone can dispatch tRump, but a generous majority of voters say it's unlikely. Fintan O'Toole has a piece in the NYRB online (sub expired, can't fully access) arguing that Biden's obsession of defeating tRump carries the seeds of the opposite result, as his strength as an incumbent candidate is badly fraying - per debate débacle - and thus is his personal mission to beat tRump.

So, with now Nancy Pelosi saying that Biden's age is a fair consideration of strength of his nomination, will more of the sorry Dem "establishment" belatedly follow? Triage is what is required, carried out dispassionately, objectively, and with the enormous consequences of a November loss foremost in the discussions.

Time for a severe dose of realism, no matter how painful to all concerned.

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Given the short remaining time changing horses is a practical impossibility. Giving up is worse. Solutions are best. What are you suggesting?

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It's not my job to suggest a solution, it's that of the so-called "leadership" to sort out, instead of running about shouting "gotta vote, gotta vote!", which hardly answers the question of an ever-weakening incumbent candidate.

As I noted, Nancy Pelosi has finally broken the dam by saying that "Biden's age" is now on the table for discussion regarding the best ticket going forward. So, "reappraisal" may be in the cards, regardless of the "practicality" at this late date.

Dire times require extraordinary measures, so don't rule anything out at this juncture.

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It is not your place to suggest a solution, but it is your place to take what Pelosi said out of context and what, clear the pathway to the cliff? How helpful! We would still be drinking out of separate water fountains with this mentality.

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Read Jay’s July 1 Status Kuo. Replacing Biden is the nightmare of a contested convention. Carrying out such suggestions is exactly what Convicted Felon DT, his MAGAts, the GQP/GFP, and the Heritage Foundation want. It would be a win in November for CFDT.

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I swear to god, damn Democrats are their own worst enemy! We snipe and gossip and tear down and completely lose sight of the really BIG PICTURE in all the dust we ourselves create. Just once in our collective lives, FOCUS! We have an incumbent who has had a remarkable record from the second he took office and at this moment, we have been handed a powerful issue to add to all the other powerful issues, of the completely corrupt Supreme Court and yet, the media, the talking heads and now some of our own members are trying to chuck it all down the crapper and flush. I’ve watched this stupidity play out before and the results gave us Nixon and Reagan respectively. Honestly, this effing party has lost its collective mind. If there are any bones to pick from the Democratic carcass after the republican bloodbath in November, you can just tee them up for the orange asshole’s plan of retribution.

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The Democrats have made the same calculation that the Republicans have; even if they do not think their candidate will make it through the entire term they want to put forward the candidate most likely to win. Bearing that in mind, it is critically important to choose a vice president for the second term that is the most viable alternative presidential candidate. It is my opinion Kamala Harris should be offered a high ranking cabinet position suitable to her skills, and then whomsoever the Democratic Party decide is the best alternative presidential candidate to Biden should be the new vice president.

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This Supreme Court has inadvertently given the Democrats the greatest weapons to defeat the MAGA cult. First, they opened up the floodgates of angry women (and other sensible people) by allowing Christian nationalist states the power to deny abortion (and opening the door to even more egregious intrusions into women's bodies). And now, their second grossly abusive decision will similarly backfire by granting immunity to somebody whose track record and personality would make him the most abusive type of President in our history. The SJC has essentially redeemed Biden's floundering candidacy by granting him powers - even now - that he would never use let alone abuse, while offering them to someone who would surely abuse them as flagrantly as imaginable. Thank you, SJC fools! The world owes you a huge debt of gratitude.

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If widely disseminated and properly framed, I believe that you are correct. Thus far the Democratic side of the aisle has shown a remarkable degree of ineptitude in either skill. Republicans on the other hand are unable to keep their mouths shut regarding their next move, so it should make it easy to anticipate them.

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This is quite possibly the worst Supreme Court ruling in history. It ignores the constitution, ignores the framers' clear intent, is so vague as to be borderline incoherent, and leads to many obvious absurdities.

Given a chance, I think the Supremes will actually overrule *themselves* - while pretending that they are just clarifying.

Chutkan should simply rule against Trump's immunity on almost all counts, each time spelling out that if Trump were considered immune for this action, it would imply immunity for some other patently absurd situation (like assassinating a political rival), so that simply *can't* be what the Supremes meant.

Let that bubble up the appeals chain and force the Supremes to consider a ruling structured like:

1) if Trump were immune for this action, then this absurdity follows

2) if Trump were immune for this other action, then this other absurdity follows

.. and so on.

I suspect the Supremes will then "clarify" their way to a new ruling that, while still awful and manifestly unconstitutional, will at least close the door on certain end-of-the-Republic absurdities.

How do we get this idea to Chutkan / Jack Smith? Amicus brief? Anyone have connections?

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The Supreme Court is corrupt. This ruling proves it. All those questions you asked, they were answered in Justice Sotomayor’s dissent. The sentencing for trumps fraud conviction has been postponed. That crime was committed before he took office. The SCOTUS has given trump a get out of jail card and if he wins the election, our democracy is toast.

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My question again, irrespective of the Trump problem, is: what, if anything, can be done to correct this damage done by the court, along with the other damage they have done? Even if we had a legitimate court, someone can't feed a case of presidential corruption to them to allow them to overturn this decision, so it seems this is permanent, and we have to fear any president that is not the salt of the Earth.

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We have a de facto rebellion in progress right now. There has to be a threshold, a "bottom line," beyond which Joe Biden is willing to recognize the situation and act. The actions necessary will be unprecedented, extraordinary, and require a great deal of courage and vision.

Abraham Lincoln had those qualities, otherwise our Republic would not have survived. If Lincoln had bowed to Chief Justice Roger Taney, the confederacy would have become a viable nation while the remnants of our own government quibbled over the legal niceties.

Lincoln declared a national state of emergency, called up the militias, and suspended the writ of habeas corpus. As the war progressed, he freed the slaves in the southern states even while refusing to recognize that those states were no longer part of the United States. He instituted conscription to keep the armies manned. He instituted an income tax and issued greenbacks to pay for the war.

John Wilkes Booth was not merely uttering a dramatic phrase when he leapt onto the stage of Ford's Theatre and cried "Sic Semper Tyrannis!" Lincoln had to suspend many rights, privileges, and powers for the duration of the conflict in order to preserve the whole.

I believe we have arrived at just such a moment ourselves.

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Thanks for this. I'm hoping there is a solution short of CWII (Civil War II). If the nation sees the problem and gives us a trifecta in November, is there a legal/civil path out of this? E.g. impeach the corrupt judges, and allow the new court to start undoing the damage and/or having congress create explicit laws requiring the president to abide by the laws of the land, or constitutional amendments? I'm hoping CWII is not our only option.

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How about a new TV show called Celebrity Supreme Court where every episode they keep firing the six five far right actors playing the existing ones. YOU’RE FIRED!

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My Big Picture comment:

I fear with SCOTUS in his pocket any and all election related cases for 2024 will be appealed all the way up and SCOTUS will hand him the victory regardless of the people's will. Why does he keep saying he doesn't need votes? Says he has enough votes. Is it because he has them in SCOTUS?

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What you said Jay.. being a descendant of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence namely Benjamin Harrison V, the monarchy was what this country was founded so we would NOT have the monarchy.. and as Americans we do not accept titles from foreign powers especially those with monarchies so what in the holy h_ll was that ruling about?

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“…absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions taken within the ambit of his ‘official’ duties, while no such protection exists for ‘unofficial’ duties.”

Wouldn’t this also apply to members of the Supreme Court, who take advantage of expensive “unofficial” perks and gifts when they’re “off duty”?

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Our first Revolutionary War was fought with guns and led to an enormous loss of life. Those citizen soldiers believed that being free of the tyranny of a king for future generations was worth their life. This is now the beginning of a second Revolutionary War, but it is one in which we will fight with our votes instead of guns. In order to stop the takeover by a dictatorial political party and installing a king, we must vote for Democrats by voting a straight ticket. Up and down the ballot, only Democrats. I realize this will be hard for “traditional” Republicans, but they must realize that their party no longer exists, there is only the MAGA Party and Democrats. Give the levers of power to Democrats who can then right this ship, and hopefully there can be a rebirth of a party that will encompass the traditional Republicans.

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Donald J. Trump versus the United States says it all, really. He is against the United States. He is fighting the United States, and all it stands for. He is an adversary, an opponent of the United States. He has many treasonous backers in his corner. He won't throw in the towel. He won't pull any punches. He'll have the country on the ropes. He'll draw blood,in exacting his revenge. He's relishing it. He can taste the blood already. He won't fight fair. Never has.

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And now Judge Merchon has delayed his sentencing until September due to his new found immunity. Looking forward to your interpretation about that tomorrow Jay. Is writing a check in the oval office to a porn star an official duty now???

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Delayed because Merchon must now entertain and rule on Convicted Felon DT’s ridiculous motion. The act for which he was convicted was formulated and occurred before he was President. Some of the checks written before he was sworn in. So even if CFDT’s lawyers logic is followed on immunity and writing those checks in the White House confers an official act (it’s not), then only those counts of the 34 of which he was convicted could conceivably be thrown out. (They shouldn’t be.)

So let’s say Merchan rules against CFDT and CFDT appeals to the next higher New York State court, which also rules against CFDT, as does eventually the highest court in New York State. CFDT then goes to the U.S. Supreme Court, 6-3 anticipated decision in favor of CFDT. Well it’s the Red southern states that have recently thumbed their noses at the Feds and the SCOTUS; let New York do the same.

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Given Trump is entertaining Viktor Orban at Mar a Lago after Orban made the rounds between Xi and Putin, isn't it time that Special Counsel Jack Smith put together an additional crime of violating the Logan Act? They said they were discussing national security issues related to Ukraine. Right?

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Unfortunately, most people don't really realize just how bad the decision is. Furthermore, most news outlets have moved on from the decision and are devoting all their time to discussing Biden and whether he will or will not pass the rorch. I have attempted to reveal just how odious the decisoin is. ( I largely rely on Sotomayor's dissent) in a fashion that hopefully will be fully accessible to people without legal training


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