At the risk of sounding too emotional, maudlin, or messianic, I do believe that Justice Brown was born, nurtured, and self-motivated to make a difference, and she will, especially once the conservative wing loses its majority. Her initial offering that you have presented here will mark a (hopefully) long career of standing up for fairness against a tide of privilege.
This is fabulous, but, in this court, her words will not sway the seditious 6. In fact, it'll probably encourage them to repeal the 14th amendment. She must have gotten all A's in her CRT classes, which highlights why the right is so against it and against teaching our real history in grades 1-12. What a time to be alive.
I want to read her dissents of majority view of these decisions before SCOTUS. One day (I hope) these dissents and others will be used to undo the damages done.
SCotUS can't repeal constitutional amendments. While amendments can be repealed, the process of which is passing a subsequent amendment that negates the previous amendment. For context, look at the 18th amendment (prohibition of making/sale/transport of alcohol), and the 21st amendment that repealed the 18th amendment. So unlike Roe vs Wade, the sedition 6 as you called them, can't just throw the 14th amendment out the window.
Thank you Jeff; likewise, Section II of the CRA could not be rendered "no longer necessary" by SCOTUS because it is basically a restatement of the 14th Amendment, the vividly race concious 14th Amendment after the very bloody Civil War.
I don't think the Court can repeal amendments. Constitutional amendments can only be repealed by ratifying a new amendment that repeals the prior amendment.
Justice KBJ will be our RBG of this Era. She is brilliant and can challenge those who oppose her views to make their position indefensible. We need to make her a societal icon now to pressure those in the “other” side. What is just will prevail eventually.
The best thing about her comments, to me, is that it will make it more difficult for anyone else on the Court to misrepresent the history involved in the Recostruction Amendments. Some of them -- notably Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Alito -- like to make it up as they go along.
Jay, thanks, as always, for the narrative. May God bless Judge Jackson. I'm an aging white guy. I think the patience I've observed practiced by people of color in this country is EXPONENTIALLY greater than I can even hold a candle to. I fully expect that there's another aging white guy out there somewhere saying, "See, I told you this would happen if you let "them" go to school! You have to keep "them" stupid so they don't mess things up for us."
At the risk of sounding too emotional, maudlin, or messianic, I do believe that Justice Brown was born, nurtured, and self-motivated to make a difference, and she will, especially once the conservative wing loses its majority. Her initial offering that you have presented here will mark a (hopefully) long career of standing up for fairness against a tide of privilege.
This is fabulous, but, in this court, her words will not sway the seditious 6. In fact, it'll probably encourage them to repeal the 14th amendment. She must have gotten all A's in her CRT classes, which highlights why the right is so against it and against teaching our real history in grades 1-12. What a time to be alive.
I want to read her dissents of majority view of these decisions before SCOTUS. One day (I hope) these dissents and others will be used to undo the damages done.
I am looking forward to reading her majority opinions, concurrences & dissents. I am going to read them all. New era.
SCotUS can't repeal constitutional amendments. While amendments can be repealed, the process of which is passing a subsequent amendment that negates the previous amendment. For context, look at the 18th amendment (prohibition of making/sale/transport of alcohol), and the 21st amendment that repealed the 18th amendment. So unlike Roe vs Wade, the sedition 6 as you called them, can't just throw the 14th amendment out the window.
Thank you Jeff; likewise, Section II of the CRA could not be rendered "no longer necessary" by SCOTUS because it is basically a restatement of the 14th Amendment, the vividly race concious 14th Amendment after the very bloody Civil War.
I don't think the Court can repeal amendments. Constitutional amendments can only be repealed by ratifying a new amendment that repeals the prior amendment.
I know, but, I don't trust these people to not change the rules.
This is an inspiring start for Justice Jackson! 👏👏👏
Justice KBJ will be our RBG of this Era. She is brilliant and can challenge those who oppose her views to make their position indefensible. We need to make her a societal icon now to pressure those in the “other” side. What is just will prevail eventually.
The best thing about her comments, to me, is that it will make it more difficult for anyone else on the Court to misrepresent the history involved in the Recostruction Amendments. Some of them -- notably Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Alito -- like to make it up as they go along.
We need more justices like her I applaud her for using their originalist view to remind them why the 14th and 15th amendments were
actually made for 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Thank you!
Brava! Justice Brown Brava!
Jay, thanks, as always, for the narrative. May God bless Judge Jackson. I'm an aging white guy. I think the patience I've observed practiced by people of color in this country is EXPONENTIALLY greater than I can even hold a candle to. I fully expect that there's another aging white guy out there somewhere saying, "See, I told you this would happen if you let "them" go to school! You have to keep "them" stupid so they don't mess things up for us."
I love her already!
Thank you, Jay, for helping to elucidate Justice Jackson's statements .
Thank you for this view into the mind of our new justice.