A trail lawyer friend pointed out to me that the fact VP Harris is an experienced trial lawyer is why she could go into Faux Snooze and own them like she did. We're so lucky she's our candidate.
As a voter that was disappointed Biden did not run, I want to thank him again for stepping aside. VP Harris is the person the US needs at this moment in time. My mail in vote for her has been marked received by our Town Office. At the same time I have to say that other than FDR- yes, I am that old- Biden has been the best POTUS of my lifetime and I believe historians in the future will judge him so.
I was a young child during World War II, but I remember newsreels in theaters, rationing, and evening blackouts because we lived near coal producing areas. I agree with your assessment of President Biden. I am really tired of watching Democratic presidents take office after Republican administrations, clean up the economic mess left by the Republican administrations, and then the next Republican administration ruining all the hard work done by the Democrats. Trump inherited a strong, growing economy from Barack Obama, thoroughly mismanaged the COVID-19 pandemic, and left Biden a huge mess to clean up. With losing the House in 2022 and the Senate equally divided, it is truly amazing that Biden accomplished as much as he did!
Did you see her scare Jeff Sessions during the recusal from Russian investigation? Al Franken finally got him to recuse, but Madame VP had him sputtering and sweating.
RE: Georgia: "...it seems unlikely that the Board will prevail should it appeal either or both rulings."
I live in Georgia and I think I'm not being my usual overly optimistic self to say that, although the Georgia Supreme Court is conservative by most of our standards, they are not deranged. They seem to typically apply the law as it exists in Georgia (for better and often worse).
So for anyone worried: Worry not. Lots of other things to fret about.
Also, although it is true that Kamala didn't lose her shit with Bret Baier, she did get noticeably angry. In a good way. As you said in the article, very controlled. Prosecutorial. She'll peel off a few Fox viewer votes. I am sure of it. And she doesn't need to peel off many. She kicked Baier's ass.
That's gross. But not only cultists were watching. The curious who are just now engaging with this election were watching, and others. I'm excited. I think it was a needle mover.
Wow thanks for that. No way 7.1 million haters tuned in. I don't think that's how it works. Curiosity seekers, undecideds (???? but somehow a thing). Brilliant move on her part. Especially given the takedown she administered to the guy auditioning for a communication director job in an administration that will never be.
He sounded and looked very defensive to the panel that followed the interview. He was shameless and rude to her in every way. She had to talk over him sometimes as he interrupted her again and again so she could actually finish her point.
People like you who put themselves through the torture of watching things like this deserve some kind of medal of valor award or purple heart. I thank you for your service, and for the report on his reaction during the panel.
I don't know about YouTube but what I saw in the clip Jay provided I can tell how believable it was to them. Arms crossed across their chest, veins pooping out of their brow , and no one was smiling at all . Everybody was so silent and serious like they were attending a wake. and shooting darts at Trump in fact Trump was trying his best not to answer them.
Thank you Jay. Mark Cuban is with VP Harris today in two of her three events: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and La Crosse. I would think Mark Cuban is raising a great deal of money for the Harris campaign from his basketball and investor buddies. I'm not sure who she will surprise us with at the Green Bay event. Then I learned about this creative strategy from the Harris campaign: a GOTV Concert Sweepstakes to be held in the future:
Thank you, Jay. I can always count on you to wrap things up so that the rest of can digest the chaotic events. And by the way, thanks for your recent reminder of the cobblestones in Kingston—the first capital of New York. Mummy and I spent many a Saturday morning at the farmer’s market there. I have a lovely mind’s eye picture of you attempting to push the baby carriage.
Has anyone ever pointed out to Trump in an interview/debate/whatever how disingenuous he is when denigrating immigrants that he's MARRIED to an immigrant? That he's a descendant of an immigrant? That Elon Musk is an immigrant and an African American?
(Does anyone think Melania stays married to him because he has threatened to have her deported?)
The Swedish actor Joel Kinnaman (he's been in a lot of US shows/movies) had a great response at the time on Colbert (it's toward the beginning): https://youtu.be/kMBtz-wNnAU?si=pV85eyK0NHiNtrw8
The MAGA State Elections Board's MAGA-majority's transparent manipulations and illegal rewrites of Georgia state law were actions primed for annulment by the courts. When you've lost the State AG, it's ballgame, and Judges McBurney and Cox just made it official.
If those MAGA feckers want to keep screwing the pooch, they'll have to wait until next year, after the Harris-Walz ticket has vanquished their boy.
Nope. They do not. They wish he would address issues and tone down the inflammatory rhetoric, but he is their only chance to win at this time, and going off to play golf won't help. They decided to ride this horse, and they can't get off.
"Baier tried to pull a fast one by playing a clip from an interview with Trump in which he made no mention of the “enemy within,” a phrase Harris had singled out as unacceptable. But Harris had done her homework and called out Baier for playing the wrong clip, even from that very same day." - We analyzed this clip and pointed out the dumb look on Baier's face when he knew he had been caught out. Check it out in this 2 minute video in English or Spanish:
Harris Exposes Fox News’ Edit of Trump’s Threat To Democracy: How to spot that lying look
It was a good day for Harris, and maybe a pretty good day for those Republican women. I mean, looks like they let them take off their red capes and white cap for the occasion. #HandmaidsTale
"Undecided voters" are abject morons. There is nothing "learn" about Trump and if any of these idiots think there is they are, no surprise, voting against their own well-being if the vote for Trump.
Let's not mimic the name calling. I believe most are under-informed, whether by ignorance or choice IDK 🤷♀️ If we must engage we should do it with intent to educate. Kamala is a welcome example of that, responding with class and intelligence 😉 Everyone who votes for iDJT votes against their own interests. They might not know that yet.
How successful have you been educating these voters who vote against their own interests? What is your secret because I would like to use it on my family members and friends who are unreachable.
I too have family and friends who are unreachable. I try not to engage with them b/c they seem to be just -trying- for an angry reaction. If I choose to respond it is with simple proven facts and a request that they look into it. A little righteous anger is ok, but I won't 'take the low road' They don't have the right to steal my peace of mind
Yes. It could also be a fight/flight/freeze response. This past decade has been so tumultuous and precarious that a lot of people are probably suffering from debilitating anxiety, where this election is concerned.
That’s my theory, too. Stress overload overrides the prefrontal cortex, thus reducing cognitive functioning. Of course you don’t perceive your cognitive deficits when you’re essentially cognitively impaired (LOL). The amygdala rules, focusing your behavior in fight/flight/freeze. It wouldn’t be surprising- covid, GOP incitement, wars around the world, job losses, rent increases….. Stress overload is endemic among unhoused folks - and most of us.
A trail lawyer friend pointed out to me that the fact VP Harris is an experienced trial lawyer is why she could go into Faux Snooze and own them like she did. We're so lucky she's our candidate.
I was thinking, "Gird your loins, kids, this is NOT Grandpa Biden." She walked all over them.
As a voter that was disappointed Biden did not run, I want to thank him again for stepping aside. VP Harris is the person the US needs at this moment in time. My mail in vote for her has been marked received by our Town Office. At the same time I have to say that other than FDR- yes, I am that old- Biden has been the best POTUS of my lifetime and I believe historians in the future will judge him so.
I was a young child during World War II, but I remember newsreels in theaters, rationing, and evening blackouts because we lived near coal producing areas. I agree with your assessment of President Biden. I am really tired of watching Democratic presidents take office after Republican administrations, clean up the economic mess left by the Republican administrations, and then the next Republican administration ruining all the hard work done by the Democrats. Trump inherited a strong, growing economy from Barack Obama, thoroughly mismanaged the COVID-19 pandemic, and left Biden a huge mess to clean up. With losing the House in 2022 and the Senate equally divided, it is truly amazing that Biden accomplished as much as he did!
I voted on Day One today in NC. I brought with me the dog tags that belonged to my Mom and Dad. WW2.
What a wonderful tribute to their memory, thank you for voting! I also voted early in NC, by mail.
❤️My niece asked my dad for his, because it was some damn fashion fad. I never thought to ask if I could have them.
Did you see her scare Jeff Sessions during the recusal from Russian investigation? Al Franken finally got him to recuse, but Madame VP had him sputtering and sweating.
RE: Georgia: "...it seems unlikely that the Board will prevail should it appeal either or both rulings."
I live in Georgia and I think I'm not being my usual overly optimistic self to say that, although the Georgia Supreme Court is conservative by most of our standards, they are not deranged. They seem to typically apply the law as it exists in Georgia (for better and often worse).
So for anyone worried: Worry not. Lots of other things to fret about.
Also, although it is true that Kamala didn't lose her shit with Bret Baier, she did get noticeably angry. In a good way. As you said in the article, very controlled. Prosecutorial. She'll peel off a few Fox viewer votes. I am sure of it. And she doesn't need to peel off many. She kicked Baier's ass.
Comments on Faux Snooze this morning- mostly from men- have demeaned her. All were dog whistling variations of “ uppity Black woman”, “ witch” etc.
Fortunately, the men who had that reaction were never going to vote for her anyway. But I'll bet a lot of their WIVES were watching intently.
I'm wondering if the wives are also intently watching their husbands, and what they're thinking about those men...
"I've made a terrible mistake." ??
That's gross. But not only cultists were watching. The curious who are just now engaging with this election were watching, and others. I'm excited. I think it was a needle mover.
I read that her numbers were off the charts: 7.1 million viewers. If 1% of them are persuaded, it could be a game changer.
Wow thanks for that. No way 7.1 million haters tuned in. I don't think that's how it works. Curiosity seekers, undecideds (???? but somehow a thing). Brilliant move on her part. Especially given the takedown she administered to the guy auditioning for a communication director job in an administration that will never be.
He sounded and looked very defensive to the panel that followed the interview. He was shameless and rude to her in every way. She had to talk over him sometimes as he interrupted her again and again so she could actually finish her point.
People like you who put themselves through the torture of watching things like this deserve some kind of medal of valor award or purple heart. I thank you for your service, and for the report on his reaction during the panel.
It closes the loop. I recorded it and deleted it promptly afterward.
Now, just make sure you can still see yourself in the mirror. :-)
LOL. A self-reference to Psalm of Vampires. I only recorded it so my wife could see it, and we both cleansed ourselves after that.
The Latino Community didn't buy it. Their Body langue told everything. If looks could kill, Trump could be dead by now.
He absolutely would. And it was a room full of "this man is an ass" faces, none of them were convinced. And I'm for it!
They are smart enough to realize he wants to deport them all! The lettuce picking man broke my heart, he just wants to work and be left alone!
I am curious how widely viewed the interview was. And also curious about views if it made it to youtube...
I don't know about YouTube but what I saw in the clip Jay provided I can tell how believable it was to them. Arms crossed across their chest, veins pooping out of their brow , and no one was smiling at all . Everybody was so silent and serious like they were attending a wake. and shooting darts at Trump in fact Trump was trying his best not to answer them.
It can be viewed on X
Um... ew.
Thank you Jay. Mark Cuban is with VP Harris today in two of her three events: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and La Crosse. I would think Mark Cuban is raising a great deal of money for the Harris campaign from his basketball and investor buddies. I'm not sure who she will surprise us with at the Green Bay event. Then I learned about this creative strategy from the Harris campaign: a GOTV Concert Sweepstakes to be held in the future:
Taylor Swift or Beyonce maybe? I learn all this from my son, who works for Wisconsin Dems.
Excellent report. Thank you. And to the person demeaning undecided voters. I don’t think that helps our cause any.
Given that at least some of the undecided voters consider themselves migrants (or their parents), trump’s answer was likely not reassuring
Thank you, Jay. I can always count on you to wrap things up so that the rest of can digest the chaotic events. And by the way, thanks for your recent reminder of the cobblestones in Kingston—the first capital of New York. Mummy and I spent many a Saturday morning at the farmer’s market there. I have a lovely mind’s eye picture of you attempting to push the baby carriage.
We love Kingston!
Has anyone ever pointed out to Trump in an interview/debate/whatever how disingenuous he is when denigrating immigrants that he's MARRIED to an immigrant? That he's a descendant of an immigrant? That Elon Musk is an immigrant and an African American?
(Does anyone think Melania stays married to him because he has threatened to have her deported?)
We all need a good laugh now and then, and your comment about Musk reminded me of this short and to the point clip from George Carlin. Enjoy!!
Carlin was a national treasure. I wish he was still around. Can you imagine?
IIRC, he said in the past that white immigrants were OK. Wasn't he trying to get people from Norway to emigrate here at one point?
The Swedish actor Joel Kinnaman (he's been in a lot of US shows/movies) had a great response at the time on Colbert (it's toward the beginning): https://youtu.be/kMBtz-wNnAU?si=pV85eyK0NHiNtrw8
The MAGA State Elections Board's MAGA-majority's transparent manipulations and illegal rewrites of Georgia state law were actions primed for annulment by the courts. When you've lost the State AG, it's ballgame, and Judges McBurney and Cox just made it official.
If those MAGA feckers want to keep screwing the pooch, they'll have to wait until next year, after the Harris-Walz ticket has vanquished their boy.
Small edit you might want to make above - the podcast name is not “Call Me Daddy” but “Call Her Daddy”
I have daddy on the brain!
For the rest of your life daddy.😀
awww, we gotta excuse Jay a little bit of proud Daddy projection LOL. At least he didn't write Call Me Ba!
I would just bet the higher ups in his campaign wish tRump would immediately go back to golfing...
Nope. They do not. They wish he would address issues and tone down the inflammatory rhetoric, but he is their only chance to win at this time, and going off to play golf won't help. They decided to ride this horse, and they can't get off.
May they fall off, into a deep lake, when he is stopped.
Since he’s almost as bad at “dancing."
And Cuban should have added that she didn’t dance for thirty minutes!
Fox doesn’t act like Russian state television, it’s is Russian state television. Just like the rest of the right wing media ecosystem.
Harris went into Fox and slapped them around. She is alpha and they are a bunch of weak losers.
Thank you! it's not a coincidence that they rebroadcast Tucker over there.
"Baier tried to pull a fast one by playing a clip from an interview with Trump in which he made no mention of the “enemy within,” a phrase Harris had singled out as unacceptable. But Harris had done her homework and called out Baier for playing the wrong clip, even from that very same day." - We analyzed this clip and pointed out the dumb look on Baier's face when he knew he had been caught out. Check it out in this 2 minute video in English or Spanish:
Harris Exposes Fox News’ Edit of Trump’s Threat To Democracy: How to spot that lying look
I think we all went to High School with a kid like Bret Baier. 🙄 Harris and Walz are both used to handling bullies
It was a good day for Harris, and maybe a pretty good day for those Republican women. I mean, looks like they let them take off their red capes and white cap for the occasion. #HandmaidsTale
"Undecided voters" are abject morons. There is nothing "learn" about Trump and if any of these idiots think there is they are, no surprise, voting against their own well-being if the vote for Trump.
Let's not mimic the name calling. I believe most are under-informed, whether by ignorance or choice IDK 🤷♀️ If we must engage we should do it with intent to educate. Kamala is a welcome example of that, responding with class and intelligence 😉 Everyone who votes for iDJT votes against their own interests. They might not know that yet.
How successful have you been educating these voters who vote against their own interests? What is your secret because I would like to use it on my family members and friends who are unreachable.
I too have family and friends who are unreachable. I try not to engage with them b/c they seem to be just -trying- for an angry reaction. If I choose to respond it is with simple proven facts and a request that they look into it. A little righteous anger is ok, but I won't 'take the low road' They don't have the right to steal my peace of mind
Yes. It could also be a fight/flight/freeze response. This past decade has been so tumultuous and precarious that a lot of people are probably suffering from debilitating anxiety, where this election is concerned.
That’s my theory, too. Stress overload overrides the prefrontal cortex, thus reducing cognitive functioning. Of course you don’t perceive your cognitive deficits when you’re essentially cognitively impaired (LOL). The amygdala rules, focusing your behavior in fight/flight/freeze. It wouldn’t be surprising- covid, GOP incitement, wars around the world, job losses, rent increases….. Stress overload is endemic among unhoused folks - and most of us.
Yup, and then the freeze response presents itself as indecision.
And frightened people do as they're told by the people they believe will protect them. They won't, we have to be our own cavalry!
I like the iDJT appellation...nicely done!
I actually stole it from another commenter on Stonekettle Station. 😉 That's another site where the comments are worth reading!