Un f-ing believable.

Sorry, but I can't help myself.

I CANNOT WAIT for the day when I NEVER, ever have to see, hear or look at Trump or ANY of his minions.

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I was just about to write that exact phrase when I saw you had already said it so well Courtney! And yes! It is all you said and it truly is un-f’cking-believable!

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I’m terribly afraid I won’t live long enough.

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Oh no anne you will you will!!!!!!

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You have to! We need your vote!!

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but will that day EVER COME????

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It’s like the nightmare never ends and Trump keeps getting a lifeline. When will the insanity stop?

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I cannot wait for the day when i never have to see, hear or listen to any more of hid lawyers reinventing the lawbook and they just throw his ass into Putin's embracing arms. I can't wait for the day when Tucker Carlson's little trip to visit Putin is considered espionage and he gets the same treatment as Julian Assange or however you spell his name. I can't wait for the day...but I'm beginning to think it's not going to come.

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Mar 1, 2024
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Indeed! Despicable trumpian behavior

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Yes it does

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Right out of Trumps playbook---drag it out, obfuscate, cheat, misdirect, lie, have the lawyers take the blame, fire them, begin again.

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Shampoo, rinse, repeat.

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Ad infinitum.

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Shampoo? In Trump's case, surely that's dry clean ?

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If only that made Trump and his cult go away into the sewers.

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Even if Willis and Wade had the hottest office romance of the century, they were on the same side. So I don’t see a conflict. And it doesn’t, in any way, make Trump less guilty.

Panem et circenses. It’s all bread and circuses from Trump’s team to keep us distracted.

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That's what I don't get either. It's definitely a conflict of interest were she to hire a lover to the case, but not one that in any way negatively impacts Trump.

In fact if any of it were true, it would potentially _help_ Trump by having someone on the prosecution team that didn't get there on merit so may be under qualified.

Why is the court not focusing on how it could possibly prejudice the case against Trump, instead of whether it's even true?

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As Jay pointed out, any findings that could be a basis for appeal must be air tight.

Trump #1 tactic: delay, delay, delay.

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The key witness is the pin that pricked that balloon.

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The court had to take this accusation seriously or appear to be biased against team Trump. The court indulged them. Now, we await the ruling.

While there was the appearance of conflict of interest this latest witness proved it didn't rise to the level team Trump inflated it to. Appearance of a conflict and actual conflict may be two separate things in court, but in Trump world they are the same. The sad and infuriating things is this was all based upon gossip from someone that had an incredibly dull axe to grind that may not face disbarment.

This should lead this group of Trump lawyers to facing disbarment because they must have suspected the information provided was suspect at best.

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Isn’t that their preferred type of info? Ms Merchant seemed quite sketchy to me.

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In theory the idea is she could drag the case out to keep paying her lover more money. I’m not saying that’s my opinion, but liberal lawyers have been calling that aspect out.

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It never was a conflict of interest, but this witness just made that abundantly clear.

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And for time to march on….

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True...from day one all he's had to do for some people is cast doubt that what's right is wrong. It's so easy when people are primed to believe the worst. Meanwhile, you can actually do the worst. And if it comes back on you, it's THEIR fault, THEY hate you, THEY are the enemy.

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Thank you for this info and your perspective. The unethical, if not illegal, collusion between Bradley and Merchant is bad enough. I also worry about the quality and ethical standards of attorneys willing to work for Trump, probably for free, since he has a strong history of not paying his bills, and his PAC and the RNC are running out of money to rescue him with.

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Trust me, his current level of attorneys is pretty much close to the bottom of the barrel. If he fires this batch, he's going to those underneath the barrel and climbing to it. I don't know when it happened, but within the last four years he went from mob level lawyers to lawyers that even the mob wouldn't want. This current batch are ones even gangs like the Crips and Bloods would reject.

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Crips and Bloods tend to have really good lawyers - of course, they PAY their lawyers.

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I know I wasn't necessarily clear on this but that was part of my point. Crips and Bloods don't deal with hacks like Trump has been dealing with. Their lawyers use more than theatrics.

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As I was watching today I wanted someone to ask Mr. Merchant to tell us when he met HIS wife....you know, the other defense counsel 🙄

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My thoughts

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Thank you Jay for a thorough synopsis of this mess! It seems x45 has taken over the House, the Judicial system, and now with Mitch's resignation, the Senate. It is indeed frightening that one person can unravel our democratic system so blatantly. Even if and when he loses the election in November, I see chaos with more fake electors denying President Biden his rightful win!! All that is left in our system is our vote, and even that looks to be under attack. Stay strong and focused everyone!

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It's under attack, but if we make a concerted effort we are the giant that their arrows bounce off of. They're going to have to quash every single state and that doesn't seem likely. There are even some red states that may not fall in line unless the Heritage Foundation has people in place in enough states to hurt our chances.

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Yes Trump has taken over everything, but it isn’t one person doing the unraveling . Trump is a grifter, I actually kind of admire his skill, but he would be nothing without those who give him power! They are unforgivable.

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He's a mob boss-Putin wannabe who knows how to manipulate others. Sadly, he's managed to manipulate his opponents into fighting against him in a way that benefits him. That's a skill that can still backfire.

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Judge McAfee should have sussed this out from the kick-off, and after interviewing Terrence Bradley in chambers, should have immediately seen that this was a setup, nothing to see here, and dismissed the motion to disqualify. Perhaps - as you noted, Jay - the judge needed full cover against a later appeal to toss a potential conviction, but he's allowed a whole load of salacious and sleazy "testimony" whose principal aim was to wholly discredit DA Willis even before a trial date was even set, and perhaps even cause Willis to "voluntarily" withdraw in order to not "taint" the prosecution. Whatever, the defense has succeeded in turning the GA case into a Jerry Springer FUBAR shitshow, and who knows when it will ever get righted and onto the business at hand.

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He has mishandled this and underestimated the defense’s bad faith.

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We all underestimate their bad faith all the time because most of us don't think how to be this sleazy deliberately (excepting marketers, lawyers, and used car sales of course.)

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Well, he is a Federalist Society member, so there's that.

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I was impressed by McAfee and didn't know that. 🤷‍♀️

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I’m wondering now if McAfee had an inkling about this all being a set-up and chose to make it a public inquiry in order to actually get the “witnesses” on the stand to out themselves by being forced to testify under oath. It certainly has had the effect of displaying the months of collusion and corruption going on and of Bradley and his lies. It’s revealed the whole set-up!

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That actually makes sense. It would also put the defense in a disadvantaged position from this point forward. He has to have seen team Trump's tactics before and have some inkling they'd try them here. Trump always gets lawyers who use the same tactics or instructs his lawyers on which tactics to use. Delay may not always work in his favor though.

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Hopefully his fair, thorough and unimpeachable ruling comes with a healthy lecture not to further taint the proceedings with innuendo, back biting and double dealing.

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That's what they have in abundance and has been shown to be the better part of their arsenal.

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One of the attorneys for the defendants essentially threatened [the judge] today during oral arguments that he/they would appeal an adverse ruling. Why would this be any different from all the other court cases?

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That's typical Trump bluster.

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and more lies. I am tired of these guys. Can they be disbarred? I am not a lawyer, just a physician, but always stuck to the ethics we were taught. People used to get annoyed with me because I would not discuss my patients nor my husband's patients. I wouldn't even mention seeing someone at the hospital to anyone else (small town). so.....having clearly deviated from ethical behavior, these jerks should be punished.

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Trust me, disbarment seems inevitable. I wouldn't be surprised if the board receives a letter from the judge recommending it. I don't see them getting away with things.

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What's specially maddening is that trials over crimes that can catastrophically affect the US and even the entire World could be derailed by a love affair between two consenting adults.

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Agreed 10000 %! So much hangs on this case. I say a prayer everyday out loud I look up and I say Please God don't let them mess with Fani !!!!! I say work it out okay???!! ! My neighbors if they could hear me they would think I was crazy hahaha well maybe iam but who cares if it takes screaming at the sky for justice so be it!!! Lol

Leave Fani Alone!!!!

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I believe God heard your prayers.

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But the taxpayers who were funding the adults to travel on their dime didn’t consent… nor the Fulton County folks who elected what they thought was an ethical and competent DA.

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These adults earn a salary like everyone else and are allowed to have personal lives. Travel was on their own dime. Still utterly ethical and more than competent, despite this racist smear campaign!

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No. Wade was a junior level attorney who was paid over $700k, well above the rate of more qualified staff.

He was so inexperienced he actually submitted invoices detailing meetings with White House staff. This legally brought into play the question of political persecution, since the WH had no business weighing in on the case being brought against Biden’s political rival.

And he and Willis signed sworn affidavits regarding their relationship, and it’s looking like they lied and therefore perjured themselves. Way, way bigger issues here than two consenting adults.

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💡💡💡The fact that YOU are pushing this erroneous narrative in every comment on here, shows that I should discount your view - there is clearly either a complete lack of understanding that there is no willingness to correct, OR a determination to keep pushing a discredited narrative despite all the evidence to the contrary - I will take Jay's well researched & fact based reporting thanks 🤷‍♀️😃

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Jay’s narrative ignores a lot of facts. What good does that do?

Rather than label my facts erroneous and choose to ignore them, why not educate yourself on the much-larger story?

Blind partisanship is what is driving all our politics these days, and there is no good outcome to a refusal to see all of the story.

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I call BS

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😡 I very much doubt that Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade traveled ANYWHERE "on the taxpayers dime." Where did that notion come from? Terrence Bradley? I distinctly recall reading that Ms. Willis paid Mr. Wade back for what he paid on her behalf. That doesn't sound like anyone going anywhere on taxpayer money.

Further, why does Ms. Willis' love life have ANYTHING AT ALL to do with her ethics or competence. She could have, perhaps, not chosen to participate in this affair during this trial--but I really don't see how it's anybody's but her own damn business. I very much doubt that there is a white male D.A. alive who would ever have had private business of this nature brought out in court We have evidently turned into a nation of prying, self-righteous gossips and scolds. Our Puritan heritage comes to the fore....again.

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From above: "Wade was a junior level attorney who was paid over $700k, well above the rate of more qualified staff. [Then he and Wade traveled to Belize, Aruba, and Napa, among other locations, and Wade paid for it all. Willis paid him back of course, but she used cash and kept no records. Right.]

He was so inexperienced he actually submitted invoices detailing meetings with White House staff. This legally brought into play the question of political persecution, since the WH had no business weighing in on the case being brought against Biden’s political rival.

And he and Willis signed sworn affidavits regarding their relationship, and it’s looking like they lied and therefore perjured themselves. Way, way bigger issues here than two consenting adults.

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I could have sworn it was $650k for two years. Granted, more than a middle school teacher earns, but not lawyers. So, not on the taxpayers’ dime. On their (plural) salaries.

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OK, so let's assume Wade was worth $650k. Now explain how a DA and her top prosecutor thought it was clever to perjure themselves signing false affidavits. (Judges tend to look negatively on stunts like that, btw.) And how a top prosecutor (remember, he's worth $650k), in showing off how he's the big man, has now involved the White House in the shenanigans going on in Georgia.

Not sure why you are so determined to stand up for these two losers, but bottom line is, the unforced errors have probably destroyed the case.

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Outrageous unethical behavior by Bradley. Hoping the judge refers his actions to the ethics board in GA. I’ve never seen or heard of anything like this and I was a litigator for 40 years 😱

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That's seems to be a given.

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Gives me chills. Just unbelievable. Thanks for explaining it to us, Jay.

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THANK YOU! Your summary here is outstanding... God knows I never want to have need of a lawyer, but if I do, you're who I want. 👍 Calm and level headed, clear and succinct. Excellent, Jay. ✌️

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This why I follow you Jay, you provide information and insight that no other source does. Sadly even sources I normally trust.

In fact other media sources seem to think Bradley's testimony damages Willis and Wade.

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I’ve seen that and I wonder if they are seeing what I’m seeing. I’m open to arguments to support that belief but this whole mess was rotten to begin with!

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I’m suspect the media is simply too motivated to continue amplifying the potential future newsworthiness of this story. It’s like the breathless coverage of all the “Biden’s old!” stories… if they admitted the defense cooked up a bunch of BS with no evidence, and that there’s nothing there to worry about, nobody would be interested in the next article. Ditto if they wrote “GOP keeps claiming Biden is senile but evidence is weak.”

I’m so sick of the BS that most news outlets are peddling. Journalists are desperate to keep their jobs through endless rounds of cuts, and their bosses just want as many clicks as possible.

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The media is lazy. Journalism is hard work.

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Totally agree. And cannot help but feel it may have started because Fani is female.

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That's a given. Team Trump goes after women unapologetically and to the point that they discredit themselves.

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Jay your post here removed all the smoke and mirrors

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I watched it real time. It damaged Bradley big time. He was not credible as a witness against Wade / Willis. This charade is sickening, though, from all aspects. The judge allowed prejudicial testimony that was salacious but not relevant into the record. It was a joke.

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Another misdirection pattern I have noticed is that whenever Trump and team accuse others of doing wrong, you can be sure that Trump or his team are doing the exact thing.

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OH YES and 100 times worse!!! That's the joke of it all!!! He tried to overthrow democracy!!!!!! And he still hasn't reached bottom with how evil he is!

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Mar 1, 2024
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🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm laughing but i know it's very possible look at the book banning mothers for liberty was it?

Having three way sex. They invented Hypocrisy!

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😐😀🤣😂😉It is a sign of how low they have dragged things down, that I immediately thought "that is NOT an entirely impossible scenario" 🤷‍♀️ But thanks for the best spontaneous laugh out loud I have had in ages 👍👏

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Thanks for your levelheaded explanations!! (I will remember the advice not to jump the gun!)

This is incredible!

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Kangaroo courts appear to be the Republican way. The party certainly has a long history of witch hunts, drummed up charges (I think we need to change the meaning of trumped up charges to mean, true charges of conspiracy and serious wrongdoing), making mountains out of molehills, false witnesses, etc. You'd thought they would have learned their lesson after the McCarthy era, but they just keep up the same tired, lethal tricks.

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Trump learned from Roy Cohn.

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I wonder if Wade and Willis will sue for defamation.

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They should

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