"I hear you are free on Wednesdays" ... Priceless!

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I loved that one too.

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Pure gold.

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If Trump pulls out of the debate, I would love to see Biden show up anyway and make hay day that his opponent was chicken shit.

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Biden could debate an empty chair.

Or put baby Trump in the chair.

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Or Clint Eastwood.

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How about both?

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I like that idea.

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Yes! Answer the questions put forth by the moderators without any interruptions. And let them call him on the carpet if fact-checking his answers shows otherwise.

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Swap out Bash for their fact checker Danial Dale with a laptop and allow him to ask follow-up questions / make clarifications in real time.

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THIS...I don't think Tapper is a good choice either. Get someone who is, what, less well known as a Trump basher? I guess? Where is Walter Cronkite when we need him??

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I was thinking Tapper's smug-ness every time Dale calls out a lie would be a good counter balance to Trump's as he's spewing them.

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"Mr Trump, your response? You've got 30 seconds." (30 seconds of silence, because Trump's not there.)

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Or he calls in his responses and gets out on hold at the 30 second mark.

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Just put a pants on fire on-screen GIF each time he lies. That would make things more lively.

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I agree.

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That would prove that Trump lies about never pulling out. I wonder if Melania would back up his never pulling out. Still, I'd love to see Biden capitalize on it.

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"Trump accepted the CNN debate in June, even though it will be without an audience, and even though mics may be cut off after response times are up." Please, please turn the mics off after the allotted time!!! Although I loved the "will you shut up" comment, I can't stand djt voice!!!

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I can't stand listening to him either!

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His voice makes nails on a chalk board seem bearable.

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It's hard for me to watch the debates with the treason weasel in them, I truly cannot stand to hear his voice. But I'm willing to bet I won't have to because he will pull out of them, whining that they are unfair. Good - it will make him look weak and scared. Plus, I need this on a Biden/Harris tee shirt: "I hear you’re free on Wednesdays."

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Biden's campaign is on your Tee shirt request:


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That's Awesome!

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I want that!

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I will not watch them in real time, particularly with the 6 or 7 hour time difference they will be too late for me, but will will enjoy Jay's coverage and that of some others. Also, I am looking for the June debates to provide fodder for Biden's campaign ads through until the next debate. I think it is time to take from Putin's propaganda playbook. I am all for making ads quoting Trump and then cutting to footage of Hitler and Putin saying the same things with subtitles, or someone explaining it afterwards. Make sure to bring up women who are on deaths door and forbidden abortions. Make sure to ask him about what he is going to do with his list of enemies if in power. I want that to be spliced with footage of Hitler explaining to the German people how he only executed 77 of them in cold blood, rather than the 400 that he actually had executed. Another good one, would be Trump explaining and then shots of him entertaining out at Mar-a-lago, interspliced with Hitler having his close colleagues and their families over to a tea party at his place, while his enemies are being executed in cold blood. We should also include questions about immigrants, and his two immigrant wives and half immigrant Slovakian speaking son. What should happen with them? When is he sending Melania back, and will Barron go with her or stay here? Then we can splice to Hitler with his mistress and later wife Eva Braun and look at her Jewish grandmother, and listen to what Hitler has to say about Jews and the Nuremberg Laws.


A good comparison of blaming Germany's ills on Jews, and the USAs ills on immigrants would be useful. I am like Barron with an immigrant mom. I also married an immigrant and a goodly portion of my friends are from many countries or second or third or fourth generation Americans. I guess Trump loves Native Americans. He should be asked what he thinks of them, and where is there place if Immigrants are trouble. Putin would make good splices for fascist rhetoric, and perhaps Orban, but not Lenin, Mussolini, Pinochet, or Erich Honecker, because most Americans don't know who they are. This is the kind of stuff that Putin does all the time with manipulating his public, except he tells likes. Biden will be more powerful with the truth as it has been all along. Just do not pretty it up. Lay it out there. This man is a wanna be fascist, following in the footsteps of the Hitler wannbe Putin or just Hitler himself. Those who defend him, his sycophants, and The Goebbels Brigade spreading propaganda that is lies in his defense like Goebbels did for Hitler. I am giving it some thought and I may be giving particular members their own Doppelgänger from Hitlers cadre of henchmen. I am thinking of Texas governor Abbott as Greg "Himmler" Abbott, since Himmler was in charge of the death camps. As the "speaker" for Trump, I call Mike "Goebbels" Johnson, because Goebbels was in charge of propaganda.

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Although I like the idea and these type of ads could be very effective, two things might be a problem:

1. Many Americans tuned out in K-12 history classes out of boredom. Although they probably know who Hitler was in name and face and generalities about WWII, details finer than that might be lost on them, not to mention, the “that was eighty or ninety years ago” mentality.

2. Some networks and cable channels may decline to air these type of commercials if they remember the blow back from the shown only once 1964 LBJ Daisy commercial.

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This could backfire. Many Trumpers admire fascists and are members of extreme right-wing groups. If Trump admires Putin and Orban, then they do too. And if Trump kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches on his nightstand, they are fine with that also. If Trump mimics or repeats fascist tropes, they will do the same because they worship the Orange Jesus.

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He tended to stay away from that material in his other debates.

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Pro tip: turn sound off, closed captioning on. You'll get the word salad without the horrifying sound. It will certainly drive the transcriptionists bananas.

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I heard they need to rotate who does the transcribing because of his word salads.

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You couldn't pay ME enough...

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I'd become a mental institution patient within minutes.

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You are falsely believing that Biden/Harris will be automatically good.

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They already are good, so why would that change?

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As opposed to you falsely believing President Biden will be awful? He's a very good debater--as Jay notes, it is one of his strengths.

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How does does one "falsely believe"? One either believes or not.

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I already blocked him (because I’m not interested in his bullshit). What is staggering is that in order to comment, he has to be a paid subscriber. So he’s paying for Jay’s writing so he can post snarky responses. A bit of a self own there, isn’t it?

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Biden will be good for those who do not get off on garbled, crazed rants.

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Are you in the right place?

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We do get the occasional MAGAt troll drop by. Sometimes they are offensive, and we get 'em blocked. This guy is an occasional minor annoyance.

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Why wouldn't you want to see a different perspective? Nothing is going to be as agreeable to everyone who might be informed and involved with the subject when factual evidence is more probable than opinions, and if your opinion is the only thing that matters or you either block or disdain your own country's objections or arguments; then what's a democracy in your opinion?

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I guess you haven't seen the previous debates.

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There's no telling what Trump will do. Like Martin O'Malley said, it's like trying to predict what a monkey with a machine gun will do. (And he said that in 2016; Trump's mental state has declined considerably since then.)

He'd be an idiot to debate. On the other hand, he is in fact an idiot: He remains firmly convinced that the solution to all his problems is to talk -- unscripted, unprepared, unedited and at length -- when in fact that is the only thing that has ever really gotten him into trouble.

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"On the other hand, he is in fact an idiot." - True words.

If he had paid the hush money out of his own personal accounts and not try to write it off on the company books, it would cost him less (moneywise and crimewise).

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We'll get a better idea once we see if he goes through with testifying in his documents trial. If he does that, we will know that no one is left who can say no to him.

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Love your writing . . . wish I could subscribe. Thank you for understanding the financial circumstances of being old (I'm82) and eking out a living on social security. Don't get me wrong. I'm greatful for social security, not complaining! And libraries too. Just wanted you to know I appreciate not being badgered by solicitations . . . I know it's your livelihood and well deserved.⭐

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Please email me nycjayjay@gmail.com if you are on fixed income and I can have one of our Democracy Defenders sponsor your paid subscription!

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My eyes watered at reading that.

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Brought tears to my eyes. Good on you, Jay Kuo.

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Thank you for mentioning libraries.

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You mention the question of RFK Jr. qualifying for the debates, but I think in bypassing the commission and independently agreeing to these debates they have eliminated that possibility. I think the agreement is just for the two of them, even if RFK gets his poll numbers up and gets on the ballot in enough states.

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Should just make it more predictable... No need to plan for that "what if..." scenario

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I believe this is correct - that rule is only for the previous commission's debates. This is bypassing that, so it can be just the two of them.

Ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease let this happen...

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Okay. So then the whole election is actually a conspiracy. Kevin makes it sound like it is all a conspiracy between Biden and Trump. So, as I figure it, as long as they both eliminate RFK Jr., they are both happy. That's what they need to do. Because RFK is actually a competent, thinking human being. Biden might not like Trump but what he really fears is a competent candidate. That will really scare them both. And frustrate them.

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Can’t tell is this is sarcasm or not. If the former, well played.

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No, he means it.

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The fact that he declared it a conspiracy theory keeping Sideshow Bob out of the debate should say it all.

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Remember, his brain has been eaten by worms.

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And nobody was surprised 🤷‍♀️🤣

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Someone keeps letting him out of Bellevue.

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In which world is RFK competent and athinking human being? His anti vax BS has been disproven over and over. Not even his family supports him. That should be a red flag.

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RFK Jr is just as crazy as trump, maybe more so.

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At least RFK Jr can blame the worm

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Sideshow Bob needs a padded cell and Trump needs a solitary 4x4 cell.

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Hahahahaha! Sorry! Hahahahaha!

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If RFK was competent, his family would support him. He has serious mental issues.

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...Unfortunately, it seemed to me that rfkjr had some pronounced mental issues even before we learned of his now-deceased brain parasite or his siblings, as a family, publicly endorsing Joe Biden.

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Did you forget to add s/c?

Because surely you aren't being serious about RFK being "competent." Or are you?

(Edited to correct misspelling. Sorry.)

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Um, this is the guy with dead worms that ate part of his brain? A debate between trump and rfkjr would be a riot. Unwatchable for me as I would rupture a vocal cord screaming at the tv, but a riot nonetheless.

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Oh, it'd be perfectly watchable - if you think of it as, say, WWE! Think of it as pure entertainment, rather than existential threats to democracy, and it would be must-see TV. Afterward, Dark Brandon could deliver a response!

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Competent at being a racist, maniacal lying exploiter. Are you saying these are good qualities for a president?

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rfuckingkjr has shit for brains, at least the part the worm left behind. He has no ethical principles or competence. Even his own family has disowned him.

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Bless your heart, Jacob!

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"Because RFK is actually a competent, thinking human being."

Of which alternate universe are you speaking?

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Quick block, rfk troll.

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I really, really want to see Biden wipe the floor with Trump in the debates. But I really, really don't want to hear Trump's voice. At all. <sigh>

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I have to hear it every day, sadly.

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I am so, so sorry.

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I'm thankful for your patience and diligence.

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I am thinking to watch on mute and read the subtitles.

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That is a great idea and I'm going to do it.

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100% this. It is the way.

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Biden should 100% do the debates solo after PAB chickens out.

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Each time it's Trump's turn he turns to an empty chair.

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Given that the debates will be timed for prime time tv hours, I wonder how subtitles will translate sundowner trump’s word salad slurred made-up words.

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May 17Edited

They can certainly get far off base sometimes. We have a local weather reporter named Chris Bianchi and the closed caption writer wrote his name as 'Crispy Donkey.' Hahahaha! The anchor introduced him as Crispy Donkey for days after that and on Halloween, Chris dressed up as a donkey fto give the weater report. SO funny.

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I'm glad he has a sense of humor about it.

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“Live From CNN: Let’s Make Biden Look Presidential While Turning Trump Into A Piñata.”

A self-inflicted one at that,

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I think by saying anytime anywhere and any place trump meant serving time in any jail in any cell. 😂

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I am glad you chose this topic today.

We can all wonder what meds Laura Ingraham is taking, but I think that Hannity, Lee, and Ramaswamy have already started to pave the way for Trump to pull out his big "I'm the victim" umbrella and bail on the debates. He'll use terms like "rigged, setup, biased, unfair" as well as some garbled gibberish terms that we don't understand, but unless he has lost all capacity for risk-assessment he'll soon see that debating Biden will let Biden actually tell MAGA viewers to their faces what he has done for the economy, what he TRIED to do for the border, and what's in store for them under a second Trump presidency.

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The problem with telling MAGATS that tfg wants to be God-Emperor-for-Life is that a substantial portion of them would cheer that idea to the sky.

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Let them cheer and I hope some democrat deep pocket buys advertising time after the second debate selling real estate in Hungary going on sale at deep price cuts starting the first Wednesday in November. View lots within sight of Trump towers Budapest. They can admire their god-emperor together with him in their new country.

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Why wait until then?

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Some already do and say that we need that.

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I agree with you but we're aware that trump's followers have drunk the Kool-aid and no matter what he says and does for years now, he's always right. The debate is only, potentially, going to sway those people who, for some reason despite trump's long public history, still haven't made up their minds - potentially. For us who have, it'll be a huge treat for us to see Biden's Irish wit even if he has to employ it against an empty podium.

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You very well might be right, and he very well could get away with it - thanks to the New York Times and others with a definitive Trump bias and a definitive effort of normalizing what's simply not normal.

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Do those complaining about a CNN venue making Biden look presidential recall their free air space given to Trump months ago-the train wreck overseen by Kaitlan Collins? That’s when I turned them off for good-their obvious bias in giving him that time was sickening. Sheesh…

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All the networks made a CRAP-TON of money by legitimizing Trump. It was good for business, horrible for our democracy.

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Trump will call Biden "Clarice" and ask about his tennis career.

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Both candidates have hard questions to answer. Will those questions be asked and answers demanded. Trump should be asked questions which are legally incriminating. He won’t be under oath, so the 5th Amendment isn’t available. Corner him like the rat he is and let America see just what a liar and crook he is.

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If media would in fact do their job and vet (investigate someone thoroughly, especially in order to ensure that they are suitable for a job requiring secrecy, loyalty, or trustworthiness. [Oxford]), the candidates appropriately for the American electorate, we could only hope.

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Oxford forever!

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trump doesn't have to concern himself with trivial concepts like... oh, laws, the Constitution, court orders, rules, any restraint at all. He's waaaay too intellectually inferior and arrogant to prep for a debate. So his idea of debating is (1) to spew and repeat flat-out lies having nothing to do with the questions he's being asked, (2) not having anything to contribute, he constantly talks over the other participant who does. I'm glad there's no live audience and hope trump's supporters don't show up at CNN's studios like they did at the Manhattan courtroom. Also, I'm delighted the mics are supposed to be cut-off when they've reached the response time limit. No wimpy waffling on cutting it off, even if they're still talking, it gets cut, period.

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Over/under on Trump showing......

As and aside, Laura Ingraham is looking more and morw like Tucker Carlson...

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Except for the part where Tuckems is about 3X smarter than she is. And you have no idea how painful it was for me to type that. It's just true.

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What happens when Donald Trump is convicted in his current criminal trial? I’m still angry that someone who was arrested four times last year is allowed to run for any office in this country, let alone our highest one. But I feel very strongly that a convicted felon should absolutely not be a contender for President of the United States and therefore should not be debating legitimately elected Joe Biden. The abnormality of this is unconscionable.

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There are no provisions in laws or the Constitution that a presidential candidate cannot be a felon or not in prison. Theoretically Trump could run from prison and run the country from there. The founding fathers did just not imagine this to be possiblity even remotely. He would not be able to vote for himself since FL doesn't allow felons to vote but he could be President. After the next election if Biden wins and gets a democratic Congress there is the need to codify certain things into law like new requirements for running for President.

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I doubt he’ll go to jail immediately if he’s convicted. The courts routinely let convicts stay out while they await a probation report prior to sentencing, and often let convicted felons stay out while their appeals are pending. As a former "president", I think that’s what will happen.

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But he might get a lovely ankle monitor!

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This. I have a friend who is convinced that NO POTUS, current or former, will ever spend a day behind bars. He's probably not wrong.

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Trying to like this comment, but it's about the 6th or 7th one that won't respond. Whatever - I would have written this if you hadn't.

And as for that last thing - the whole MAGAt thing has exposed a bunch of things like that - but we're talking Constitutional amendments, or even (God forbid) a new Constitutional convention. Tough rows to hoe, those.

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I feel that same way. It's humiliating to me that other countries can see that someone who tried his utmost to scuttle the 2020 vote certification, plus his other indictments, is allowed to even be on the ballot for the next election, as if it's nothing serious. Too many people who promised to preserve and protect the Constitution failed to thwart his actions despite their condemning those actions, like impeachment, twice, the DOJ delaying legal action, the SCOTUS in refusing to hear Jack Smith's request for an expedited hearing for the conjured-up immunity issue in the DC election interference case, etc. He doesn't have to observe any restraint and despite this, our congressmen leave their offices, when they should be working for the people who elected them, to go instead to trump's Manhattan trial to assist him in flouting a legitimate gag order and denigrating this court and our judicial system in general. Amazing, isn't it?

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