I'll take the old gentleman with a stutter and obvious issues over the serial liar felon every day. Here is hoping the day comes for the likes of younger folks like Pete to run.

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Me too!

I’m still voting for the old guy, not the pathological lying felon.

The choice is between a pathological liar, fraud, cheater with aspirations of being a dictator. The other guy is pro-democracy and has a cold. I'm voting for the guy with the cold.

I am so disappointed in the democrats and liberals and mainstream media and even liberal media concentrating the vast, I mean VAST, majority of the debate follow-up on Biden’s not particularly great performance and / or how he should drop out. And just about nothing, NOTHING, about the lying, lies and dangerous messages of the liar on the stage next to him.

I'm still wearing this anti-Trump shirt 👇


Now more than ever! VOTE.

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My feeling is that it's not so much democrats and liberals but pundits and media and Republicans who are calling for a new candidate. Also people who used to be Bernie Bros.

One post was someone wanting Bernie to be either VP or president. 🙄

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That would be political suicide. Bernie has a good point but it’s not gonna win this precarious election.

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Exactly. My rolled eyes emoji was trying to make that point.

I like Bernie, I think his ideas should be in the mix, but he's not someone that can win a national election especially at this time.

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Definitely Bernie Bros (who never liked Biden) and certainly media types, the latter of which infuriate me.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Jay Kuo

My reaction was like Jay's but it took me a little longer to come around (ironically I predicted during the live thread on Big Picture that Jay would come around, but then I went the other way!).

My mind has changed. Why should WE be the ones that kick the old guy to the side of the road? Republicans should be kicking their guy away, not us. Also, Joe's reaction to Elton's F bomb at Stonewall was priceless. I posted the link below but am happy to do it again if anyone wants to see it. I swear my heart toward Joe grew three times in size when I saw that, just like the Grinch's.

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"Why should WE be the ones that kick the old guy to the side of the road? Republicans should be kicking their guy away, not us."

YES!!! This is exactly it! Why are we apologizing and fearful when they are the ones who should be ashamed to keep backing a sorry excuse for a human being, much less a world leader? What is funny is that the Republicans who have joined the fight against Trump are all telling us to stay the course -- and I'm inclined to believe them because I remember the lock-step Republicans of the 90s-00's. If there are any virtues we should learn from them, they should be loyalty and determination. Joe's fighting for us, and we should fight for our country with him.

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I did not see the debate because I was not undecided. It is good to hear that it swayed undecideds in Biden's camp. It makes sense because as Jeff Tiedrich posted a woman in a focus group of swing voters said, all Trump said, was ME,ME,ME! and Biden spoke to the issues. If you turned it on wanting to hear someone speak to the issues, Trump would disappoint you. What shocks me is that anyone subscribes to the awful press that we have. At least the Philadelphia Inquirer said, that there should have been calls for Trump to drop out. He is a lying convicted criminal fascistic insurrectionist who is going to destroy this country and the world. The world will never be able to turn back in time. Trump represents what Sartre said was life on earth. While I do not believe in the Devil, Trump certainly embodies the concept. Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat has said that Trump is a master at fascist propaganda and a charismatic speaker. Biden is not. He is just a damn good President, and we should be desperate to hold onto it. My Democrats Abroad group is book clubbing Project 2025. I recommend everyone read it or some summary of it. Democracy Forward has a good brief summary. https://democracyforward.org/the-peoples-guide-to-project-2025/#:~:text=The%20Project%202025%20Presidential%20Transition,dismantle%20social%20safety%20net%20programs%2C

Everyone should be helping our population to understand what Trump has in store for us. The Fires of Hell should be able to sell papers, if the lazy journalists would bother to read and inform themselves.

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Check out Joyce Vance’s Substack. She’s taking Project 2025 apart for her readers.

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I know. That is where my group got the idea.

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2028 is where the next generation will be fighting it out for the nomination. It should be vigorous and possibly contentious.

Right now, those potential candidates need to be building up their resumes and continuing to shine.

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If we all survive…😣

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I happen to love Kamala and think she’s make a great POTUS!

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I like her just fine but I kinda wish she was our AG. She would have gotten these convictions done and out of the way by now.

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Jul 1Liked by Jay Kuo

Rapid fire bullshitting is not a criterion for leading a nation. As he has already done, Biden will select the next cabinet of leaders to continue his progress and strengthen our institutions against tyranny and authoritarianism. And we still won't have to fire them after a week on the job or put them in jail when they're done. Let's keep our heads, folks.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Jay Kuo

I'm still waiting for those same pundits and editorial boards to say trump should drop out of the race for failing to answer any of the debate questions, and lying the entire time (not to mention being a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist).

P.S. I was part of that deluge of donations the night of the debate, way more than my budget allowed.

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I can't afford to give a penny to Biden.

So I gave a hundred bucks. I decided it's cheaper than moving to Panama.

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I love this and same!!!

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Wise decision. Panama is full of corrupt political flucks too.

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You’re right about! Panamá is where I live now; not because of the political storm up there though. Post pandemic saw a heavy influx if big city escapees into our area and prices and yankee drivers encouraged a move I had been mulling for several years.

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Me, too. I hope that our efforts will help. I donate to down ballot Dems as well.

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Philadelphia Inquirer. In a blue stronghold.

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I saw that, but since they never called for Biden to drop out they didn't count! 😉

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But you won't hear that. Not a peep unfortunately.

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Because the media in this country is failing us.

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Me too! I made a donation as a sign of support. I also sent a message of support to the whitehous.

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Me too!

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Jul 1Liked by Jay Kuo

Why is no one asking for Trump to drop out? He is a convicted felon who stole top secret documents and was responsible for an insurrection.

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I wish the people telling Biden to drop out instead sent messages calling for Trump to drop out and repeating Trump's terrible lies and lines from the debate.

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Jul 1Liked by Jay Kuo

Thank you for this.

I really need you to discuss SCOTUS decision on immunity. I’m a lawyer and wasn’t particularly surprised, but I’m really angry. Looking forward to your next offering. Thank you for explaining things in an accessible and intelligent fashion.

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I am writing a piece in The Big Picture tomorrow. Look for it in your inbox, or subscribe now if you haven’t yet! Thinkbigpicture.substack.com/subscribe

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I wish Joe would put his Dark Brandon glasses on and release a very short video saying, "Be *very* careful what you say, Don. Thanks to your Federalist Society judges, I can now in my official capacity do things to you that you can't even begin to imagine."

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😂😂 that would be great

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I could go on, but I have to consider the possibility that federal law enforcement could be under enemy control next January! Without traditional constitutional restraints!

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And his buddies on the SCOTUS can be trump's cell mates.

Sounds like arresting a SCOTUS justice would be an official act.

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He could start by putting Steve Bannon in Gitmo and giving him a cellmate there. I'm sure the cellmate and Bannon will get along swimmingly.

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🤣🤣🤣 Good one!

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We should all be angry about SCOTUS right now

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I had made my contribution to the re-election fund months ago but was so distressed by Thursday’s debate that I made an additional unplanned donation to say ‘we have your back, Joe.’

We need another 4 years for Democracy!

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Me too!

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Someone who was interviewed on CNN said that the media needs to focus its attention on trump's outright lies and not on Biden's lack-luster debate skills. The decision of the Supreme Court says it all....that this country has cast aside it's morals so that it can accept anyone who wants to reign supreme. We are headed down a dark, slippery path and I weep for our nation. Not a great way to celebrate the 4th.

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Jul 1Liked by Jay Kuo

Knee jerk reactions by the media and political pundits are without merit. A (poor) ninety minute performance does not erase the decades of good that President Joe Biden has done for this country.

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Jul 1Liked by Jay Kuo

Yes! Let us stay calm, focused, and completely clear on what out immediate goal is. We must not willingly give in to despair and distraction. Instead, we should see this current moment as the thing that galvanizes us all toward our purpose, and it's impossible to fail when we do that. ❤️ Courage, dear hearts.

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OMG Liz! “Courage dear hearts”, is something that my beloved Nano(yes it’s an “o” on the end-a story for a happier day) used to say. Your comment brought her voice back to me and strengthened my resolve to fight on! Thank you Liz and courage back to you dear heart!🫶🏼

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Jul 1Liked by Jay Kuo

“Biden characteristically shouldered the blame himself.”

This is, perhaps, the most fundamental difference between Joe and TFG. The difference between a leader and a thug.

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Brilliant take Brian. 👏

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Jul 1Liked by Jay Kuo

I'm 85 going on 86. I'm as smart as ever...maybe smarter. But I don't speak as well as I used to, I don't walk as well as I used to, and I sometimes need a short nap. Aside from dementia, and certain neurological conditions, smart doesn't change with age. It gets wider, deeper and better. Joe Biden has his hand on the pulse of our nation at this time. Keep breathing everyone.

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As an 83 year old, I heartedly agree! And like me, when I need helpers to walk or get out of a chair, Joe too will have expert helpers to improve our democracy!

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One of the cooler endorsements Biden got in the stream of "is he too old?" articles (which were common even before the "debate") was from 98 year old Dick Van Dyke who said that he was as clear-minded as ever and he was old enough to be Biden's father.

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Love it!

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Jul 1Liked by Jay Kuo

So the NY times wants to throw the Democratic Convention into chaos and let a Sociopathic, Narcissistic, Criminal Liar have the advantage? They are a mega corporation and obviously biased. So as I don't support Right Wing Saboteurs I have cancelled my subscription and will apply the money to the people like Jay Kuo, Thom Hartman and others who support the Constitution, Separation of Church and State, Democrat, rule of law, and Equality. Put your money where it supports what you believe in.

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I can't wait to find out how many subscribers the NYT lost.

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I bid them adieu today. Felt good!

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NYT & WAPO for me. I'm getting all my news on Substack and from HCR.

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I resisted for months, but last Friday's headline was the last straw. My only regret is I did not give a reason for canceling my subscription. My answer should have been: "What a fool I was, what a dominated fool

To think you were the Earth and sky

What a fool I was, what an addlepated fool

What a mutton-headed dote was I

No, my reverberating friend

You are not the beginning and the end!"

Liza Doolittle, "Without You," My Fair Lady

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I'm one of them.

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Me too.

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I cancelled my subscription yesterday. Felt sooooo good!

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They lost me!

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I’m another of them. I even refuse to click on any of their “news” online.

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Alas, you won't. And it's not about subscribers, anyway - hell, Wordle subscribers are making up for that. It's more about clicks, views, shares, engagement - which is what gets more ad revenue - and their whole anti-Biden editorial slant is delivering that!

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I considered it, but am too hooked on the “games.“

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I heard somewhere that you can still have access to the games without the subscription, but I don't know how that works.

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They also are really mad at Biden for not giving them an interview. Super mad. The head guy (Sulzberger?) has told reporters to put out negative Biden articles.

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I still think that NYT corporation doesn't want to pay any taxes. Same for their bloated commentators.

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THANKS, Jay! You are exactly right.

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Let’s reframe this. Does anyone think a 35 year old (minimum age to be President) could have accomplished all that Biden has accomplished in four years? Perhaps he’s accomplished all of this *because* he’s 81!

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I totally agree. 50 years of experience is something to reckon with. Just think how Biden won all the budget negations. As much as I admire Obama's intellect he would have been a way more effective President if he would have had more experience. Biden for the win!!!

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Yay, Jennifer! You tell 'em.

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Very good point!! Love this!!

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Jul 1Liked by Jay Kuo

I appreciate Jay changing his mind on Biden dropping out of the race. Now other pundits, political writers, and pearl-clutching voters calling for this absurdity need to be humble enough to admit their mistake.

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You always delve into the weeds, and I love this take, speculative of course, you present that Trump in Captions looks like the idiot he is, and that that would affect the Latino vote in Biden's favor!

Love what you do. As always, Thank you for your take, and your thought provoking analysis.

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It’s just an educated guess on my part, but thank you!

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