James Grant, a convicted felon for attacking police with a bicycle rack says that if insurrectionists aren’t pardoned “there will be suicides”. Does he not remember that there were several police suicides after the attack? Police who were so traumatized by the event that they killed themselves? What an incredibly selfish man. I hope he doesn’t get to go back to law school because I hate to think what type of an attorney he would end up being

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I can't believe he would be acceptable to any reputable law school!!

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What is a reputable law school? Harvard, Yale?

Can we not judge the acorn tree by its nuts issued?

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Well, you have me there--when I look at all the ethically challenged graduates of Harvard, Yale and Princeton, I have to admit that Mr. Grant would doubtless fit right in with the likes of DeSantis, Cruz, Hawley, Clark, and all the rest of those crooked morons...they seem to have undergone some kind of lobotomy designed to remove any shred of former morals and any semblance of conscience. It's makes one wonder what is being taught at these Ivy League schools and why does anyone want to attend them if this is what they turn out.

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And don’t forget a certain professor at Harvard. Didn’t I see a link between him and a now dead guy who liked young girls and sharing them with his friends?

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Oh you mean Dershowitz and Epstein ...let's call a child rapist by name.

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You got it.

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There is the law, and then there are lawyers (and supreme court justices).

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And how many laws became laws because of corrupt and purchased politicians?

I’m rethinking my views on “the rule of law” with a more clear vision of what this county is and always has been, along with our model in many ways, the United Kingdom.

Do research on the “rule of law” and think about what you find, that the whole idea was created in the UK to create the appearance of justice for a Colonial Power to keep stealing from other populations.

There is no shining light on the hill and never has been.

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Trump will probably start his own law school and charge $1,000 to apply to it.

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omg Charles, you might be right! Sanctioned by JD and the Heritage Foundation. Makes my hair stand on end just thinking about it.

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No reputable law school would take him, pardon or no.

Unfortunately there's plenty of unreputable law schools who just want the money and don't care whether or not their students pass the bar...

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Pass the bar? I have much higher bars.





Those who abuse women, live for power and greed, constantly lie--and more--need not apply.

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He'd be the kind of attorney who would defend Trump and end up back in jail for collusion.

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Is it wrong for me to say "who cares, let them kill themselves"? I mean I don't care, do you?

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On January 18th my son and I will be marching in protest. We are doing it in our hometown, but it's in solidarity with the march in Washington. I am fully aware of the potential danger, but it is necessary to "walk the walk." I served in the US Navy and I see no difference between that obligation and this obligation.

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Agreed! I think we need to stop saying white Christian nationalism. (Full disclosure--raised Christian, currently agnostic). There is nothing Christian at all about that movement. How about white patriarchal nationalism?

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How about “crazy ass white men”???

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The only problem with that is that I'm a crazy ass white man, emphasis on crazy. Because these other crazy ass white men are driving me crazy.

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Maybe 'violent white men' is better? Just cause, yanno, I technically *am* crazy, and I don't even like swatting mozzies...

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I generally go with "faux-christian white supremacists" (with an intentionally lower-case "c").

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A friend of mine calls them the KKKristians

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Absolutely correct!! Even Trump is far from being a true Christian. He doesn't have a virtuous bone in is body. Sure, none of us is perfect and we are forgiven for our sins if we repent, but Trump is a narcissist and does not think he needs to repent for anything, apparently. He is not regretful about the events of Jan. 6th. In fact, he celebrates it as a demonstration of the "love" his supporters have for him, hence his "day of love" comment. He is delusional, sick.

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"we are forgiven for our sins if we repent"

Oh my god. Pun intended.

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That is something that Trumpers have essentially screamed at me saying. They claim that we are all sinners and none of us is perfect, so get off my [your] high horse!

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I know. I wasn’t criticizing you. I was merely doing a hopscotch in my mind but not on chalk drawn sidewalks but one where the squares appear as different geometries on different places in my imagination.

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These are the people who say without a hint of irony that "Jesus is too woke" so yeah, it's not Christianity. It's assholes using the veneer of religion to justify their bigotry.

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White patriarchal nationalism is perfect. The patriarchy has been one of the problems all along. They want women barefoot and pregnant so they can control us. I’ve had it up to my eyebrows with their privilege, they are not superior to women in any way.

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It used to be called the kkk...

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I propose "neochristian supremacy" (purposefully lowercase) or "neochristian supremacist" for the individual. I agree the terms--Christian Nationalism or a Christian Nationalist--drives me bonkers. It gives their movement credence it doesn't deserve.

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That’s much more descriptive.

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It's the defining essence of their extremism. White and Christian. But they pervert it all.

"So-,called Christian nationalists" maybe?

Like, "So-called Islamic State?"

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Just say "White Nationalism" as racism and 'whiteness' are their true religion. Don't confuse'em with the the extra words.

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White Fundamentalist Scum (Fundamentalism - masquerading as christian, jewish or muslim, is its own religion)

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All 3 branches of the Abrahamic faiths are populated with people who claim they are religions of peace while others claiming the same faith simultaneously use the religions as excuses for violence and atrocities. Perhaps its time for some internal reflection about what it is about this belief system that attracts violence and terrorism and focus on fixing that.

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Disagree. What we see is the bloody life form created in the womb of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH.

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Wiping the slate clean for all J6 participants is like raising a child with no rules. If there are no consequences for their actions what keeps them from repeating such actions. My biggest worry is that once he does this for the worst of them they will then do his dirty work. This retalitory vision he has for all those who have "wronged" him- who needs to send them to court when he can have them killed? And then he can pardon those people all over again. I honestly don't think this is as far fetched as it seems, he's going to pardon a lot of dangerous people.

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Pam, sadly, I think this has been the Orange Felon’s plan all along. He wants his Brownshirts to stand back and stand by. They are part of the plan

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He wants to feel the "glory" of another J6. He reveled in the belief that they did all of that FOR HIM. It was his "day of love" because, in his mind, they were doing this out of love for him. He did not care about them one iota. If he did, he would have told them all to go home immediately instead of standing in front of his television reveling in his supporters' unlawful expression of their devotion toward him.

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Oh 100%. J6 was a narcissist's dream. All those loyal followers fighting for him, proof that he really "won".

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Oh I believe that to be 100% true. He talks about all these people who have wronged him, who have "unlawfully" prosecuted or investigated him. It's the same rhetoric that brought these people to DC on J6, the same rhetoric that unleashed the carnage we saw. I mean yes there are a lot of these people who have paid some price- they have spent time in prison. But if their record is wiped clean can we say they won't risk it again? And if some of these people are unwilling to risk jail time again there is always another nut job willing to step up. It's just unfathomable that he will be able to just swipe a wand and make it all go away. Just feeds into his cult's thinking that none of what happened was wrong. All of this, every last bit of this, is what I feared would happen if he wasn't convicted before this election :(

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The insurrectionists may have suffered some jail time but they have been lionized and made national heroes. If people are willing to become martyrs in the Middle East at the cost of their own lives, these “martyrs “ got off easy. Too easy.

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oh absolutely

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I would be concerned that without rules, whether imagined or implied, those individuals will think it is acceptable to harass Democrats and "never Trumper" Independents, and Trump won't do a damn thing. I am hoping that Congress will have the balls to stand up to him. If his supporters get a hold of voter logs, I can picture lynch mobs and random acts of violence against anyone registered as Democrat and harassment of Independents who didn't vote for Trump. Trump has done this to us!!

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Won’t his Brownshirts be too busy rounding up anyone who looks or should like an immigrant?

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Only the ones who look like immigrants that Muskrat doesn't approve of. If they look like "smart" immigrants who can actually take higher paying jobs from Americans they can stay. I wonder how they will figure out the difference?

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That's his plan. He knows they'll do it for him again because they did it already and they still worship at his feet after going to jail and being ignored by him until he needed the political capital of promising their release. They're his loyal little minions and he's hoping to create a new SS.

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His supporters laud that he didn't get us into any new wars, but he will certainly start a civil war.

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Raising a child with no rules, but also rewarding him after he burns some houses down for fun. Because these criminals are already heros to some - they're receiving jobs and publicity. Doing interviews and endorsements. Online "influencing" and selling merch.

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Unbelievable. There is just so much wrong with this country... I mean even beyond electing a treasonous rapist felon

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They've been around for a long, long time. I was working at a courthouse in South Dakota at the time when Timothy McVeigh bombed the Murrah building, and a militia guy (who I'd never taken that seriously before) walked in crowing that "War has been declared!" When I asked what about the children in the day care who were killed and/or injured, he said, "There are no innocent victims in war." That was a long time ago, and they've all had time to get crazier than that.

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Anyone who says there are no innocents in war is the kind of person who should never, ever be allowed to have access to a gun.

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I agree - but I also know, from sources, that this man and his whole family got into making ghost guns and packing their own ammo... There's a LOT of crazy out there, which sadly explains Trump. They want him to unleash THEM.

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CroneEver, I cannot "like" this comment--it's too horrifying, but yeah. They have had a good many years to get even crazier.

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I agree. I can't really "like" it either, but I agree that they have gotten crazier and more extreme.

Trump has done this to us. He should have never been allowed to be a candidate based on the control he has over violent extremists.

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We really REALLY need a “Don’t Like” or “contents true but disgusting” kind of emoji.

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WHERE THE HELL IS THE MEDIA!!! This report, especially the undercover work of Williams, only interested Pro Publica?? How about an investigation into the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles times? A serious investigative report on the editors and those people who make judgments about what gets published? If we have to depend on the media in order to save democracy then I deeply deeply fear for our democracy.

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The Guardian reported on it

today, but crickets from

MSM. Pro Publica is an

excellent source for


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Yes, I fear for our democracy as well, especially when people argue that 'we're NOT a Democracy, we're a Republic', disregarding that we are both.

We're a Constitutional Democratic Republic, usually referred to as simply a Democracy, as opposed to a dictatorship, theocracy, monarchy, or theocracy.

It seems as though they can't stomach anything with democra- in the word. This is what Trump extremism has done to us.

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Al Jazeera - I believe, it's stupid early o'clock and I ain't got the spoons to go looking - did a job like this on One Nation's attempts to ally themselves with the NRA (Pauline Hanson herself was caught on film trying to negotiate a nice big supply of guns for her supporters) and only the ABC was brave enough to report on it here in Australia when the story came out. Naturally everyone else was on it two days later when they realised it was too big to bury but good LORD, Murdoch and his conservative dick-sucking can't die soon enough...

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Scared into silence or into obeying in advance.

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If WAPO and LA Times killed the endorsements for Kamala and are genuflecting with millions in hand for TFG why would they even consider looking into any of what Jay has written?

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Where are the media? Purchased stealthily over the past many years by the bloodless coup so that none who report the truth can be profitable, and thereby disappear.

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Jay Quo: "I need a pardon to return to law school."

Uh, right.

What we need is lawyers who are highly ethical and uphold core values of our Founding Documents, especially The Federalist.

What we do not need is an insurrectionist-felon.

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You don’t always get what you want

But sometimes you will find

You get what you need.

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A January Walk in the Park

Red, yellow and blue

Resting on the yellow grass

Of a warm winter day

Remnant place markers

Of aspiring balloons

Passing many people

Just walking their dogs

No eye contact sent

I walk no dog

So many teacups

Most filled to the brim

With a cold tea

That will not be warmed

Horns and sirens disturb the silence

Though from a doleful distance

Another fire to extinguish

Though more are burning

The clouds sail slowly

Across the soft blue skies

Paying no attention

To happenings on the ground

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If Trump does issue pardons or commutes sentences for J6 insurrectionists, an immediate filing of articles of impeachment for treasonous behavior should be put forth by Dems in the House. A simple majority is needed to bring the charges in front of the Senate for conviction.

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It won't go anywhere with The Dems being the minority in both houses. No rethug is going to incur tRump's wrath now that he is back in charge (the 20th). I keep advocating that people read William Shirer's 'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich'. I am sure Herr Stephen Goebbles Miller's has read it, and his playbook is to keep The Orange Menace from making the same mistakes Hitler did. We don't seem to need Godwin's Law any more. Der Führer has been reincarnated.

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I think I read something about that being proposed by someone.

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Our Country is now in the hands of a crazy old man who’s already lost it. So who’s REALLY going to be president behind the president?

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Take your pick. There seems to be several in the running.

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They're all hitting each other over the head with their 1000 page Project 2025 documents.

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Melon Musk - tRump's Rasputin. Uncle Vlad has succeeded in placing his pet agent of chaos back in the Whitehouse, given him a playbook, and set Melon to watch over him.

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Musk, Vance, Thiel (aka Vance's puppetmaster), Bezos, Putin, anyone willing to give him money or praise him...

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Best buddies all Bought and paid for..

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Kinch further identifed in The Guardian earlier today: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/jan/06/oath-keepers-rightwing-militia-police?CMP=share_btn_url

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Important... Thx for sharing...

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There is something else I'd like to bring up regarding the potential pardon of the January 6 insurrectionists. Those who follow the war in Ukraine may already be aware of Russia's opening their prison doors to beef up the army ranks with convicted r*pists, thieves, and murderers - some of them repeat offenders. Those who had survived the Ukrainian front did not go back to prison - they were allowed to go home. Where they proceeded to do what they did best - because they were bored after having been unleashed upon Ukrainian civilians. Some of them were reported to the police and received either token penalties or no penalties at all because they were now "war heroes". Some did receive prison sentences but got out of them by re-signing for the army.

Now... here we have these violent people, who wouldn't think twice before assaulting a police officer, let alone a fellow citizen. Some of them were turned in by their ex- and current spouses, acquaintances, and coworkers. ALL of those who had tipped off the police will need protective custody - which likely won't be granted under the current administration - or get the hell out of this country. Because, like Russia, we are about to unleash a bunch of goons back into the society with no chance of consequences for their actions - past or future.

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I hadn’t even thought of this terrifying scenario. I weep for your country.

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Make it both my countries. I am originally from Ukraine, a first generation Ukrainian American.

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Exactly! I've thought about this as well as Tritler's true plan of having them do his dirty work of getting revenge on those who have wronged him

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I sure hope congressional Dems find their backbones.

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I hope the Senate Republicans can manage to scrape up at least SOME internal bone-like scaffolding, even if most of them have permanently misplaced their spines.

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I can't bring myself to be against the idea that some of the unpardoned J6ers could take themselves out of the conversation permanently. I'd much rather they did that than risk the violence they'd absolutely perpetrate against others if released.

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this echoes the tactics of the john birch society in the 50’s and 60’s, a dreadful period of history when many people were targeted by receiving flyers of their photo with crosshairs upon it. nasty stuff. seems that it has grown and putrified even more underground. well, we shall see…hopefully this next 4 years will excise the cancer from the body politick, that desire to restore white patriarchy, by resolutely exposing the rancid disease of racist patriarchy.

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It's straight out of the Scientology 'Suppressive Persons' handbook too. I believe L Ron Hubbard was actually inspired by the John Birch tactics and Miscavage has taken it to a whole new and disgusting level.

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Rusty on details of what happened in the deadly insurrection? Confused by the MAGA disinformation about what happened on Jan 6th and who was involved? Check the "Jan 6th Insurrection — Illustrated Edition"


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Little was made in the MSM of Matthew Livelsberger's "minifesto", but the few articles that did feature some of his tRumpy remarks also emphasized PTSD, "troubled" background, etc., diluting the import of his actions.

Hardly want to get into tRump's bad books by actually reporting and analyzing the man's motives, now do we, media?

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