There will be a special circle in Hell for Graham and Mitch McConnell.

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Dante is working on it.👍

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Go Dante!!! Love this!

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As always, I offer my thanks to Jay for his fearless commentary. I would like to add to this comment by saying that Director Wray, a Republican but not a tame one, was appointed by Trump himself back in 2017. I am also aware that not once in its storied existence, has the FBI ever had a Democratic director, not once, not ever!!! Talk about weaponization!

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Goodness, Jay. You manage to keep your finger on the pulse of democracy even while participating in wonderful personal events. Thank you from the bottom of my fearful heart.

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And yet he still doubles down even when his original statements are pointed out to him. What a p.o.s.

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It's astounding that people who have demonstrated, over and over, that they use words to deceive, are invited to speak on mass media/news programs. In times past the news editor avoided giving Liars a platform. "We aren't going to interview this person because they are a proven Liar." Now the liars are given network air time for money/ratings/entertainment.

So we are surprised when a Liar lies? Not a story. It's an indictment, a revelation of the stupidity of the media platform. Welker and her bosses couldn't care less about truth and ethics.

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Yup, a perfect example of the downfall of legacy media. The Sunday talk shows in particular have gotten unbearable to watch. So much obvious lying, misinformation and gaslighting. And look at the ABC/George Stephanopolis capitulation...ugh 🤬

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Yes. This is why I no longer watch Meet the Press.

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I had been looking forward to Kristin being the host when it was announced and then I saw a commercial showing who her first guest was going to be. Have not watched other than a few clips. Yuck!

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She has Lindsay Graham on about every month to mount a defense of MAGA’s latest outrageous claims. And just robotically repeating “without evidence” isn’t critically interviewing. She never educated herself on the humanitarian disaster on the border, nor did she ever give any time to the many hard working experts who work there and can say from first-hand experience how deadly and ultimately futile the “bipartisan policy of dehumanizing and failing to vindicate the rights of those legally seeking asylum is and the human costs it inflicts on the most vulnerable! (Comment by Paul W. Schmidt)

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I quit watching when Chuck Todd became the host.

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That was wise. I never could stand that little toad.

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But if they don't appear on national broadcasts, how are we supposed to know what they think? If they say it out loud, on recordings (like the Graham quote that was played back to him), we can hold them accountable. We can keep score and throw it back in their faces to show just what hypocrites they are.

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If they are not given air time they don’t get elected. These are unqualified people for elected offices of trust. Liars are untrustworthy.

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There are standards for barbers and hair dressers. But all you need to get political power is popularity.

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When you next watch a political interview on CNN or other "news" platform, see what happens when the interviewee tells an out and out lie. An obvious falsehood. A deception. A fabrication. A major misstatement of fact. And watch what the interviewer does. If they let the lie slide by without challenge, they are complicit in the lie. This is the state of play in America now. The journalists don't have the balls to shut down the lies.

Soon after her nomination to Director of Intelligence, Tulsi was being interviewed on CNN. Tulsi came prepared with a can of lies and spouted them out in series. And the interviewer didn't flinch. Just let the BS fly by. And this untrustworthy, deceptive person is being considered for a job that requires the utmost in integrity! How do you trust the gathered "facts" from a liar like this? How good will her "intelligence" be if it's riddled with shit she just makes up? Or is instructed to make up.

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Lindsey Graham is a pathetic example of the sleazy, two faced, hypocritical political rot going on in our nations Capitol!

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At this point we can expect all republican resistance to trump to melt away. What we need to pay attention to is democrats like Ro Khanna (C-DOGE) who are going to collaborate with this administration.

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Taking over where Mansion and Cinema left off.

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Well, he's not the only one; but he's at the top of my list.

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This is beginning to reek of the Joseph McCarthy era.

At the time, lives were ruined by McCarthy's "investigations," but Sen. McCarthy saw his own life ruined. He died in total disgrace at age 48, allegedly of alcoholism and hepatitis (the latter is the only thing shown on his death certificate). He had been outed early on as a homosexual and made a sham marriage to save face. Oddly, Bobby Kennedy (senior) became counsel to McCarthy's committee on Un-American Activities (targeting "communists, the enemy within"). Kennedy soon resigned after disputes with Roy Cohn, the other attorney working for the committee. The latter man was a major influence over a young Donald Trump, and also died -- it should be noted -- of HIV. Cohn had also been outed as a homosexual early on.

The Kennedy family were huge donors to McCarthy's campaigns. And now look whose being considered for DJT's administration. No other Kennedy would abide this piece of their past.

History is not a collection of facts, it is the threads that continue forward to make new history.

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I should add to all of this, it seems there is a crippling Republican fear of being of being outed. My supposition is that much of their rhetoric runs in the face of their sexualities, and Lindsay Graham no exception. Given all the anti-gay and anti-trans words going down, I can see why they don't want to step forward and risk being ostracized from the Great Money Making Scheme going down.

It is a sad state of affairs.

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There were awful letters between the Kennedy father and one of the sons (one has to look that up in order not to unfairly smear the wrong son) who admired Hitler early on, and discussed ridding society of undesirables. The way they treated their own daughter/sister was disgusting. There was great good and bad done by/in that family, The whole Camelot image was a fable that served a purpose, but has led to some people being willing to vote in an JFK Jr. based on the name cachet alone.

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From Wikipedia bio: "Kennedy had expressed approval of Adolf Hitler before World War II began. When his father sent him to visit Nazi Germany in 1934, Joseph Jr. wrote back and praised the Nazi sterilization policy as "a great thing" that "will do away with many of the disgusting specimens of men."[6] Kennedy Jr. explained, "Hitler is building a spirit in his men that could be envied in any country." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_P._Kennedy_Jr.

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Thanks Jay! Lying Graham can pander all he wants. Trump maga-ots will end up going after him too. The maga-ots will ALWAYS bite the hand that feeds them.

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Yup. Getting 'tossed Under the Bus' is standard 'reward' for the helper/accomplice in MAGA- World.

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That's why they scramble so hard to demonstrate usefulness and fealty - it's an effort to stay on top of the heap. It's like that in a pack of junk yard dogs.

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“Above reproach!”

“Or below.”

“One of the two.”

—Hogan’s Heroes

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Man, that show still manages to resonate unexpectedly hard. I think a lot of us will be watching it for inspiration over the next four years.

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I watched it and thought it was funny, so mea culpa and my intention is not to be a wet blanket but to share another view: My world war two father actually hated that show. He was always a very mellow guy, not just some old crab, and of course since it was funny we kids would watch it, but he'd say "It wasn't funny. It wasn't anything like that and it wasn't at all funny. They say it's just comedy but it isn't a subject for comedy. They just make people think it was all in good fun." I suspect he felt about it as we would if twenty years from now someone made a comedy based on the hilarity of the Israeli hostages being moved around in the tunnels of Gaza.

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Compared to M.A.S.H. Hogan's Heroes seems more like lowbrow slapstick.

M.A.S.H. had writers that made you think, via the skill of those who acted

their roles. Imagine, a television program that entertained you but made you

think in spite of the fun your were having in the process.

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True. The original script for M.A.S.H. though was pretty awful. They cleaned it up a Lot for the show. I naively checked out a books on tape for a trip, knowing we would have a couple of fans in the car, and we were all shocked and had to change it out for another tape just to preserve our better memories of it from the show, where the actors included humans who actually had positive beliefs and instincts. I wonder now if some of the clean up might even have come from the actors' sensibilities.

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All in the family, and it's spin-off Maude.

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It is a war on law abiding, opinionated Americans. Lindsay is a sniveling coward, and liar.

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Patel is a dangerous lunatic- wait till he starts in on media personalities, and their ring-kissing employers leave them swinging in the wind.

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Like ABC and George Stephanopoulos?

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People who are going to interview these right wing mouths need to have a number of quotes cued up from the interviewee and whoever they are most likely to discuss.

Basically, the media needs to have a library of quotes so the host can have a tablet in their hand with voice/ word recognition software such that a menu of quotes by any name spoken is available on one of two pages: First page for the interviewee and alt tab to the name currently under discussion, with a maximum of four key words for each quote so that the host can easily pull up relevant quotes and with a tap throw them up on the viewers' screen. Lindey says Patel is the corrective answer to a weaponized FBI that according to Graham previously went after political enemies? Scan the Patel quotes and toss a few up on the screen threatening to go after political enemies.

We do have the technology to address these lies in real time. It would take some human work in programming and preparation building and maintaining such a sample library, and hosts would have to become familiar with the tool to use it with facility, but it would not be that difficult and would pay off over time as it would prop up under prepared hosts doing difficult interviews, or fearful of saying something they could be sued by in this coming repressive litigious political environment. They would know the quotes had been well sourced.

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Yes, yes, yes! Keeping score and taking names!

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Well, Jay, I commend your writeup of the MTP/ Graham interview, but honestly, Graham is inured if not fully armored against contradictory comments he's made before joining the tRump train as another track-maintenance flunky to keep it smoothly running on the rails. He just doesn't care, and I'm sure he wonders why the rest of us still DO, at this very late date.

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Lindsey Graham went to the dark side long ago. He is irredeemable.

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I'm guessing one of his young boy toys, overdosed at his house. As the kompromat they have on him.

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I'm sorry to come off as harsh, but it will be a lasting stain on Biden's presidency that Bannon remains free to run his awful podcast, which is named the way it is because he has bloviated repeatedly about how he wants to blow up this country. War Room, indeed.

There is no way in hell that the DOJ doesn't have enough on the filthy arachnid to convict him of various crimes several times over. Why has Merrick Garland sat on this (and other cases)? Robert Mueller alone collected tons of evidence that resulted in no action. I don't need to have additional evidence in front of me to know that Bannon has committed plenty of other prosecutable crimes that haven't been reported on.

I bring this up because I am seeing so many people in the news being quoted from the Bannon podcast. It is one of the few things in this world that makes me genuinely angry.

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If Biden actually did anything about that ridiculous podcast it would a. be a massive media shitstorm as Faux and the GOP scream FREE SPEECH and b. give Bannon even more undeserved clout. The absolute best thing Biden could do about Bannon is to be asked about him and say "Who?"

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He can do something about the podcast by making sure Bannon is behind bars where he belongs.

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