There can be no reasonable doubt that all of these extremely unusual data losses were deliberate acts. The entire chain of command responsible for these actions should be held responsible and charged at very least with conspiracy to obstruct Congress and justice, and, possibly, with sabotage. At very least they should lose their jobs and pensions.

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PLUS They should lose their jobs in their pensions. Not at the very least.

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How pathetic that they are getting away with this what happened to this country Nixon was forced to resign for his criminality although he should have been prosecuted IMHO. The fact that trump was president does not make him a o the law… or does it? Seems it does. I am so tired of all this he needs to be prosecuted for his part in January 6th!

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How pathetic WE ARE for letting them get away with this. We have lost control of our country

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Hmmm, am I the only one who sees a similarity to a few missing minutes of tape from a former administration

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I don't believe a word of it. The whole thing is bull. The most important days that have passed in our history related to homeland security since 9/11. No way it wasn't intentional and criminal. What are they hiding?

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Lost texts eh? What happens when you lose your ticket when on a toll road or exiting from a parking garage

Answer: you pay the highest fee.

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They MUST Pay the highest fee or we will have to find another country to live in.

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Destruction of evidence is a MUCH less serious crime than seditious conspiracy. They're willing to take their chances,obviously.

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I have no doubt that they were trying to cover something up. It's just all to coincidental. I can't be the only one who thinks this way, I'm sure there are hundreds of people. And what about the phrase that we so often hear that nothing can be completely erased. Give these phones to some young tech sleuths and they'll find something.

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That is so true. It’s baloney that they tell us that they cannot be retrieved. Of course it’s not coincidental. They are guilty guilty guilty

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Seems like it’s beyond time to reorganize both the DHS and the Secret Service, and make both organizations arms length from government interference. If one President can corrupt both of these systems so easily, so could any new ones, and both are far more important that ANY politician!

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Well said

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Sure seems intentional.

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Definitely cover up, definitely (to be read with the voice of Dustin Hoffman in Rainman)

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Wow! I thought the show "Scandal" seemed laughably far fetched. Not so much anymore. We seem to be living in Shondaland!

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No one was ever charged with tampering with the Nixon tapes and Trump destroying evidence by taking it home and even eating it, so why should we expect anything will happen to the Secret Service?

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