MSNBC announced breaking news with a crawl that said, “Trump worried about Pecker leaking.”😂

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Oh no. Say it ain’t so. 🤪 the Olympian gods keep supplying us with such humor to assuage this daily pushing the boulder up the hill that is trying to find justice for the clown of clowns.

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Even better, Michael Popok on Meidas Touch said, “Pecker was worried Trump was going to stiff him.”😂

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Stop it. I’m laughing too much. It hurts. 👅

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🎶It hurts so good!🎶

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Kinda writes itself, doesn't it? Usually, I try to be above such easy and childish mockery.

Not this time.

For some reason, this time, I'm quite enjoying it.

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It’s fun to indulge on occasion!😂

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It is healthy to indulge one’s inner child.

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OMG. So much material here to keep the comedians very busy.

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Remember when we thought the late night writers would have to get back to work after Trump left office?😂

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Barbara’s barbs. Are you a comedy writer? 😎

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Gadzooks Batman! You uncovered my secret identity!

Actually just irreverent humor and an inability to suffer fools gladly!😂

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Trump isn't aware of it, but he's the greatest comedy writer of all time.

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Thanks for the background. I hadn’t heard of the direct threats anywhere else. I agree these need to be publicized, along with the overall timeline since the media bozos keep trivializing this as a simple “hush money” trial.

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“Hush money” gets viewers and ratings!

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I missed that one. Probably just as well. My poor dog can’t handle too much of my gales of laughter.

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Such an attentive dog owner!😂

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You betcha! My little PNut and I make a great team.

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Damn! 2 MORE marks!

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Stick with me kid, I’ll show you the ropes!

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Wait until late-show hosts Colbert & Kimmel get a hold of that title from MSNBC, they are going to have a field night with it.

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I hope their minions saw it!

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Scroll down here on Jeff Tiedrich's post today, to the last image and you will see the headline. https://www.jefftiedrich.com/p/everybody-hates-marjorie-spork-toes

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Love him!!!😂

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Thanks for the confirmation!

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Gee, and here I thought leaking was one of tfg’s problems…

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Many of my Jewish friends are preparing for Passover. Hopefully there will be no lambs blood on the door of the first born Trump. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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OMG..... this does rather write itself, doesn't it?

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So Barbara, I guess he is not a Diaper Dandy.

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He’s become Sir Fartsalot!

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Please forgive this but trump needs a Morning WoodWard.

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Thanks! I’ll never get that picture out of my head now!😂

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Jeff TIEDRICH in his Substack today had a picture of this very thing with the chyron with that on it. Talk about a trolling, that was wicked.

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That’s where I got it; he blamed MSNBC for trolling Trump!😂

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Unfortunately that crawl is a fake according to Snopes... but its still hilarious!

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Please don’t harsh our mellow!😂

Got this straight from Jeff Tiedrich in ‘Everyone is Entitled to My Opinion.’ Take it up with him.

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2 marks! Keep 'em yourself, or split 'em with MSNBC's chyron editor, whichever you prefer.

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He nodded off again this morning. In the vein of the guy who harassed Stormy:

It would be a shame if the trial ended because he fell asleep and they couldn't wake him up.

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He’s definitely not woke!😂

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Damn. I can't keep up with you. Barb's Barbs just keep a rolling along like the mighty Mississippi.

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Paul Roberson. First on Broadway and in the 1938 movie version. I agree!

I discovered that he went to Rutgers where he played football, Columbia where he got a law degree, and the University of London. He also played NFL football for two years.

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The man's name was 'Paul Robeson.' A book from the early 1980's titled

'Paul Robeson: The Great Forerunner' will give you a deep education on his remarkable life. He altered the original lyrics to 'Old Man River' for his own performances, turning it into a triumphant song of dignity and strength.

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I put in the ‘r’ by mistake. Thanks.

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It was my good fortune to learn about Paul Robeson when I was living in Cambridge,

and eventually met his son and granddaughter when they were hosting a presentation

of a film about his life. He had more energy and drive than most people can imagine,

and was familiar with many languages, having taught himself to read and write Chinese!

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If I remember correctly, he moved to London because of rampant racism in this country. Racism, Left from justification for slavery, our original sin that we have never made right.

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Yes, but he returned in 1939 and was active in supporting the war effort. After the war the FBI took his passport away because of his activism against racism. He was investigated by the McCarthy Commission and placed on the blacklist.

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You’re the historian and my memory is spotty on some things.

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🎶Tow that barge and lift that bale🎶

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That was IMO the best song in Showboat. Trying to remember the singers’s name. I think it was Roberson. Very powerful.

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Our dreams answered — finally!

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You talking about The Big Sleep?

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Perhaps we should start sending some stuffies to the courthouse as Trump's nap companions, and name them all Karma

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Karma Kumanatchya (gotta be Russian)

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Along with some adult diapers and room deodorizer.

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Thank you for your insights.

The threats of actual violence and even potential mob ties have been avoided by the news, even in the wake of Trump's use of stochastic terrorism and January 6th incitement. It would be nothing less that "about time" if a NYC DA could get their hands on testimony about such activities.

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I'm sure Stormy would be happy to testify to that effect, but it would have to get past the judge. As Kuo points out, "It may be too prejudicial to the defendant relative to its probative value, and there’s no evidence that Trump or Cohen actually hired such a person or instructed him to threaten Daniels."

Of course, if Cohen (and it would have been his job) did the hiring and testified to that fact, I would be very pleased...and millions across the world would, as well.

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Don’t know why

There’s no Trump

Flying high

In the sky

Stormy weather

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They can add another investigation to the Long list of crimes he's committed...

I remember Daniel's statement about the threat years ago. It went nowhere.

Another woman not listened to when she tried to warn everyone of danger.

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The list of people Trump supporters have to believe are lying is in the thousands at this point. All for the glory of a broke, senile game show host.

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A crime novelist couldn’t have come up with a better last name for the catch and kill guy. Perhaps that’s what drove him into the sleaze business to begin with?

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A crime novelist could never get a name like that past an editor, because it is too ridiculous. Just like a lot of Trumpian crap. He's well beyond the lunacy of the wildest satire, yet here we are. Somehow.

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As an editor I expect you’re right. But then again I find some awful stuff making it into print. Depends upon the market.

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A better name would be Dick Pecker.

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Or Peter Pecker picked a Pec of pirated publications

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I think Peter Pecker would have been better (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) but David works just fine, especially if you think of David and Goliath, since tRump is just a giant derriere.

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I wi served the same thing-living up to his last name, perchance???

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I’m sure the jokes are out there but I have not seen them. Considering the subject matter, that this guy’s name is PECKER is such a slow softball—ok, really a hardball—that I’m surprised I haven’t seen a lot of jokes being unzipped.

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Remember, no one knew he'd be the first witness until last night. I'm sure we'll all catch up soon enough, and REALLY whip out those Pecker jokes.

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So Pope Buck really means you are bucking the Pope?

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Okay. You’ve got me laughing out loud all by myself.

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Almost too obvious, especially given that we don't need further reminders of the Orange Puffaroon's juvenility.

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Au contraire. It seems the most wounding PECcadillos to this mouse that roars are the obvious humor. So many obvious jokes that the Trumpian—look it up—response appears to be gas warfare.

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I suspect you'll see more than a few on late night TV tonight

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I’m sure the jokes will pop up and then keep coming. ;)

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Great piece, Jay! I have suspected for years that he is nothing so much as a gold-plated NY mob boss.

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Trump will be infuriated! That’s so good! The rat gets caught in the trap!🤨

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I love Just Security and their timeline is quite the explanation of how all this crimming occurred and played out. Well worth a read.

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Never voted for this snake - he sure makes a fool of himself. I'm so pleased to finally see JUSTICE! Go prosecution team!

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Brilliant explanation. Thank you!

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Why does the media persist in calling it a hush money trial? Are they afraid of linking hush money to illegal campaign contributions would alienate tfg’s guys? Is it too complex for them to explain?

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I was writing my rant before I read yours. My apologies. At least someone is calling it correctly!

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‘Hush money’ gets viewers and ratings!

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Sadly, it also results in some people dismissing the whole thing as no big deal bcz they don't go deep enough to learn that it's not simply the payoff but the alleged illegal means used to pay both women off.

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I don't think I've seen anything over the years addressing drumpf's contacts with mob families during his adventures in Atlantic City. Hard to believe they didn't take place.

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And the most horrible circumstance of all this is DT is running for Prez, the GOP supports him, millions of people support him! We have dire situations/war going on in the world and in our country and we are forced to listen to this distraction from whats going on in our country/our world. We have huge issues to face, ending wars, protecting our students, protecting our loved ones, eliminate fear of leaving our homes and not feeling safe! This is the day I look forward to!

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It's incredible that the most spoiled people, living the most comfortable, safe life ever in the history of the human race, think they have it so, so bad.

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The "No Fingerprints" has me slightly worried. He is a mob boss and as such nothing comes or goes directly to him!! My other worry is that the defense will try and minimize the affairs. What billionaires do not have affairs???

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Remember, it’s not the affair that’s the problem. It’s using campaign funds to cover it up that’s illegal. Not the affair itself, not buying the story, not quashing the story, but using campaign funds. The use of those funds is strictly controlled, and paying to silence a story is NOT one of the permitted uses.

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Exactly! By only referring to it as the "Hush-money" case, it downplays the seriousness of the actual crimes tTrump has been committing. Just recently, I saw a Facebook post in which, obviously a Trump-supporter, asked this question: "How can there be so many charges against an extortion victim?" "VICTIM" & "EXTORTION" when Daniels never extorted tRump, but he and his henchmen bullied and threatened her and others.

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That's why I said "Fingerprints" They have to prove that djt ordered..... I am very hopeful they will!

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Cohen has a recorded call with the D where they talk about the payments...

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Plus David Pecker's testimony on discussion with the defendant to pay off both women.

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Agreed. Hoping for text or email proof, or sworn statements from people who were “in the room where it happened”!

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They will try (and hopefully fail) at discrediting them....djt's "fixer" is a jail bird and the editor is a disgraced publisher.

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Apr 22Edited

It wouldn't surprise me if the defense utilizes as much misdirection as possible and tries to make the trial about the affair rather than the cover up and claim he's being persecuted for cheating on his wife, which isn't illegal. They don't have any other defense other than to claim everyone's lying.

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They’ve certainly had enough help from the media so far. “Hush money trial” is pretty much the only name by which this ew York trial is known. That’s like calling the moon landing a climb up Mt. Ranier.

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Actually, more like calling the moon landing “Building the Gantrys at Cape Canaveral”

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