John Roberts may suffer an “ told ya so” moment (for a few news cycles anyway) but its US, THE VOTERS who have to live with the consequences of his BAD decision!!

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I think Roberts was deliberate in 2013 and is now engaged in a sad attempt to retain the court's legitimacy. Besides, his is a throwaway vote and opinion. The Federalist Society coup continues.

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Wow how disgraceful this is supposed to be a no biased and impartial panel guess we now know better, such an incredibly HORRIBLE decision!

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Whatever happened to the so-called "originalist" and "strict-constructionist" sacred deference to precedents? Just as with everything else these politically charged days, there's nothing sacred, and they defer to precedents only when it suits them. In this case, this is consistent only in its immorality and veiled support of racism. Hypocrisy rules even at the highest levels of so-called Justice.

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why are these people in the Court for a life time give them a term and then get them out

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It's difficult to escape the conclusion that the Roberts' Court will replace the Taney Court as most the ignominious of that number.

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