Everything you wrote, Jay, was and is most certainly true. The one area in which I would dearly love to see The Former Guy be treated like Secretary Clinton is that The Former Guy be called before Congress, placed under oath, and made to testify for eleven hours. I'd be willing to bet that, within the first hour, he would have perjured himself and/or incriminated himself to such a degree that he'd face jail time for those charges alone. Thanks for all of your posts.

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How blind must these Trumpers be to think that there is ANY resemblance between the two cases. But then, they have been trained like Pavlov’s dogs to become iridescent with anger at the very mention of Hillary’s name!

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In my mind, Comey cost Hillary the election with his “reckless” comments. She was ahead in polls until he chose to smear her. So much for not trying to sway election while in process.

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I absolutely agree with him. LOCK HIM UP!!!!

Then, once he's paid for his actual crimes, subject him to 6 years of investigation for things that are made up, like he did to Hillary.

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I demand he be treated like her as well 1000%

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Thank you for clearly laying out the significant differences and the vast holes in the right-wing arguments. Once again, the Wall Street Journal has showed themselves to be little more than a sad propaganda rag for the GQP.

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For a second there Jay, I thought I clicked on my daily "Andy Borowitz Report". Andy Today: "Student Loan Forgiveness Inspires Giuliani to go to Law School". :)

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Master propagandists. And shameless about it.

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Well Trump does need to be treated like Hillary.. Investigated at the Colonoscopy level for 40 years.

(Only in her case they have found nothing wrong... In his they have fund much wrong already).

Her "Private E-mail Server" was in fact a Government server set up for her by Secret Service...

Rump... Twited his twits. on Twitter.

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I keep an eye on the WSJ to see what the other camp is thinking. But I agree with the description of Wall Street Journal’s editorial board as “sad shape-shifters”.

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