The problem is that the Florida Democratic Party is in woeful disarray. Charlie Crist and Nikki Fried both continue to compete for the Democratic nomination, and every day there is not a single candidate to unite sane Floridians against DeSantis is a day that strengthens his chances at reelection, as well as those of Marco Rubio, who faces a strong challenger in Val Demings.

The key to victory in Florida is registering and turning out 18-40 year olds--especially 18-30 year olds. But I see no well-organized (ala Stacey Abrams) effort in the state.

Note that DeSantis only won by 33,000 votes, 0.4% of the total cast, in 2018. He should be very vulnerable, if the Florida Democrats can get their act together.

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I couldn’t agree with you more. Nikki Fried needs to step aside and throw her weight behind Charlie, who like it or not, has the best chance against Ron. If the Dems get their act together and don’t allow the vote to be split, the Dems could take Florida back.

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I’ve always been extremely good at recognizing patterns. And the pattern I see happening in the USA is looking very similar to so many other countries who fell to Authoritarian Dictators.

These types of people, make all sorts of nefarious decisions and changes, in many cases to see how the populace reacts. And again as in so many places, in history, ancient and modern, the populace doesn’t pay any attention because they’re lives are taken up with just day to day survival. Then one day they wake up and find themselves under a man, and it’s always a man, who now thanks to his own machinations, has the power of life and death over them.

In the not too distant future, if the patterns I see continue, all of you will wake up one day to find that you live in a dystopian world, where all pregnant women are taken to “special” facilities to give birth, where science goes out the window completely and women will be treated as criminals if the miscarry or produce a female child. Where the only people who have any rights at all are those who work for the Great Leader, and being shot, on any given day is a 50/50 chance.

There is just not enough people in the USA who care enough, or have enough ability to think critically to see what’s unfolding right in front of all of you. The majority will always follow the lead, and if the lead says, “Joe Biden” isn’t doing a good enough job, vote Republican!”, then they will, because they don’t have the skills to separate out the lies from the truth. leaving authoritarian wannabes like De Santos, in the White House.

And although THAT will wake up the populace, it will be far too late to change anything, because once these types of people are in power, it’s almost impossible to remove them!

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Sad but true. I am very vocal about what is happening in this country but I don't see enough push on the Democrat side in general and fear exactly what you are saying. Maybe less extreme than some of your examples but non the less it will be bad. And while I fear trump still has a chance at a comeback, I fear Desantis even more. He's trump in a smarter, more vile and arrogant (if it's at all possible) package.

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There are a multitude of other red flags that DeSantis has spent his time in office that mirror abject fascism ...like banning books, banning masks in our schools at the height of a pandemic and afterwards, dictating to the Cruise lines how to run their businesses, boasting about money he's distributing that actually comes from the Biden Infrastructure funds, propping up little kids that are told to smile and clap when he signs his unconstitutional bills and then spouts about indoctrination in our schools, signing his bills that crush voting rights, redistricting voting maps that massively impact minority districts., shift sections of previous voting districts that vote Democratic into sections of another county that usually votes Republican. And let's not forget he didn't cut out the $400 Million he wants to implement his "brown shirt militia" to supposedly protect our elections. That doesn't hold water because the State of Florida has been totally under Republican control for the past 20 plus years. The fact that he does all these things blatantly disregarding the will of Floridians with a smirk on his face with his "Let's Go Brandon" constant insults should concern, not only Floridians, but every American.

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I don't think he's "blatantly disregarding the will of Floridians." He won statewide office, will likely again by a far bigger margin, and none of what he does seems to affect his approval ratings - Floridians want what he's offering, sad to say. Its a reminder that the GOP governs like they won by a huge margin, and rarely pays the cost for that on election day. DeSantis is just like Trump - only extremely smart, patient and far better communicator. He's more dangerous than Trump. If I had to bet, he's POTUS come 2024, especially since Trump won't be running.

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By my reckoning, his actions open up the doors to taxing churches for political “speech.”

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De$antis is dangerous not only for Florida but for America. He wants the power .

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This is a winning strategy for DeSantis. He's likely more popular now than when he was (barely) elected, given his continuously strong approval ratings. Florida voted for this and a majority of GOP voters at least approves of his actions (bullies love a bully, right?). He's a champion troll and his base - and likely a majority of Florida voters, overall - applaud every move he makes.

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