You've become required reading in our house, together with Heather Cox Richardson. Thank you for helping keep us sane.

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In our house as well!

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Dare we hope! Still won’t hold my breathe nothing he does seems to matter

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Yes Jay, "discuss this more practically" after some diligent Kuo deductive reasoning. Once again, thank you very much for your analysis.

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Thank you for sharing your beautiful mind and brilliant legal analysis with us. I live in the Bronx, and I can't tell you how happy I am knowing that you live so close by. Whenever I am in Harlem, I wonder with excitement if perhaps I run into to you and Hudson. Don't worry, I won't throw my granny-panties at you, but I might hyperventilate a little, and I will say "hello" and "THANK YOU"!

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Makes you wonder why anyone is in jail. Dark money yields too much power.

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::sigh: There is no joy in Mudville today.

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